SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883

TYPE: = Bulbophyllum clandestinum Lindl.

Synonyms sect. Sphaeracron Schlechter 1913

Characterized by pendent rhizomes on rocks or trees with very small pseduobulbs aften adpressed to the rhizome and carrying a single, fleshy leaf that blooms with single to 2 flowered inflroescecnce that arise all along the stem, are sessile and have a white to yellow flower. The sepals are elongate and the petals and labellum are small.

  1. Bulbophyllum aberrans Schltr. 1911 New Guinea

  2. Bulbophyllum citrinilabre J.J.Sm. 1913 Solomon Islands and New Guinea

  3. Bulbophyllum clandestinum Lindl. 1841 Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Burma, Malaysia, Sulawesi, the Molouccas, Sumatra, Borneo, New Guinea, Java, the Philippines and Fiji

  4. Bulbophyllum colubrimodum Ames 1923 Philippines

  5. Bulbophyllum depressum King & Pantl. 1897 India, China, Thailand, Malaysia, Borneo, Sumatra and Java

  6. Bulbophyllum dischidiifolium J.J.Sm. 1909 Borneo, Sulawesi and New Guinea

  7. Bulbophyllum flavum Schltr. 1913 New Guinea

  8. Bulbophyllum gadgarrense Rupp 1950 Australia

  9. Bulbophyllum glandulosum Ames 1923 Philippines

  10. Bulbophyllum grandimesense B.Gray & D.L.Jones 1989 Queensland Australia

  11. Bulbophyllum kauloense Schltr. 1913 New Guinea

  12. Bulbophyllum lamingtonense D.L.Jones 1993 Australia

  13. Bulbophyllum lewisense B. Gray & D.L. Jones 1989 Australia

  14. Bulbophyllum muscohaerens J.J.Verm. & A.L.Lamb 1994 Sarawak and Sabah Borneo

  15. Bulbophyllum piliferum J.J.Sm. 1908 Papua New Guinea

  16. Bulbophyllum pungens Schltr. 1913 New Guinea

  17. Bulbophyllum rhopalophorum Schltr. 1913 New Guinea

  18. Bulbophyllum schillerianum Rchb. f.1860 Australia

  19. Bulbophyllum semiteres Schltr. 1913 New Guinea

  20. Bulbophyllum sphaeracron Schltr. 1913 New Guinea

  21. Bulbophyllum subtrilobatum Schltr. 1913 New Guinea Bulbophyllum tenue Schltr. 1913 New Guinea

  22. Bulbophyllum theioglossum Schltr. 1913 New Guinea

  23. !Bulbophyllum tortuosum Lindl. [Bl.] 1830 eastern Himalayas, Bhutan, Myanamar, Thailand, Malaysia, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, Borneo, Java and Sumatra

  24. Bulbophyllum trichaete Schltr. 1913 New Guinea

  25. Bulbophyllum wadsworthii Dockrill 1964 Australia

  26. Bulbophyllum windsorense B.Gray & D.L.Jones 1989 Australia

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
