SUBGENUS Pleurothallis SECTION Pleurothallis SUBSECTION Acroniae SERIES Acroniae Luer 1988

Characterized by the caespitose habit with well developed ramicauls that are usually longer than the leaf and carrying a terminal, racemose [this is the basis for the 2 series], long-pedicellate inflorescence. The flowers differ in the completely connate lateral sepals that form a synsepal that is similar to the dorsal sepal. The petals are prominent, membraneous and mostly broad, frequently descending and sigmoid in outline, and are often ciliate, denticulate, fringed or pubescent. The lip is [one exception P nox-media] triangular to trilobed and the apex is acute or apiculate if obtuse and the lobes are more or less incurved or erect and are not prolonged into lateral lobes. The variously developed glenion is mostly present but an intricater callus is only occasionally present on the disc. The base of the lip is variously deflexed below the lateral angles and hinged to the thickened base of an obsolescent column foot. The semiterete, usually short column carries an apical anther and a stigma which is transverse or bilobed and the ovoid pollina have a minute, granular viscidium. This subsection and amphygiae are not distinctly separated in various borderline species and for this reason they later were separated by Luer into the genus Acronia with three sections, Acronia, Amphygia and Macrophyllae-fasciculatae. TYPE species for the SERIES

!Pleurothallis stricta Luer 1979

  1. Pleurothallis alvaroi Luer & R. Escobar 1981 Colombia

  2. Pleurothallis dentipetala Rolfe ex Ames 1923 Costa Rica

  3. Pleurothallis deuterowerneri [Luer] in ed. Ecuador

  4. Pleurothallis dukei Luer 1997 Panama

  5. Pleurothallis gomezii Luer & R.Escobar 1996 Colombia

  6. Pleurothallis hammelii Luer 1997 Panama

  7. Pleurothallis hirtziana J.M.H.Shaw 2016 Ecuador

  8. Pleurothallis imitor Luer 1996 Costa Rica

  9. Pleurothallis languida Luer & R.Escobar 1998 Colombia

  10. Pleurothallis longipedicellata Ames & C.Schweinf. 1925 Costa Rica, Panama and Ecuador?

  11. Pleurothallis lopezii Luer & R.Escobar 1998 Colombia

  12. Pleurothallis luctuosa Rchb. f. 1877 Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama

  13. Pleurothallis nox-media Luer & R.Escobar 1998 Colombia

  14. Pleurothallis pallida Luer 1977 Panama

  15. Pleurothallis phalangifera (C. Presl) Schltr. 1921 Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Peru

  16. Pleurothallis polysticta Luer 1979 Panama & Colombia

  17. Pleurothallis rowleei Ames 1922 Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia and Ecuador

  18. Pleurothallis sanluisii Foldats 1968Venezuela

  19. Pleurothallis sextonii Luer 2002 Colombia

  20. !Pleurothallis stricta Luer 1979 Colombia and Ecuador

  21. Pleurothallis supervacanea Rchb. f. 1860 Colombia

  22. Pleurothallis tenuisepala Mark Wilson 2019 Colombia

  23. Pleurothallis tryssa Luer 1975 Colombia and Ecuador

  24. Pleurothallis vieirae Luer & R.Escobar 1981 Colombia

  25. Pleurothallis volcanica Luer 1977 Costa Rica and Panama
