SUBGENUS Specklinia SECTION Muscosae Lindl. 1842

Characterized by the small caespitose to repent plants with a ramicaul that sometimes approaches the length of the leaf and blooms with two [rarely reduces to one] to more successively flowered, congested, subcongested or less common, lax, racemose inflorescence that may be shorter to longer than the leaf. The lateralspela may be free or connate and the petals are more or less acute to acuminate. The ligulate lip often ciliate also often has small marginal lobes near the middle. The disc had a pair of longitudinal calli that usually terminate in a more or less erect, bilobed projection above the base which is more or less accomodated by the concave column foot. The base of the lip is often membraneously bilobulate and the lip of several species approach that found within the genus Trichosalpinx.

TYPE species for the SECTION

! Pleurothallis pachyphyta Luer 1975

  1. Pleurothallis abbreviata Schltr. 1912 Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia

  2. Pleurothallis adenochila Loefgr. 1918 Brazil

  3. Pleurothallis adirii Brade 1946 Brazil

  4. Pleurothallis amazonica [E.Pessoa & M.Alves} in ed. Brazil

  5. Pleurothallis angulosa Luer & Hirtz 1996 Ecuador

  6. Pleurothallis aquinoi Schltr. 1925 Brazil

  7. Pleurothallis barbulata Lindl. 1859 Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Venezuela

  8. Pleurothallis bleyensis Pabst 1964 Brazil

  9. Pleurothallis brevipes H.Focke 1849Venezuela, Surinam, Ecuador and Bolivia

  10. Pleurothallis breviscapa C. Schweinf. 1935 Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Bolivia

  11. Pleurothallis burzlaffiana Luer & Sijm 2001 Peru & Bolivia

  12. Pleurothallis casualis Ames 1925 Costa Rica and Panama

  13. Pleurothallis caudatipetala C.Schweinf. 1942 Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia

  14. Pleurothallis ciliolata Schltr. 1926 Surinam, Fr Guiana, Guyana, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia and Brazil

  15. Pleurothallis clandestina Lindl. 1859 Venezuela & Ecuador

  16. Pleurothallis comayaguensis Ames 1936 Guatemala and Honduras

  17. Pleurothallis corticicola Schltr. ex Hoehne 1936 Brazil

  18. Pleurothallis cuspidata Luer 1977 Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia and Ecuador

  19. Pleurothallis dalessandroi Luer 1982 Ecuador

  20. Pleurothallis dantasii [Luer, Toscano & Baptista] in ed Brazil

  21. Pleurothallis deborana Carnevali & I.Ramírez 1990 Brazil

  22. Pleurothallis deuterojohnsonii [Luer & Toscano] in ed. Brazil Pleurothallis dueteroluteola [Toscano] in ed. Brazil

  23. Pleurothallis duplooyi Luer & Sayers 2001 Belize

  24. Pleurothallis edmeiae [ Jesus, Xim.Bols. & Chiron] in ed. Brazil

  25. Pleurothallis endresii Luer 1999 Costa Rica

  26. Pleurothallis escalerensis Carnevali & Luer 2003 Venezuela

  27. Pleurothallis fractiflexa Ames & C.Schweinf. 1930 Costa Rica and Pamana

  28. Pleurothallis francesiana Luer 2003 Peru

  29. Pleurothallis funerea (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. 1896 Fr Guiana, Guyana, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and northern Brazil

  30. Pleurothallis gehrtii Hoehne & Schltr. 1926 Brazil

  31. Pleurothallis grayumii Luer 1996 Costa Rica

  32. Pleurothallis greenwoodii [Soto Arenas] in ed.

  33. Pleurothallis guarujaensis Hoehne 1938 Brazil

  34. Pleurothallis haberi Luer 2002 Costa Rica

  35. Pleurothallis helmutii Hoehne 1946 Brazil

  36. Pleurothallis heloisae [ Jesus, M.R.Miranda & Chiron] in ed Brazil

  37. Pleurothallis herpethophyton Schltr. 1929 Ecuador and Bolivia

  38. Pleurothallis holstii Carnevali & I.Ramírez 1986 Venezuela

  39. Pleurothallis humilis C.Schweinf. 1951 Venezuela

  40. Pleurothallis imberbis Luer & Hirtz 1996 Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil

  41. Pleurothallis imbricata Barb. Rodr. 1877 Brazil

  42. Pleurothallis inversa Luer & R.Vásquez 2001 Bolivia

  43. Pleurothallis involuta L.O.Williams 1946 Mexico

  44. Pleurothallis iota Luer 1976 Ecuador and Peru

  45. Pleurothallis jamaicensis Rolfe 1909 Jamaica

  46. Pleurothallis kautskyi Pabst 1973 Brazil

  47. Pleurothallis kuhniae Luer 1976 Peru

  48. Pleurothallis laciniata Barb.Rodr.1877 Brazil

  49. Pleurothallis lasioglossa Schltr. 1921 Ecuador

  50. Pleurothallis lewisiae Ames 1931 Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama

  51. Pleurothallis lichenophila Porto & Brade 1935 Brazil

  52. Pleurothallis lobiserrata (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. 1896 Brazil

  53. Pleurothallis manausensis [Krahl , Valsko & Chiron] in ed Brazil

  54. Pleurothallis mazei Urb.1917 Guadeloupe

  55. Pleurothallis megaloophora Luer 1983 Ecuador

  56. Pleurothallis microblephara Schltr. 1918 Brazil

  57. Pleurothallis microgemma Schltr. ex Hoehne 1936 Brazil

  58. Pleurothallis microphyta (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. 1896 Brazil

  59. Pleurothallis millipeda Luer 1996 Colombia

  60. Pleurothallis minima C.Schweinf. 1935 Guyana, Venezuela and Fr Guiana

  61. Pleurothallis minutalis Lindl. 1859 Mexico and Guatemala

  62. Pleurothallis minutissima Luer 1996

  63. Pleurothallis modesta [Barb Rodr.]Cogn. 1902 Brazil

  64. Pleurothallis muricaudata Luer 1982 Panama, Colombia, Ecuador and Bolivia

  65. Pleurothallis muscoidea Lindl. 1838 rzil

  66. Pleurothallis nanifolia Foldats 1961 Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia

  67. Pleurothallis oblanceolata L.O.Williams 1946 Mexico

  68. Pleurothallis ova-trochilorum [Luer & Toscano] 2012 Brazil

  69. Pleurothallis pabstii Garay 1953 Brazil

  70. ! Pleurothallis pachyphyta Luer 1975 Ecuador Peru

  71. Pleurothallis paranaensis Schlechter 1918 SE Brazil

  72. Pleurothallis paranapiacabensis Hoehne 1938 Brazil

  73. Pleurothallis pemonum Carnevali & I.Ramírez 1990 Venezuela

  74. Pleurothallis peroupavae Hoehne & Brade 1936 Brazil

  75. Pleurothallis petropolitana Hoehne 1930 Brazil

  76. Pleurothallis pilipetala [Luer & Toscano] in ed Brazil

  77. Pleurothallis polygonoides Griseb. 1864 Panama, Trinidad & Tobago, Surinam, Fr Guiana, Guyana, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia

  78. Pleurothallis rabei Foldats 1968 Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru

  79. Pleurothallis recurvipetala (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. 1896 Brazil

  80. Pleurothallis reedii Luer 2002 Brazil

  81. Pleurothallis reptilis Luer & Dalström 1996 Ecuador

  82. Pleurothallis ricii Luer & R.Vásquez 1997 publ. 1998 Bolivia

  83. Pleurothallis rubidantha [Chiron & Xim.Bols.] comb. novo. Pfahl 2013 Brazil

  84. Pleurothallis rubrolimbata Hoehne 1946 Brazil

  85. Pleurothallis rudolfii Pabst 1956 Brazil

  86. Pleurothallis sanchezii Luer & Hirtz 2002 Ecuador

  87. Pleurothallis sansoniana [Chiron & Guiard] in ed Brazil

  88. Pleurothallis sertularioides (Sw.) Spreng. 1826 Jamaica, Cuba, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua

  89. Pleurothallis steinbuchiae Carnevali & G.A.Romero 1994 Venezuela

  90. Pleurothallis tigridens Loefgr. 1918 Brazil

  91. Pleurothallis transtalamancana [Karremans & Chinchilla] in ed. Costa Rica

  92. Pleurothallis velvetina [Luer & Toscano] in ed Brazil

  93. Pleurothallis vitorinoi Luer & Toscano 2002 Brazil

  94. Pleurothallis welteri Pabst 1964 Brazil
