SUBGENUS Specklinia SECTION Hymenodanthae SUBSECTION Longicaulae [Barb. Rodr.] Luer 1986

Characterized by the usually simultaneously flowering, loose, racemose inflorescence usually longer than the leaf. The lateral sepals may be connate or free and the petals and lip are simple, The column is often bicallous.


!Pleurothallis grobyi Bateman ex Lindl. 1835

  1. Pleurothallis acutidentata Cogn. 1906 publ. 1907 Brazil

  2. Pleurothallis acutiflora (Ruiz & Pav.) Mansf. ex C.Schweinf. 1959 Peru

  3. Pleurothallis alta Luer 1996 Ecuador

  4. Pleurothallis analoga [Luer & Toscano] in ed. Brazil

  5. Pleurothallis barbosana De Wild. 1906 Brazil

  6. Pleurothallis calyptrostele Schltr.1923 Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia and Ecuador

  7. Pleurothallis costaricensis Rolfe 1917 Costa Rica and Panama

  8. Pleurothallis curtisii Dod 1984 Haiti and The Domincan Republic

  9. Pleurothallis digitale Luer 1976 Mexico

  10. Pleurothallis dodii Garay 1969 Dominican Republic

  11. Pleurothallis deuterodecurva [Luer & Toscano] in ed Brazil

  12. Pleurothallis deuterofreyi [Luer & Toscano] in ed. Brazil

  13. Pleurothallis deuteroklingelfusii [Luer & Toscano] in ed Brazil

  14. Pleurothallis deuterorinkei [Luer] in ed. Ecuador

  15. Pleurothallis deuteroseidelii [Luer, Toscano & Baptista] in ed Brazil

  16. Pleurothallis erecta [Luer & Toscano] in ed. Brazil

  17. Pleurothallis feuilletii Luer 2004 French Guiana

  18. Pleurothallis flosculifera Luer 1999 Dominican Republic

  19. Pleurothallis formondii Dod 1984 Haiti

  20. Pleurothallis gracillima Lindl. 1859 Colombia and Ecuador

  21. Pleurothallis grisebachiana Cogn. 1909 Cuba

  22. !Pleurothallis grobyi Bateman ex Lindl. 1835 Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, French Guiana, Surinam and Guyana

  23. Pleurothallis icterina [Bogarin] in ed. Costa Rica

  24. Pleurothallis isabelae [Chiron & Xim.Bols.] in ed. Brazil

  25. Pleurothallis lanceola (Sw.) Spreng. 1826 Jamaica, Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica and Colombia

  26. Pleurothallis leucopyramis Rchb. f. 1876 Brazil

  27. Pleurothallis lichenicola Griseb. 1866 Cuba

  28. Pleurothallis lineolata (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. 1896 Brazil

  29. Pleurothallis lingua Lindl. 1842 Brazil

  30. Pleurothallis lugduno-batavae [Karremans, Bogarín & Gravend.] in ed. Nicaragua and Costa Rica

  31. Pleurothallis luis-diegoi Luer 2001 Costa Rica

  32. Pleurothalis macayensis [A.Doucette] in ed. Haiti

  33. Pleurothallis marinsiensis Campacci & C.R.M.Silva] in ed. Brazil

  34. Pleurothallis matinhensis Hoehne 1938

  35. Pleurothallis microphylla A. Rich. & Galeotti 1845 Mexico, El Salvador and Nicaragua and Colombia

  36. Pleurothallis minuta Ames & C.Schweinf. 1930 Costa Rica

  37. Pleurothallis mitchellii Dod 1984 Haiti

  38. Pleurothallis montipelladensis Hoehne 1929 Brazil

  39. Pleurothallis morganii Luer 1996 Ecuador

  40. Pleurothallis napintzae Luer & Hirtz 1996 Ecuador

  41. Pleurothallis novabelenensis [Campacci] in ed. Brazil

  42. Pleurothallis ordinata (Luer & Dodson) comb novo Pfahl 2013 Ecuador

  43. Pleurothallis picta Lindley 1836 Cuba, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Fr Guyana, Surinam, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia

  44. Pleurothallis pisinna Luer 1991 Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras

  45. Pleurothallis pleurothalloides (Cogn.) Handro 1958 Brazil

  46. Pleurothallis producta Luer 1976 Ecuador

  47. Pleurothallis pseudotrifida [L.Kollmann & D.R.Couto] in ed. Brazil

  48. Pleurothallis pterophora Cogn. 1896 Brazil

  49. Pleurothallis recula Luer 1996 Ecuador

  50. Pleurothallis recurviloba [Toscano & Luer] in ed. Brazil

  51. Pleurothallis schaferi Ames 1922 Cuba, Haiti and the Dominican Republic

  52. Pleurothallis stillsonii Dod 1984 Haiti

  53. Pleurothallis subnulla Luer & Toscano 2002 Brazil

  54. Pleurothallis subpicta Schltr. 1922 Brazil

  55. Pleurothallis succulenta [Bellone & Archila] in ed. French Guiana

  56. Pleurothallis tenera (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. 1896 Brazil

  57. Pleurothallis trifida Lindl. 1842 Brazil

  58. Pleurothallis truncicola Rchb.f. 1866 Brazil

  59. Pleurothallis tubelliflora [Karremans & M.Díaz] in ed. Costa Rica

  60. Pleurothallis unistriata Rolfe 1893 Brazil

  61. Pleurothallis verboonenii Luer & Toscano 2002 Brazil

  62. Pleurothallis wacketii Handro & Pabst 1971 Brazxil

  63. Pleurothallis wrightii Rchb.f. 1865

  64. Pleurothallis yucatanensis Ames & C. Schweinf. 1932Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Nicaragua,
