Welcome to the Internet Orchid Species Photo Encyclopedia
Genera or species names that are synonyms of current names are denoted with a ~.
The basiosynonym of a species is denoted with a "*". The basiosynonym is the very first name that a species had before it was changed to the current species name. If you have a name in parenthesis preceding another name, the name in parentheses is the basiosynonym. An example: ~*Ophrys bicolor Naegeli - See Ophrys apifera var. bicolor (Naegeli) Nelson: Ophyrs bicolor is the basiosynonym and in the current name the parentheses, (Naegeli), is the author of the basiosynonym, while Nelson is the author of the current species Ophyrs apifera var. bicolor.
If a genus is complete [all of the species are represented] it is preceded by a `
! denotes the Type Species of the genus
* denotes the basionym or original name with the same species taxon
I have decided to include synonyms in the alphabetical listings because I have found it frustrating to find that some growers do not stay currrent in their plant names and as such we the consumer end up buying a plant that we feel is an exotic different species only to find that it is a plant that we have had for years under the correct name. An example, Brassavola rhopalorrhachis Rchb.f is actually the common species Brassavola nodosa [L]Lindley.
Symbol Chart:
Fragrance =
Light Meter Icons; Full Shade = Dappled shade or Partial Shade =
Bright Light or Full light =
Full Sun =
Temperature Icons;
Cold = 2500 Meters and Up, 50`F to 55`F night average - - Cool =
1800 to 2500 Meters, 58`F to 60`F night average
Warm = 1000 meters to 1800 meters, 68`F to 75`F night average - - Hot =
Sea Level to 1000 Meters, 75`F to 85`F
Season Icons;
Spring =
Summer =
Fall =
Winter =
SIZE: Miniature - under 6" tall leaf and pseudobulb Small - under 12" tall leaf and pseudobulb Medium - under 24" tall Large - under 48" tall Giant - Over 48" tall
~Bulbophyllaria Rchb.f 1852 - See Bulbophyllum Thouars 1822 SUBFAMILY Epidendroideae, TRIBE ?, SUBTRIBE Dendrobinae.
~Bulbophyllopsis Rchb.f 1852 - See Bulbophyllum Thouars 1822 SUBFAMILY Epidendroideae, TRIBE ?, SUBTRIBE Dendrobinae.
Bulbophyllum Thouars 1822 SUBFAMILY Epidendroideae, TRIBE ?, SUBTRIBE Dendrobinae.
The largest genus of orchids with over 1500 species is also the most geographically diverse. It is found in all tropical areas on earth and is quite diverse in its flower morphology as well. The flowers have the foot of the column which is hinged, attached to the labellum so the flower has a moving part which bobs, weaves, jiggles or jumps in the slightest breeze. The petals have various shapes and sizes but are always much smaller than the dorsal sepal. The column is short, often with 2 erect horns, winged or not, base produced to a long curved foot and 4 collateral, naked pollina. They have sympodial pseudobulbs with one to two leaves, closely or far spaced on the rhizome. Most bulbos like wooden slat baskets with some treefern and sphagnum as potting media.
Common Name or Meaning refers to the leaf shape being bulby
Synonyms Adelopetalum Fitzg. 1891; Anisopetalum Hkr. 1825; Blepharochilum M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones 2002; Bolbophyllaria Rchb.f 1852; Bulbophyllopsis Rchb.f 1852; Bolbophyllum Spreng. 1826; Carparomorchis M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones 2002 ; Cirrhopetalum Lindley 1830; Cochlia Bl. 1825; Codonosiphon Schltr.1913; Dactylorhynchus Schlechter 1913; Didactyle Lindley 1852; Diphyes Bl. 1825; Drymoda Lindl. 1838; Ephippium Blume 1825; Epicrianthes Bl. 1825; `Epicranthes Bl. 1828; Ferruminaria Garay, Hamer & Siegerist 1994; Fruticicola (Schltr.) M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones 2002; Hamularia Aver. & Averyanova 2006; Hapalochilus Garay & W. Kittr. 1978; Henosis Hkr.f 1890; Hippoglossum Breda 1829; Hordeanthos Szlachetko 2007; Hyalosema [Schlechter] Rolfe 1919; Ichthyostomum D.L.Jones, M.A.Clem. & Molloy 2002; Ione Lindley 1853; Kaurorchis D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. 2002; Leminscoa J D Hkr. 1872; Lepanthanthe (Schltr.) Szlach. 2007; Lyraea Lindl. 1830; `Macrolepis A. Rich. 1834; Malachadenia Lindley 1839; Mastigion Garay, Hamer & Siegerist 1994; Megaclinium Lindley 1826; Monosepalum Schltr. 1912; Odontostyles Breda 1827; Oncophyllum D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. 2001; Osyricera Bl. 1825; `Oxysepala Wight 1851; Papulipetalum (Schltr.) M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones 2002; Pedilochilus Schltr.1905; Pelma Finet 1909; Peltopus (Schltr.) Szlach. & Marg. 2002; Phyllorchis Thou. 1822; Phyllorkis Thou. 1822; Rhytionanthos Garay, Hamer, & Siegrist 1994; Saccoglossum Schlechter 1914; Sarcobodium Beer 1854; Sarcopodium Lindley & Paxton 1850; Serpenticaulis M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones 2002; Sestochilos Van Breda 1828 [1827]; Sestochilos Breda 1828; Spilorchis D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. 2005; Sunipia Lindley 1826; Synarmosepalum Garay, Hamer & Siegerist 1994; Tapeinoglossum Schlechter 1914; Taurostalix Rchb.f. 1852; Trachyrhachis (Schltr.) Szlach.2007; Trias Lindley 1830; Tribrachia Lindley 1824; Tripudianthes (Seidenf.) Szlach. & Kras 2007; Vesicisepalum (J.J.Sm.) Garay, Hamer & Siegerist 1994; Xiphizusa Rchb.f 1852; Zygoglossum Reinw. 1826 [1828]
Type species = ! = Bulbophyllum nutans (Thouars) Thouars 1822
THE SECTIONS OF Bulbophyllum - This is a very provisional division and needs to be refined, please be patient as it is very involved. This is all the sections and then some. To date I have not been able to combine all the old sections to the present count so there are a few that are not considered valid at this time. If the section has a * in front then it is a currently accepted section. Most of the descriptions of the sections are taken from either Schlechter 1912, J J Vermuellen & G A Fischer 2014 or Vermuellen, Lamb & O'Byrne 2015. The * symbol within the sectional pages indicate that Vermeullen, Fischer or Smidt verified that the species is within the section. If there is no * then the species is not newly verified within the section so please use with caution! If a sectional name has a "`" in front then it is a complete section with all the known species represented.
*`SECTION Acrochaene ( Lindl. ) J.J.Verm. , Schuit. & de Vogel 2014
Epiphyte with a creeping rhizome giving rise to longitudinally wrinkling with age pseudobulbs carrying a single, persistent leaf that blooms on a subumbellate to an elongate racemose inflorescence carrying spirally arranged, resupinate flowers that have the basal node of the pedicel above the attachment of the floral bract. The sepals are free, more or less equal and have glabrous to ciliate to fimbriate margins and are 7 veined. The 3 veined petals are ciliate to fimbriate and the surface is glabrous. The lip is mobile on a thin ligament and is auriculate. The stigma is not proximally protruding on the column and the stelida are shorter than 1/2 the length of the column. The anterior surface of the anther is not concave and the anterior margin is somewhat drawn out or not. There are 4 pollina with bifid stipes.
There are 3 species in this section occuring in semi-deciduous forests at elevations up to 1300 meters from India to Vietnam and south to Thailand.
*SECTION Adelopetalum [Fitz] J.J. Verm. 1993
Characterized by having a creeping rhizome, an inflorescence with 2 or more flowers [other than B lillianae and B lingulatum which have only one], the basal node of the pedicel is above the attachment of the floral bract, stelida are present, a stigma that does not protrude from the face of the column and 2 or 4 pollina without a stipe
There are 8 species in this section confined to Australia, New Zealand and New Caledonia occuring in lower montane forests at elevations up to 1800 meters.
*SECTION Aeschynanthoides Carr 1930
The basal node of the pedicel is more than 1 time the diameter above the attachment of the floral bract. The flowers are marked with purple separating them from section Stachysanthes which have the basal node of the pedicel level with the attachment of the floral bract and rarely have flowers marked with purple. This section also has small pseudobulbs with the rhizome being thicker than the pseudobulbs separating them from plants within the section Minutissima which have small pseudobulbs but they are thicker than the rhizomes.
There are most likely 4 species in this section found from Japan to Borneo occuring in montane forests at elevations up to 1600 meters.
*SECTION Alcistachys Schlechter 1924
Characterized by robust plants with 2 leaves, and often depressed pseudobulbs that are yellow to bright red. The peduncle is robust with large bracts and carrying large flowers that are bigger than .6" [1.5 cm] and have free sepals, a glabrous, pubescent or ciliate lip and has elongate stellida.
There are 6 species within Madagascar, the Mascarenes and the Comoros occuring in lowland to high elevations moist forests.
The flowers smell of rotting meat, feces or decaying fish.
*`SECTION Altisceptrum J.J.Sm. 1914
Characterized by a many flowered, elongate inflorescence, the shape and size of the petals which are 2/3's the size of the median sepal or longer and widest close to the base, either gradually narrowing towards the tip, or somewhat constricted halfway and with a thickened apex. The pseudobulbs are almost always marked with purple and carry a single persistent leaf.
There are 9 species currently in this section that are confined to India, Bhutan, China, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, The Philippines and Papua New Guinea occuring in keranga, limestone and montane forests at elevations up to 3000 meters.
~SECTION Anisopetalum [Hkr.] Lindl. 1846 - See SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr.f 1883
An epiphyte with a creeping rhizome giving rise to a pseudobulb carrying a single persistent leaf that blooms on an elongate, racemose, spirally arranged inflorescence. The pedicel has a basal node that is level with the attachment of the floral bract. The resupinate flowers have free sepals that are 5 veined, the lateral sepals are 1 and 1/2 times as long as the dorsal sepal. The petals have a single vein and the mobile lip is on a thin ligament and is distinctly auriculate. The column has the stigma proximally not protruding and the stelida are shorter than the length of the column. The anterior surface of the anther is not concave and the anterior margin is not drawn out. There are 4 pollina.
There is a single species currently in this section that is confined to India occuring in montane forests at elevations up to 2260 meters.
~SECTION Aphanobulbon Schltr.1912 - See SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
*`SECTION Balaenoidea Pfitz 1889
Epiphyte with a creeping rhizome giving rise to a pseudobulb carrying a single, persistent leaf that blooms on an inflorescence carrying 1 to 2, resupinate flowers that have the pedicel with the basal node above the attachment of the floral bract. The dorsal sepal is free with 9 veins and the lateral sepals are adherent along the lower margin and are 2 times as long as the dorsal sepal. The 3 veined petals are entire to erose, the lip is mobile on a thin ligament and is trilobed. The stigma is not proximally protruding on the column and the stelida are shorter than 1/2 the length of the column and are denticulate along the upper margin or not. The anterior surface of the anther is concave and the anterior margin is drawn out like a beak. There are 4 pollina.
There is a single poorly known species from India and Sri Lanka
*SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
Epiphytes with creeping rhizomes with shoots not fused to the small to distinct, compared to the size of the plant, pseudobulbs carrying a single, persistent leaf that blooms on a, 2 to many flowered, subumbellate, congested or elongate racemose or single flowered with an abortive second flower present inflorescence with the basal node of the pedicel level with the attachment of the floral bract. There are 3 to 10 bracts on the peduncle and the rachis, if present, is not to hardly thickened. The floral bracts are amplexicaul or not. The flowers are resupinate to non-resupinate and have a free dorsal sepal with 3 to 19 veins, the laterals are the same but 1 to 1.4 times longer and are usually free. The petals have 1 to 9 veins. The mobile lip has a thin ligament and is usually undivided. The column has a stigma that proximally is not protruding and there are usually not lateral lobes near the apex. The stelida are more or less 1/2 the length of the column or shorter and they are entire to erose along the upper margin with a tooth or a wing along the lower margin. The anterior surface of the anther is not concave and the anterior margin can be drawn out or not. There are 4 pollina with or without a single stipe.
There are about 65 species in peat swamp forests at elevations up to 800 meters in Bhutan, Borneo, Sulawesi and Papua New Guinea.
*`SECTION Bifalcula Schlechter 1925
Epiphytes or lithophytes with creeping rhizomes giving rise to clustered to distant, not laterally flattened, 2 leaved pseudobulbs blooming on a heteranthous, elongate, racemose, many flowered inflorescence carrying distichously arranged resupinate flowers arising on a not thickened, round in section rhachis. The sepals are free, glabrous adaxially and the petals are entire and glabrous. The lip is mobile and has aciculate auricles near the base. The column has triangular, acute stelida, without a tooth along the lower margin. The anther has a rounded protrusion that is slightly taller than than the anterior margin.
There are 4 species currently accepted within this section occuring in dwarf forests along the humid coast of northwesterrn and eastern Madagascar.
*SECTION Bifarium G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep.
Epiphytes or lithophytes with creeping rhizomes giving rise to 2 leaved pseudobulbs blooming on 6 to 30 flowered, elongate, racemose inflorescence with distichous flowers, rachis hardly thickened, sharply 4 edged, with 2 concave sides from which the flowers arise. The floral bracts are as or longer than the flowers which are non resupinate and have free sepals that are glabrous abaxially, the laterals are reflexed at the base and adpressed against the rachis. The lip is mobile, undivided, with glabrous margins that are thick and solid, the anther abaxially has a conical protrusion higher than the anterior margin and carries 4 pollina.
At present there are 3 species in this section from Africa within Cameroon, Guinea, Kenya and Liberia occuring in montane forests up to 2050 meters in elevation
*SECTION Biflorae Garay, Hamer, & Siegrist 1994
Uniquely distinguished within the genus by the 2 flowered inflorescence which have the portions of the rachis between the floral bract attachment and the pedicel node fused
5 species make up this section in montane forests at elevations up to 1200 meters within Thailand, penninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Lesser Sunda Islands, Borneo and the Philippines.
*SECTION Biseta J.J.Verm. ex N.Pearce , P.J.Cribb & Renz 2001
Epiphytes with a creeping rhizome giving rise to pseudobulbs carrying a single, persistent leaf that blooms on a 2 to many flowered, contracted or elongate, racemose inflorescence with the rachis distinctly thickened or not and carrying resupinate or not flowers with the pedicel arising from the basal node slightly above the attachment of the floral bract. The ridges of the ovary usually extend between the sepals as teeth. The free dorsal sepal has 3 veins and the laterals are the same but are 1 to 1.6 times as long and are adherent along the lower margin and have 5 veins with the midvein adaxially keeled. The petals normally have a single vein, and the mobile lip has an unhinged thin ligament and is undivided. The column has the stigma proximally usually protruding and/or with a tooth. The column foot often has lateral wings near the apex. The stelida are almost 1/2 the length of the column and the upper margin is with or without a tooth while the lower margin has a tooth. The anterior surface of the anther is concave and the anterior margin is drawn out into a beak, There are 4 pollina.
There are about 4 species in montane forests up to 1900 meters within India, penninsular Malaysia, Sumatra and Borneo
*`Bulbophyllum sect. Blepharistes J.J.Verm. , Schuit. & de Vogel 2014
An epiphyte with a creeping to straggling rhizome giving rise to pseudobulbs carrying 2 persistent leaves that blooms on a many flowered subumbellate, racemose inflorescence carrying resupinate flowers that has the basal node of the pedicel slightly above the attachment of the floral bract. The dorsal sepal is free and is 7 to 9 veined, the laterals are the same but 1.2 to 1.2 times as long and connate along the lower margins. The petals are 5 veined with the distal margin fimbriate. The lip is mobile on a thin ligament and is undivided. The column has the stigma proximally not protruding, The stelida are shorter than 1/2 the length of the column and the lower margin has an inconspicuous wing. The anterior surface of the anther is hardly concave and the anterior margin is not drawn out. There are 4 pollina.
There is a single species within this section confined to India, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, penninsular Malaysia and Vietnam in temperate forests at elevations up to 800 meters
*`SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861
Characterized by the epiphytic nature with creeping rhizomes giving rise to pseudobulbs with a single persistent leaf that blooms on a usually 2 to many flowered, subumbellate, racemose inflorescence carrying resupinate flowers with the pedicel's basal node above the floral bract attachment. The dorsal sepal is free and it is usually 3 to 5 veined, the laterals are similar but they are usually 2 to 6 times as long and are usually twisted near the base so the upper margins turn inward and are free or adherent along their upper margins. The petals are 3 to 5 veined. The mobile, undivided lip is on a thin ligament and the column has the stigma proximally not protruding and the column foot is with or without lateral lobes near the apex. The stelida are approximately 1/2 the length of the column or shorter with or without a tooth along the upper and or lower margin. The anterior suface of the anther is concave and the anterior margin is drawn out into a rounded beak or not. There are 4 pollina.
There are more or less 26 species in this section occuring in montane forests at elevations up to 2200 meters from India to Japan, the Philippines and 1 species in New Guinea.
*SECTION Brachypus Schlechter 1913
Characterized by medium sized flowers on single flowered inflorescence that seldom exceed the pseudobulbs in height. The single, persistent leafed pseudobulbs can be well developed or not. The resupinate flowers have the pedicel with the basal node above the attachment of the tubular floral bract and can have single veined petals, small, undivided and short haired and are small in comparison to the free, 3 to 9 veined sepals which can be equal. The mobile, undivided lip is small, thick and fleshy to glabrous and often shorter but seldom longer than the column which has sublate stelida and a narrow foot. The anterior surface of the anther is not concave and the anterior margin is not drawn out. There are 4 pollina.
More or less 21 species occur in montane forests at elevations up to 1100 meters in New Guinea and the western Pacific Islands.
*SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook.f. 1883
Characterized by the creeping rhizomes giving rise to minute pseudobulbs in comparison to the size of the plant, carrying a single apical, persistent leaf and blooms on a contracted or elongate, lax to dense, many flowered inflorescence carrying resupinate flowers, the pedicel has its basal node level with the floral bract attachment, a typically short column foot and the thin attachment of the free, mobile lip is often deeply imbedded in the surface formed by the base of the lateral sepals, the dense racemose inflorescence with flowers in a regular pattern or lax with flowers having the lateral sepals adpressed to the rachis and having purple coloring. The lateral sepals form a dish to bowl-shaped structure around the lip. The best defining diagnostic sign is the upper margin stellida usually with a slight to distinct wing or tooth, 4 pollina. Remember that stelida have a vein that runs into it wings do not.
There are about 43 species in this section from montane forests at elevations under 2200 meters in India, Sri Lanka to China, southwards to Java and eastwards to the western Pacific.
*SECTION Bulbophyllaria [Rchb.f] Griseb. 1864
Best characterized by the presence of 2 apical leaves and occurring only in Colombia and Venezuela within South America.
These are epiphytes with membraneous, evanescent bracts on the rhizome giving rise to 2 leaved pseudobulbs carrying coriaceous leaves that blooms on a synanthous inflorescence with a pendent peduncle carrying resupinate, spirally arranged flowers with free lateral sepals, erect petals, The anther without a protrusion taller than the anterior margin.
There are 3 species in this new world section within forests at elevations up to 400 meters in the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia and Venezuela.
~SECTION Bulbophyllum Lindley - See SECTION Lupulina G A Fischer in prep and SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindley 1862
*SECTION Bulbophyllum G A Fischer & J J Vermeullen in prep
Characterized by being epiphytes or lithophytes with a creeping rhizome giving rise usually to well spaced or densely clustered, 1 to 2 leaved pseudobulbs carrying thin, coriaceous, sometimes succulent, oblong to lanceolate leaves, blooming with an erect, terete but never thickened and in some species setaceous, many flowered inflorescence with resupinate, often white or yellowish brownish, rarely red flowers with often transparent sepals and petals that are never fimbriate. The glabrous lip is mostly white but can be red or yellow, is curved-geniculate but never fimbriate. The column foot is short and free and part of the column foot is elongate. The stelida are rarely as long as the anther and carry 4 pollina.
There are at least 32 species occurring in Madagascar, the Mascarenes and the Comoros in humid forests at all elevations
~ SECTION Calamaria Schlecter - See SECTION Lupulina G A Fischer in prep
~SECTION Carparomorchis Clements and Jones 2002 - See SECTION Sestochilos [Breda] Benth & Hook.f. 1883
~SECTION Careyana Pfitzer 1888 - See SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr.f 1883
*`SECTION Carnosisepala G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep.
Characterized by being epiphytes with creeping rhizomes giving rise to single leafed pseudobulbs with elongate, racemose, 3 to 12, distichously flowered inflorescence with a thickened rachis, sharply four edged, with 2 concave sides from which the flowers arise. The floral bracts are shorter than the non-resupinate flowers with free sepals that are glabrous abaxially. The lip is mobile, undivided with glabrous margins that are thick and solid. The acuminate stelida are .04 to .048" [1 to 1.2 mm] long. The anther has an abaxial, dorsiventrally flattened protrusion overtopping the anterior margin and carries 4 pollina.
This is a monotypic section found in Africa within lowland and montane forests.
~SECTION Ceratostylopsis Schlechter 1925 - See SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
*`SECTION Chaseella [Summerh.] J M H Shaw 2016
Characterized by being epiphytes with creeping rhizomes giving rise to 6 to 12 leaved pseudobulbs with needle shaped leaves with 1 to 2 inflorescence with a not thickened rachis if present, round in crossection from which the flowers arise. The floral bracts are shorter than the resupinate flowers with free sepals that are glabrous abaxially. The lip is mobile, undivided with glabrous margins that are thick and solid. The acuminate stelida are .04 to .048" [1 to 1.2 mm] long. The anther has an abaxial, dorsiventrally flattened protrusion overtopping the anterior margin and carries 4 pollina.
This is a monotypic section within montane forests at elevations up to 2000 meters in Cameroon, Gabon, Ivory Coast, Uganda and Zaire.
*SECTION Cirrhopetaloides Garay, Hamer & Siegerist 1994
Epiphytes with a creeping rhizome giving rise to pseudobulbs carrying a single, apical, persistent leaf that blooms on a subumbellate, racemose, inflorescence carrying resupinate flowers with the pedicel basal node not to slightly above the floral bract attachment. The dorsal sepal is free, 5 to 9 veined and the margins are entire to erose dentate, fimbriate with or without paleate fimbriae. The lateral sepals are 1.3 to 15 times as long as the dorsal, and are twisted towards the base so that the upper margins turn inward and are free, adherent or adanate along their upper margins, the margins are entire and glabrous. The petals are 3 to 5 veined and have the margins denticulate and fimbriate with or without paleate fimbriae. The undivided, mobile lip is on a thin ligament. The column has a stigma that proximally is not protruding. The stelida are usually shorter than 1/2 the length of the column and usually with a tooth or wing along the upper or lower margin. The anterior suface of the anther is slightly concave or not and the anterior margin is not to hardly drawn out and there are 4 pollina.
There are 19 or so species in this section confined to montane forests up to 1500 meters in elevation in India, Sri Lanka, China, Taiwan, Japan, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, penninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo and the Philippines.
* SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
Characterized by being medium sized plants with elongated, stout rhizomes giving rise to ovoid, well spaced pseudobulbs carrying a single, apical, erect leaf that blooms on a false umbel, like a daisy, and have flowers with the lateral sepals joined in the upper 2/3's and they are very much longer than the other floral segments. The tooth on the adaxial side of the stelida distinguishes this section from the sections Cirrhopetalioides and SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f.
There are about 10 species in this section from montane forests at elevations up to 1800 meters from Africa, Madagascar and surrounding islands, India, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, penninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Borneo,the Philippines and eastward in the Pacific.
~SECTION Cochlia (Bl.) Benth. & Hook.f.1883 - See SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook.f. 1883
*SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913
The column and lip are often fused over a large surface and the fused area is small, or consists of a thin ligament only. The most characteristic feature of this section is the presence of a transverse ridge near the base of the lip, with its proximal face pressed to the face of the column foot. The resupinate flowers have the node at the base of the pedicel above the attachment of the floral bract.
There are 77 species in this section within Borneo, New Guinea, Sulawesi, the Moluccas and into the western Pacific occuring in montane forests at elevations up to 2200 meters.
~SECTION Coelochilus Schlechter 1913 - See SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913
*`SECTION Comata G A Fischer & J J Verm. in prep
Characterized by being epiphytes with creeping rhizomes giving rise to single leafed pseudobulbs blooming on elongate, racemose, spirally arranged, many flowered inflorescence with a swollen, spindle shaped rachis, cylindrical or obovoid. The floral bracts are about as long as the resupinate flowers with free sepals and long hairs abaxially. The lip is mobile, auriculate near the base, thick, solid, margins and adaxial surface hirsute. The anther has no abaxial protrusion and carries 4 pollina.
This is a monotypic section occuring in the forests of Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Rwanda at elevations up to 1300 meters.
~ SECTION Corymbosa [Bl] Avery. 1994 - See SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933
~SECTION Cycloglossum Schlechter 1913 - See SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913
~SECTION Cylindracea Pfitz. in Engler & Prantl 1889 -See SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook.f. 1883
*SECTION Denticulata G A Fischer & J J Verm. in prep
Epiphytes with creeping rhizomes giving rise to 2 leaved pseudobulbs with elongate, racemose, many spirally arranged flowered inflorescence with a round in crossection, not thickened rachis. The floral bracts are shorter than the resupinate flowers with free sepals finely papillose abaxially. The lip is mobile,undivided, thick, solid, margins glabrous, thick and solid. The anther has an abaxial protrusion that overtops the anterior margin and carries 4 pollina.
This is a monotypic section from western Africa at 900 meters in montane forests. -
* SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J J Smith 1933
Characterized by distinct pseudobulbs with 2 to more flowered inflorescence, a very short rachis with the flowers in a subumbellate inflorescence carrying white, yellow, orange or bright red without purple flowers and the sepals and petals are glabrous to papillose but not ciliate. These orchids have creeping to patent rhizomes giving rise to pseudobulbs carrying a single, persistent leaf that blooms on an elongate to subumbellate, racemose, 2 to many flowered inflorescence carrying resupinate flowers with the pedicel basal node hardly above the attachment of the floral bract. The sepals are free and have 3 to 7 veins, the laterals are the same but 1 to 3 times as long as the dorsal sepal and the petals are 1 to 3 veined. The mobile, undivided lip is on a thin ligament. The column has the stigma proximally usually not protruding. The stelida are shorter to longer than 1/2 the length of the column and the lower margin often has a tooth. The anterior surface of the anther is concave or not, and the anterior margin is drawn out to a beak or not. There are 4 pollina, with or without stipes.
There are about 70 species in this section occuring in montane forests at elevations up to 2000 meters in India, China, Taiwan, eastward to the Philippines, Sulawesi and the Lesser Sunda Islands.
~SECTION Dialeipanthe Schlechter 1913 - See SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897
~ SECTION Diceras Schlechter 1913 - See SECTION Uncifera Schlechter 1912
*SECTION Didactyle [Lindley] Cogn. 1902
This section has epiphytes with membraneous, evanescent bracts giving rise to pseudobulbs carrying a single, coriaceous leaf and blooms on a synanthous, with an erect to apically drooping peduncle, at an angle up to 45 degrees, carrying distichously arranged, resupinate flowers with free lateral sepals, patent petals, and an anther without a protrusion taller than the anterior margin.
There are 7 species in this section in forests up to 1600 meters in elevation from Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia and Peru
~SECTION Diptychanthes sensu Rchb.f. 1857 -See SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook.f. 1883
*SECTION Drymoda (Lindl.) J.J.Verm., Schuit. & de Vogel 2014
*SECTION Elasmotopus Schlechter 1925
Epiphytes or lithophytes with creeping rhizomes giving rise to distant, not laterally flattened, 1 to 2 leaved pseudobulbs that blooms on hetranthous, elongate, racemose, 1 to many flowered inflorescence with an elongate, not thickened, round in cross-section, rachis carrying spirally arranged, resupinate flowers. The free sepals are glabrous abaxially, the petal margins are entire, glabrous, to distally minutely papillose. The mobile lip is undivided, thick or with a thick basal part and a thin apical part, the apical part with an adaxial cavity near the apex or apical part of the lip curved upwards or with both characters combined, with entire, glabrous or partly ciliate margins, the adaxial side without ridges or with inconspicuous ridges with an entire edge. The column is deltoid to triangular with acute stelida with or without a tooth along the lower margins. The anther has a rounded protrusion that is taller than the anterior margin. Most of the species in this section also have 3 veined petals.
There are 10 species to date in this Madagascan Section occuring in humid forests at all elevations.
~ *SECTION Emarginatae Garay, Hamer and Siegrist 1994 - See SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
This section has patent rhizomes giving rise to pseudobulbs carrying a single, persistent leaf and blooms on a racemose, subumbellate, 1 to 2, to many flowered inflorescence carrying resupinate flowers with the pedicel basal node above the attachment of the floral bracts. The dorsal sepal is free, 5 to 7 veined and is glabrous to ciliolate margined. The lateral sepals are 2 to 3 times as long as the dorsal sepal and are twisted towards the base of the the upper margins which turn inwards and are adherent to connate along their margins. The petals are 3 veined and are ciliolate to papillose distally. The undivided, mobile lip is on a thin ligament, the stigma of the column is not proximally protruding and the column foot is with or without lateral lobes near the apex. The stelida are more or less 1/2 the length of the column or shorter and there is a wing along the lower margin. The anterior of the anther suface is not concave and the anterior margin is not drawn out. There are 4 pollina.
There are 3 species in montane forests at elevations up to 2600 meters in India, Nepal, Bhutan, China, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam.
*SECTION Ephippium Schlechter 1913
Epiphytes with creeping rhizomes giving rise to distinct pseudobulbs that arise from nodes beneath and are not fused to the pseudobulb along any distance. The pseudobulbs carry a single, apical, persistent, thick leaf that blooms on a solitary, rachis not to slightly thickened if present, subumbellate, 2 to many flowered, racemose inflorescence with spirally arranged, simultaneously opening flowers with floral bracts that are not amplexicaul and the basal node of the pedicel is one times its diameter above that attachment of the floral bract. The dorsal sepal is free, elliptic to ovate, rounded to caudate, margins entire to erose, fimbriate, glabrous, surface glabrous or adaxially somewhat papillose to hirsute distally and have from 3 to 5 veins. The lateral sepals are 2 to 10 times longer than the dorsal, basally twisted so that the upper margins turn inwards, free to adherent to adnate along the upper margins, sometimes also along the lower margins, the margins entire to minutely erose, the upper margin sometimes slightly fimbriate, glabrous and the surface is glabrous to papillose to hirsute abaxially. The obovate, elliptic to rhombiform to triangular petals are obtuse to caudate, the margins entire to erose to fimbriate, the adaxial surface is glabrous to papillose to hirsute distally and they have 3 veins. The undivided to auriculate, mobile lip is on a thin ligament and is oblong to ovate with a widened base, the margins are entire and usually glabrous and adaxially without ridges, or with 2 inconspicuous to distinct ridges which start at the base as 2 conical knobs, auricles if present attached near the base of the lip and the margins entire and glabrous. The column has the rostellum front receding in between the stelida apices, the stigma is not proximally protruding, the column foot tapers towards its apex of not, and with or without lateral lobes at the apex. The column with stelida are 1/2 the length of the column or much shorter, porrect to downwardly falcate, truncate to rounded to acute to long-subulate. The anther front is concave and the connectivum is drawn out in front to a rounded beak and there are 4 pollina the inner ones a bit longer than the outer and there are no appendages.
There are about 36 species in this section from India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, China, Vietnam, Laos, penninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, the Philippines, Sulawesi, the Moluccas and Taiwan in forests at elevations up to 1700 meters
~*SECTION Epibulbon Schltr 1913 - See SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
*SECTION Epicranthes [Bl.] Benth & Hkr. 1883
Characterized by a pendulous rhizome, growing end curved upwards, small adpressed pseudobulbs carrying carrying, single, small, elliptic, fleshy leaves appearing alternate and blooms from chaffy bracts at the base of the pseudobulbs either singly on very short stalks. The pedicel has the basal node above the attachment of the floral bracts. The flowers have sepals that are almost equal, widely spreading, greenish to yellowish with red flush or markings. The petals have a broad base and the bases are split into two diverging lobes almost to the base and each lobe carries from 3 to 34 narrow appendages, often dark grey in color, on delicate stalks, stiffly stalked or more or less joined together and there is one appendage that often arises from between the sinus of the two lobes. The lip is narrow and almost straight, fleshy, red or green and in at least part covered by glistening vesicles which secrete small drops of nectar.
There are 40 species in this section from montane forests up to 3300 meters in elevation in China, Myanmar to Java, Borneo and eastward to New Guinea and New Caledonia.
*SECTION Eublepharon J J Verm., Schuit. & de Vogel 2014
The orchids in this section are epiphytes with creeping rhizomes giving rise to distinct, longitudinally wrinkled with age pseudodulbs carrying a single, persistent leaf that blooms on an elongate to subumbellate, racemose, 2 to many flowered inflorescence carrying resupinate flowers with the basal node of the pedicel level to slightly above the attachment of the floral bract. The usually 3 nerved dorsal sepal is free, and has entire to denticulate margins, the laterals are 1 to 2 times longer than the dorsal, are usually free and are 3 to 5 veined. The petals are 1 to 3 veined and have erose to fimbriate margins. The undivided lip is on a thin ligament. The column has the stigma proximally not protruding and the column foot has teeth near the apex. The stelida are 1 to 2 times the length of the column or shorter, with or without teeth on the upper or lower margins. The anther surface is not concave and the anterior margin is drawn out or not. There are 4 pollina.
There are about 10 species occuring in montane forests at elevations up to 3300 meters in Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, Bhutan, China, Taiwan, Japan, Laos and Vietnam
~SECTION Fruticicola Schltr 1913 - See *SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
*SECTION Furvescens E C Schmidt, Borba & Vandenburg in prep
The orchids in this section are epiphytes with evanescent, membraneous bracts giving rise to pseudobulbs carrying a single, coriaceous leaf that blooms on a synanthous to proteranthous, erect to apically drooping to 20 degrees, racemose inflorescence carrying spirally arranged, resupinate flowers with free lateral sepals, erect petals and an anther without a protrusion taller than the anterior margin.
There are 5 species in this section occuring in forests at elevations up to 1900 meters in Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela, Guyana, Fr Guiana and Surinam as well as Mexico.
~SECTION Gibberanthera J.J.Sm. 1916 - See SECTION Brachypus Schlechter 1913
*`SECTION Gilgiana G A Fischer & J J Verm. in prep
Characterized by being epiphytes with creeping rhizomes giving rise to 2 leaved pseudobulbs with elongate, racemose, 1 to 3 flowered inflorescence with a round in crossection, not thickened rachis carrying spirally arranged flowers. The floral bracts are shorter than the non-resupinate flowers with free sepals that are sparsely hirsute abaxially. The lip is mobile and undivided, margins ciliate, thick and solid. The anther has an abaxial protrusion that does not overtop the anterior margin and carries 4, stipitate pollina.
This is a monotypic section from Tanzania in western Africa at elevations up to 1900 meters in montane forests.
~ SECTION Globiceps Schltr. 1913 - See SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
`*SECTION Gongorodes J J Smith 1914
Characterized by the intricately folded or incised petal tips that are a unique character otherwise they would fit within the section Leopardinae. They are epiphytes with a creeping rhizome giving rise to pseudobulbs carrying a single persistent leaf that blooms on a many flowered, racemose inflorescence carrying resupinate flowers and a pedicel that has the basal node level with the attachment of the floral bract. The sepals are free, the dorsal 3 to 7 veined, the laterals 1.6 to 1.9 times as long as the dorsal sepal, the petals are 1 to 3 veined with their apices widened or tridentate or sharply folded twice with erose margins. The undivided, mobile lip is on a thin ligament, the stigma of the column is not proximally protruding, the column foot and the lateral sepals are attached half way along their length so that a gap exists between the lower margins of the petals and the upper margins of the lateral sepals each having 2 teeth at the apex. The stelidas are shorter than 1/2 the length of the column and are triangular, subacute, with or without a slight tooth along the upper margin and 2 teeth on the lower. The anterior surface of the anther is concave and the anterior margin is drawn out or not. There are 4 pollina
There are 2 species in this section from montane forests up to 1500 meters in elevation in New Guinea
~ SECTION Hedyothyrsus Schlechter 1912 - See SECTION Macrouris Schlechter 1913
*SECTION Hemisterantha J J Verm 2014
Epiphytes with creeping rhizomes giving rise to a single, persistent leaf that blooms on a single flowered inflorescence carrying resupinate flowers with the basal node of the pedicel above the attachment of the floral bract. The usually free sepals are more or less equal and are usually 3 veined. The petals are single veined and have entire to erose, glabrous to papillose margins. The mobile, undivided, fleshy lip is on a thin ligament, the column stigma is often proximally protruding and the column foot is with or without an apical dorsal tooth. The stelida are often with a dorsal tooth along the upper or lower margin. The anterior suface of the anther is concave or not and the anterior margin can be drawn out into a beak or not and there are 2 or 4 pollina.
There are only 2 species in this section confined to Sulawesi at elevations up to 1200 meters within montane forests.
This section is characterized by epiphytes with a creeping rhizome giving rise to distinct to minute, rugose with age pseudobulbs carrying a single persistent leaf that blooms on a many flowered, subumbellate to elongate, racemose inflorescence carrying resupinate flowers and a pedicel that has the basal node level with to above the attachment of the floral bract. The free sepals are equal in length, and are usually 3 to 5 veined and glabrous to ciliate in texture. The single veined petals have ciliate margins. The auriculate, mobile lip is on a thin ligament and the column stigma is proximally protruding or not. The stelida are more or less 1/2 the length of the column or shorter and they may or may not have a tooth along the upper and lower margins. The anterior suface of the anther is concave or not and the anterior margin may be drawn out or not. There are 4 pollina.
There are 40 species in this section from montane forests at elevations up to 2500 meters in India to China, southward to Java, eastward to the Philippines and Sulawesi.
~SECTION Henosis [Hkr.] Ormerod 2001 - See SECTION Monomeria [Lindl.] J J Verm., Schuit. & de Vogel 2014
*SECTION Hoplandra Vermeullen 2006
Species of this section share the following characters: the basal node of the pedicel is level to above the attachment of the floral bract, the median sepal has a sharply conduplicate apical part. Lateral sepals distinctly longer than the median. Column foot not widened nor thickened. Anther with an upturned, distinctly widened and thickened top part.
There are about 10 species in this section from montane forests up to 1200 meters in penninsular Malaysia and Sumatra and then eastward to the Pacific Islands
`*SECTION Hyalosema Schlechter 1911
Characterized by having distinct pseudobulbs with new growths sprouting from the basal node and not fused to the pseudobulb, usually with a single flower with tubular floral bracts, a pedicel with the basal node well above the attachment of the floral bract, free sepals or the lateral connate along the lower margin, as long as or slightly shorter than the median, obtuse to caudate, margins entire, glabrous to papillose to hirsute and usually 5 veined. The petals are obtuse to caudate, if caudate the tip is often thickened into a globular to ellipsoid-cylindrical appendage, margins entire, glabrous, usually 3 veined. The lip is mobile on a thin ligament, undivided, oblong, ovate to sub-triangular, margins entire, glabrous to papillose to ciliate, adaxially often concave near the base without ridges, surface glabrous to partly hirsute. There are 4 pollina.
There are more or less than 19 species within montane forests up to 1500 meters in elevation in Thailand and Java and then eastward to the Pacific Islands
~ SECTION Hybochilus Schlechter 1912 - See SECTION Oxysepala Benthaham & J D Hook.f. 1883
`*SECTION Hymenobractea Schlechter 1913
This section is made up of epiphytes with a creeping rhizome giving rise to a minute pseudobulb carrying a single persistent leaf that blooms on a patent to erect, 1 to 10 flowered inflorescence carrying non-resupinate, distichous flowers with the pedicel basal node above the attachment of the amplexicaul, often proximally tubular floral bract. The sepals are 5 to 9 veined with a broadly attached base, the laterals are 1 to 1.4 times as long as the dorsal, and the laterals are united at the base to the column foot forming a mentum. The petals are 3 to 5 veined with a broadly attached base and have entire margins. The distinctly recurved, at 1/3 to 1/2 of its length, mobile lip has a thin ligament and is entire. The column is often proximally protruding or has 2 protruding teeth and a column foot. The stelida are 1/2 the length of the column or shorter with or without a tooth along the upper and lower margins. The anterior surface of the anther is not concave and the anterior margin is not to slightly drawn out. There are 4 pollina.
There are 2 species in montane forests at elevations up to 1500 meters in Papua New Guinea
~ SECTION Hymenosepalum - See SECTION Elasmotopus Schlechter 1925
`*SECTION Ikongoense G A Fischer & J J Vermeullen 2014
Epiphytes or lithophytes with creeping rhizomes giving rise to distant, not, to only slightly laterally flattened, 2 leaved pseudobulbs that blooms on heteranthous, elongate, racemose, many flowered inflorescence with a thickened, spindle-shaped rachis carrying spirally arranged, resupinate flowers with free sepals that are glabrous abaxially, the petals are glabrous, with entire margins, the concave lip is undivided, mobile, thin and the apical part curves upward with entire margins that are glabrous and the adaxial side has no ridges The column has deltoid, obtuse stelida with the rostellum protruding in between and without a tooth along the lower margin. The anther is with or without an abaxial protrusion
This is a monotypic section from Madagascar
SECTION Imitatores J.J.Verm. , Schuit. & de Vogel 2014
This section has patent rhizomes giving rise to distinct to minute pseudobulbs carrying a single, apical, persistent leaf that blooms on a subumbellate to elongated, 1 to many flowered, racemose inflorescence carrying resupinate flowers with usually not amplexicaul floral bracts and the basal node of the pedicel is above the attachment of the floral bract. The sepals are free, almost equal, and usually 3 veined. The petals have from 1 to 3 veins. The undivided mobile lip is on a thin ligament. The column has the anterior surface of the rostellum about level with the apices of the stelida or receding in between these. The stigma is not proximally protruding . The stelida are shorter than the column. The anterior surface of the anther is not concave and the anterior margin is not drawn out, except B glaucum which has a small triangular beak. There are 2 or 4 pollina.
There are 4 species in this section occuring in montane forests at elevations up to 2800 meters in New Guinea and the western Pacific islands
*SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897
Characterized by hardly visible to not very well developed pseudobulbs giving rise to short to long, wiry inflorescence with successive racemes at the apex and carrying distichous, resupinate, successively single flowers. The basal node of the pedicel is above the attachment of the amplexicaul, often proximally tubular floral bracts. The lip is rather flat and quite smooth and the stelida of the column are short or reduced to small teeth
There are about 44 species in this section from forests to elevations up to 1400 meters in penninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi, the Philippines, New Guinea and the western Pacific islands.
SECTION Inversiflora G A Fischer & P J Cribb
Characterized by the creeping rhizome giving rise to close set, distinctly laterally flattened, adpressed to the rhizome pseudobulbs carrying 2 apical leaves that blooms on a heteranthous, many flowered, elongate, rachis thickened, spindle shaped inflorescence carrying spirally arranged, non resupinate, reflexed flowers with the lip turned away from the rachis. The sepals are free and glabrous abaxially. The petal margins are entire and glabrous. The undivided, thick, mobile lip has margins that are entire, glabrous to partly ciliate. The column has triangular, acute stelida with or without a tooth along the lower margin, The anther has a rounded to conical protrusion that overtops the anterior margin.
This section has 2 species occuring in open or dwarf montane forests at elevations of 800 to 1400 meters
SECTION Ione [Lindley] J J Verm Schuit & de Vogel 2014
Epiphytes or lithophytes with creeping rhizomes with glabrous to papillose bracts giving rise to a single, persistent leafed pseudobulb blooming on a, from nodes below the pseudobulbs, 1 to many flowered inflorescence with 4 to 8 bracts on the peduncle and with elongate, not thickened racemes carrying distichously arranged, simultaneously opening, resupinate flowers. The floral bracts are amplexicaul not tubular and the pedicel basal node is level with the attachment of the floral bract which can be shorter or longer than the ovary. The dorsal sepal is free with entire, rarely erose margins and the laterals are similar but can be adherent along the lower margin. The lip is not mobile, attached to the column foot by a thick strip of tissue, undivided to sub trilobed, often with a drawn out linear, apical part, with entire to erose to denticulate margins. the column has a rostellum anterior sufaces protruding in between stelida, the stigma is proximally not protruding and there are 4 pollina equal in size or with one v-shaped stipe or with 2 separate stipes with a single viscidium or with 2 separate viscidia or one one entire stipe.
At present there are 22 species in this section from India, Nepal, Bhutan, China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam and Taiwan occuring in montane forests up to 2700 meters in elevation
~ SECTION Ischnopus Schlechter 1913 - See SECTION Macrouris Schlechter 1913
~ SECTION Kainochilus Schlechter - See SECTION Kinethrix Schlechter 1910
*SECTION Kinethrix Schlechter 1910
Characterized by the creeping rhizomes distant, hardly laterally flattened pseudobulbs carrying 1 to 2, apical leaves that blooms on an heteranthous, elongate rachis thickened or not, many flowered inflorescence carrying spirally arranged, resupinate, reflexed flowers with the labellum turned away form the rachis. The sepals are free and glabrous abaxially, the petals have entire margins and are glabrous or slightly papillose distally as well as 1/3 the length of the dosal sepal or shorter. The mobile lip is undivided, thick, with fimbriate margins or with mobile appendages. The column has triangular to ligulate, acute stelida with a distinct tooth along the lower margin close to the base. The anther has a rounded to conical protrusion that is taller than the anterior margin.
There are 11 species in high elevation moist montane forests in Madagascar and the Mascarenes
SECTION Lasiogaster J J Verm. Schuit. & dr Vogel 2018
This section was created from SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896where the new type was formally placed. It differs by the coarsely papillose adaxial lip suface with papillae arranged in transverse rows.
*SECTION Lemniscata Pfitz 1889
According to J J Vermuelen this section is defined by creeping rhizomes with distinct to minute pseudobulbs carrying 2, apical, decidous leaves that blooms on a subumbellate to elongate, racemose, 2 to many flowered inflorescence carrying resupinate flowers with the pedicel basal node more or less level with the attachment of the floral bract. The free dorsal sepals are 1 to 5 veined, have entire to erose, to irregularily fimbriate, to paleate margins, the laterals are free to adnate usually along the lower margin, they are 3 to 5 veined and are 1 to 6.9 times as long as the dorsal. The petals are usually single veined with entire to fimbriate to paleate margins. The undivided mobile lip is on a thin ligament and the stigma of the column is not proximally protruding. The anterior surface of the anther is not concave and the anterior margin is drawn out to a beak or not. There are 4 pollina.
There are about 32 species in forests at elevations up to 400 meters in India, Nepal, Bhutan, China, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, penninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java and Borneo.
~ *SECTION Lemuraea - See SECTION Bulbophyllum G A Fischer & J J Vermeullen in prep
*SECTION Leopardinae Bentham 1883
Vermuellen 1991
"{This section was created} to accommodate a series of species which have the node between the peduncle and the pedicel more or less coinciding with its bract, or have the distance between this node and its bract not exceeding 1.5 times the diameter of the pedicel at its base. In sect. Sestochilos as well as sect. Stenochilus the distance between the node and its bract equals or exceeds 2 times the diameter of the pedicel at its base"
Seven species make up this section from forests up to 3300 meters in India, Nepal, China, Taiwan, Indochina, Myanmar, Thailand, and the Philippines.
*SECTION Lepanthanthe Schlechter 1913
This section has creeping rhizomes giving rise to shoots proximally fused to the minute pseudobulb carrying a single apical, persistent leaf that blooms on a racemose, many flowered inflorescence with spirally arranged, resupinate flowers that has the pedicel basal node above the attachment of the floral bracts. The free equal sepals have an apical, fleshy subulate projection and the margins are glabrous, to papillose to ciliate, usually 3 veined, abaxially keeled or not. Dorsal sepal free, laterals sometimes connate along their lower margins. The petals have a single vein and their margins are erose, entire, glabrous to ciliate. The undivided or trilobed, mobile lip is on a thin ligament. The rostellum of the column has an anterior surface that is even with the stelida apices, or receding in between these, the stigma is proximally usually protruding. The stelida are 1/2 or shorter than the length of the column and often have a tooth along the lower margin. The anterior surface of the anther is not concave, the anterior margin is drawn out to a beak or not and there are 2 pollina.
There are 17 species in this section from forests up to 3300 meters in New Guinea and the western Pacific Islands.
* SECTION Lepidorhiza Schlechter 1911
According the J J Vermeullen 2015; Epiphyte with creeping rhizomes with verrucate roots giving rise to usually distinct pseudobulbs carrying a single, apical, persistent leaf that blooms on a usually elongate, racemose, successively single, 2 to many flowered inflorescence with distichously arranged, resupinate flowers with the basal node of the pedicel usually above the attachment of the usually proximally tubular floral bracts. The sepals are 5 to 13 veined, the dorsal is free, the laterals are 1 to 1.7 times as long as the dorsal sepal and are often twisted at their base so that the upper margins turn inward and are either free or adherent along their upper margins. The petals are usually 3 to 12 veined, and the undivided, subtrilobed or auriculate, moblie lip is on a thin ligament. The stigma of the column is often proximally protruding and the stelida often have a tooth along the upper and or lower margins. The anterior surface of the anther is not concave and the anterior margin is not to hardly drawn out. There are 4 pollina.
There are 28 species in this section from forests up to 1900 meters within Borneo, Sulawesi, the Philippines, Moluccas, New Guinea, and the western Pacific Islands.
~*SECTION Lepiophylax - See SECTION Pantoblepharon Schlechter 1925
~SECTION Leptopus Schlechter 1913 - See SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
*SECTION Lichenophylax Schlechter 1924
Epiphytes or lithophytes resembling moss in size with a ramified and creeping rhizome with tubular sheaths covering new growth and pseudobulb bases, disintegrating with age. The pseudobulbs are green, often laterally flattened and carry 2, elliptic, acute, thin, soft leaves that blooms on an erect, not swollen, setaceous, with sheaths and the resupinate flower is terminal with free sepals that are acute to longly caudate, 3 veined with entire to finely fimbriate margins. The petals are one veined, the margins are entire to fimbriate and the surface is occasionally finely papillose. The lip is fleshy, often swollen, glabrous or papillose with entire to fimbriate margins. The column often has a tooth in its dorsal margin. The stelids are truncate, triangular to hook shaped and carry 4 pollina
There are at least 17 species in the moist forests of Madagascar.
~* SECTION Loxosepalum - See SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925
* SECTION Lupulina G A Fischer in prep
Epiphytes with creeping rhizomes giving rise to 1 to 2 leaved pseudobulbs blooming on an elongate, racemose, spirally arranged, 4 to many flowered inflorescence with the rachis not thickened, round in section to spindle shaped, shorter to as long as the nonresupinate flowers with free sepals that are glabrous abaxially. The lip is mobile, undivided with entire to fimbriate margins that are thick and solid. The anther has an abaxial rounded protrusion that does not overtop the margin to a dorsilventrally flattened and a bifid one that overtops the anterior margin either carrying 4 pollina.
There are 3 species in Africa and 18 from Madagascar in savannah woodlands and montane forests at elevations up to 1800 meters.
`*SECTION Lyperocephalum Schlechter 1925
Epiphytes or lithophytes with creeping rhizomes giving rise to distant, not laterally flattened, 1 leaved pseudobulbs that blooms on heteranthous, congested, capitate, racemose, many flowered inflorescence with a not thickened, round in section rachis carrying spirally arranged, resupinate flowers with free sepals that are glabrous abaxially, glabrous petals with entire margins, a mobile, thick, undivided lip with entire margins that are glabrous to slightly papillose. The column has triangular, acute stelida with a tooth along the lower margin. The anther abaxially has a protrusion that is not taller than the anterior margin
This is a monotypic section from Madagascar occuring in humid lowland and montane forests
~*SECTION Lyperostachys - See SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925
~ *SECTION Lyraea [Lindl.] Moore 1877 - SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925
~SECTION Macrobulbon Schlechter 1912 - See SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
*SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
Vermuellen 2014 states that the plants are epiphytes with a creeping rhizome giving rise to shoots proximally fused to the pseudobulbs carrying a single, apical, usually persistent leaf that blooms on a single flowered inflorescence carrying resupinate flowers that have the pedicel basal node above the attachment of the floral bracts. Usually the dorsal sepal is free, has 3 to 5 veins and has entire to glabrous to erose to papillose margins, the laterals are 1 to 5 times as long as the dorsal sepal. The petals have 1 to 3 veins and the margins are entire to erose. The usually undivided, mobile lip is on a thin ligament, the column stigma is proximally protruding or not, the stelida are with or without a slight tooth along the upper and lower margins. The anterior surface of the anther is concave or not and the anterior margin is drawn out or not. There are 2 to 4 pollina with or without stipes.
Vermuellen etal. 2015 state that the creeping, brittle rhizomes break off just in front of the part fused to or covered by the prostrate pseudobulb. The peduncle scales are all close to the base of the peduncle but in some species [B dransfieldii and B streptomorphum] the peduncle is so short that the character is not obvious. Usually the abaxial side of the lip does not have a groove over the median line, exceptions are B anisopterum, B streptomorphum, B longistellidum and B tristriatum.
There are more or less 68 species in this section from forests up to elevations of 2500 meters in India, China, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, penninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Bali, Borneo, Sulawesi and the Philippines.
*SECTION Macrostylida Garay, Hamer & Siegrrist 1994
Characterized by the epiphytic nature with creeping rhizomes giving rise to pseudobulbs with a single persistent leaf that blooms on a usually 2 to many flowered subumbellate, racemose inflorescence carrying resupinate flowers with the pedicel's basal node above the floral bract attachment. The dorsal sepal is free and it is 5 veined, the laterals are similar but they are usually 1.3 to 4.5 times as long as the dorsal and are slightly twisted near the base so the upper margins turn inward and are free or connate along their upper margins. The petals are 3 veined. The mobile, undivided lip is on a thin ligament. The stelida are widened distally the apex rounded to truncate to bifid or erose, with a wing low down on the lower margin. The anterior suface of the anther is not concave and the anterior margin is not to hardly drawn out. There are 4 pollina.
Four species make up this section from forests at elevations up to 2000 meters in India, Sri Lanka, China, Taiwan, Japan and Vietnam.
*SECTION Macrouris Schlechter 1913
Characterized by the elongated sympodia which are seldom erect, sometimes creeping and often loosely pendent, The rhizome is always slender with distinct pseudobulbs and have delicate inflorescence that are mostly multi-flowered but there is a single flowered species. The delicate flowers are white to whitish, often with a yellowish to reddish lip which are always simple in shape, The sepals are tailed and the column is very much shortened with short stelida and a long, narrow foot. The basal nodes of the pedicel is above the attachment of the floral bracts.
There are 28 species in this section from forests at elevations up to 3000 meters in New Guinea, Moluccas and the western Pacific Islands.
~SECTION Manobulbon Schlechter 1913 - See SECTION Uncifera Schlechter 1912
Characterized by being epiphytes or lithophytes usually with a creeping rhizome [B fayei is patent] giving rise to 1 to 3 leaved pseudobulbs that blooms on an elongate, racemose, 2 to many flowered inflorescence with distichous, resupinate to non resupinate flowers on a rachis that is usually thickened and flattened but sometimes not thickened and round in section, flowers along the midvein. The floral bracts are slightly shorter than the flowers that have free, glabrous to hirsute abaxially sepals, the lip is mobile and undivided, with entire to denticulate to lacerate margins that are usually thick, soft and easy to compress. The anther is without an abaxial protrusion or with a rounded protrusion that may overlap the anterior margin . There are 4 pollina.
There are 19 species in this solely African section occuring in mangrove forests, savannah woodlands, plantations, lowland and montane forests at elevations up to 2300 meters.
~SECTION Megaloglossum Carr 1933 - See SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
*SECTION Micranthae Barb Rodr. 1882
This section is made up of epiphytes with evanescent, membraneous bracts giving rise to pseudobulbs carrying a single, coriaceous leaf that blooms on a synanthous, erect to apically drooping to 45 degrees, racemose inflorescence carrying spirally arranged, resupinate flowers with free lateral sepals, erect petals and an anther that does not overtop the anteroir margin.
There are 10 species within this section occuring in Bolivia and Brazil
~SECTION Micromonanthe Schlechter 1913 - See SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
~SECTION Minahassaea Schlechter 1925 - See SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
*SECTION Minutissima Pfitzer 1888
Characterized by being straggling to creeping epiphytes with distinct to minute pseudobulbs carrying a single, persistent leaf that blooms on a single flowered inflorescence carrying a resupinate flower with the basal node of the pedicel above the attachment of the floral bract. The sepals are free are more or less equal and have 1 to 3 veins, the petals are usually single veined, there are 2 to 4 pollina.
Distinguished from other sections by the single flowered inflorescence, the basal node of the pedicel well above the attachment of the floral bract, the glabrous flowers, stellida that are so short that their apex is about level with the rostellum front or even shorter as well as being small, mat forming plants with wiry, thin rhizomes, except the species B perparvulum that grows in tufts.
There are 23 species in this section from forests at elevations up to 2400 meters in Thailand, Sumatra, Java, New Guinea, New Caledonia, Australia and New Zealand
*SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896
Characterized by having a basal node above the attachment of the floral bract, an elongated pedicel, an entire lip, none to an inconspicuous median ridge on the lip and a narrow column foot
There are about 36 species in forests at elevations up to 2500 meters in China, Vietnam, Thailand, Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi, Philippines, New Guinea and the Pacific Islands
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
~SECTION Monilibulbus J.J.Sm. 1914 - SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
*`SECTION Monomeria [Lindl.] J J Verm., Schuit. & de Vogel 2014
This section has creeping rhizomes giving rise to shoots proximally fused to the pseduobulbs or not that wrinkle with age longitudinally and carry a single, apical, persistent leaf that blooms on elongate, many flowered racemose inflorescence carrying resupinate flowers and a pedicel with the basal node above the attachment of the floral bract. The sepals are free and the dorsal is 5 to 7 veined, lateral sepals 1.5 to 1.8 times longer than the dorsal. The petals are 1 to sometimes 2 veined with entire to fimbriate, glabrous to ciliate margins and the lip is mobile on a thin ligament and is distinctly auricular to undivided. The stelida with or without a tooth along the upper or lower margin or with the upper margin winged. The anterior surface of the anther is concave or not and the anterior margin of the anther is drawn out and there are 4 pollina.
There are 4 species in this section from India, Nepal, Bhutan, China, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar and penninsular Malaysia in forests at elevations up to 1500 meters.
*`SECTION Monosepalum J J Sm. 1916
Characterized by the pendent, resupinate flower with the node at the base of the pedicel placed above the attachment of the floral bract and the shape of the peculiar connate sepals and by the petals and the lip.
There are three species at present in this section confined to New Guinea at elevations up to 2500 meters
`*SECTION Moratii G A Fischer & J J Vermeullen in prep.
Epiphyte with a stout, elongate rhizome giving rise to distant, not laterally flattened pseudobulbs carrying 2 apical, narrowly obovate leaves that blooms in the fall on a heteranthous, not thickened rachis, elongate, racemose, many flowered inflorescence with spirally arranged, resupinate flowers and floral bracts that are as long as the flowers.
This is a monotypic section from notheastern Madgascar in wet, lower montane forests at elevations of 600 to 1000 meters
Characterized by a single apical leaf and blooming on a synanthous, erect to apically drooping up to 135 degrees with a racemose inflorescence carrying distichously arranged, resupinate flowers with free lateral sepals, erect petals, an anther without a protrusion that is as tall as its anterior margin
There are 12 species in forests up to 650 meters in elevation from Argentina, Brazil and Venezuela
~SECTION Nematorhizis Schlechter 1912 - See SECTION Minutissima Pfitzer 1888
~SECTION Odoardiana Pfitz. 1889 - See SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
*SECTION Oreonastes G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep.
Characterized by being epiphytes or lithophytes with creeping rhizomes [patent in B teretifolium Schltr.] giving rise to 1 or 2 leaved pseudobulbs blooming on distichously, many flowered, elongate, racemose inflorescence with a resupinate or not flower, rachis thickened, sharply 4 edged, with 2 narrow, concave sides from which the flowers arise. The floral bracts are shorter or longer than the flowers with free sepals that are glabrous to papillose to sparsely hirsute abaxially. The lip is mobile, undivided or trilobed, with entire to erose to dentate margins that are thick and solid, the acuminate stelida are .04 to .048" [.1 to .12 mm] long, the anther abaxially has a dorsiventrally flattened protrusion higher than the anterior margin and carries 4 pollina.
At present there are 10 species in this section only from Africa in lowland forests rain forests, plantations, semideciduous forests and montane forests at elevations up to 2800 meters.
~SECTION Osyricera (Bl.) J.J. Sm. 1914 - See SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook.f. 1883
*SECTION Oxysepala Benthaham & J D Hook.f. 1883
Single flowered inflorescence with resupinate flowers, tubular floral bracts, the pedicel basal node level with the attachment of the floral bract, the sepals usually nearly equal, usually 3 veined, margins glabrous to ciliate, with a free dorsal sepal, and the laterals free to connate along their lower margins. Single veined petals have entire to erose, glabrous to ciliate margins. The mobile lip is on a thin ligament and is undivided, auriculate to trilobed. There are 2 or 4 pollina.
There are about 150 species in this section confined to India, China, Indochina, to Australia and the Pacific in forests at elevations up to 3000 meters
~SECTION Pachyanthe Schlechter 1913 - See SECTION Intervallatae and SECTION Lepidorhiza Schlechter 1911
*SECTION Pachychlamys Schlechter 1925
Epiphytes with creeping rhizomes enveloped by thick and fibrous, patent apically sheaths and giving rise to clustered to distant, not laterally flattened, 2 leaved pseudobulbs that blooms on a synanthous or heteranthous, elongate, racemose, rachis hardly to not thickened, many flowered inflorescence with the lower floral bracts .28" [7 mm] long or shorter, carrying spirally arranged, resupinate flowers with free sepals that are glabrous abaxially. The margins of the petals are entire to distally minutely erose and glabrous, the mobile, undivided lip is thick and the apical part is porrect or recurved, adaxially flat or convex, margins glabrous, adaxial side without ridges or with ridges with an entire edge, The column is triangular with acute stelida and without a tooth along the lower margins [Except B multivaginatum which has a tooth]. The anther has a rounded protrusion that is slightly taller than the anterior margin.
There are ten species within this section confined to Madagascar and the Mascarenes occurring in humid lowland and montane forests.
~ SECTION Pahudia Schltr. 1911 - See SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
~ SECTION Pahudiella Garay, Hamer & Siegerist 1994 - See SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
*SECTION Pantoblepharon Schlechter 1925
Characterized by being small epiphytes or lithophytes with creeping rhizomes giving rise to clustered to distant, flattened or not, single leafed pseudobulbs and blooming on a heteranthous, stubby, shorter than to longer than the leaf, rachis not thickened, 1 to many flowered inflorescence with spirally arranged, resupinate flowers with ciliate floral parts, free, glabrous abaxially sepals, petals with an entire to distally erose margins that are papillose to ciliate and a mobile, undivided, margin entire, ciliate lip with a column with triangular, acute stelida with or without a tooth along the lower margin. The anther is with or without a protrusion that does not overtop the anterior margin.
There are 15 species in this section in Madagascar and the Mascarenes.
*SECTION Papulipetalum Schltr. 1913
This section and Section Brachypus are similar and have been combined in the past, but what separates them is that this section has sepals that are unequal, the laterals are longer than the dorsal and the petals as well have apical hairs.
There are about 22 species in this section confined to New Guinea, Australia and the Pacific in forests on mossless tree trunks at elevations up to 2250 meters
*`SECTION Pedilochilus [Schlechter] J J Verm & O'Byrne 2011
Characterized by the creeping rhizomes giving rise to pseudobulbs carrying a single, apical, persistent leaf that blooms on a single flowered inflorescence carrying a resupinate flower with the basal node of the pedicel above the attachment of the floral bract. The sepals are free, equal, 3 to 5 veined and the margins are glabrous to ciliolate. The petals have 1 vein, the midvein abaxially keeled, the margins entire to lacerate. The lip is immobile and is fused to the column foot by a thick strip of tissue that is auriculate, saccate with a small apical part overhanging the anterior margin. The column foot is thickened towards the apex and ends in 1 to 2 calli around which the lip is attached. The stelida have the upper margin with or without a small tooth. The back surface of the anther is concave and the back margin is drawn out. There are 2 to 4 pollina.
There are 33 species in this section in forests at elevations up to 3550 meters in Sulawesi, New Guinea, eastward and the western Pacific islands.
*SECTION Pelma [Finet] Schlechter 1913
Characterized by an inflorescence with 1 or more flowers, a flower with the dorsal sepal apex being obtuse to caudate and has distinct lateral sepals that are not very small. The lip is not divided into lobes and usually has an inconspicuous to distinct concavity that has 2 converging teeth which together usually form a transverse ridge. The column has a distinctly protruding or not rostellum, the base of the stigma protrudes often as a beaked structure in lateral view or not but does not have teeth. The column foot has a thick median knob immediately above the concavity.
There are 26 species in this section in forests at elevations up to 2800 meters in Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Sulawesi, the Philippines, the Moluccas, New Guinea, eastward to New Caledonia and the western Pacific islands.
* SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913
Characterized by the distinct pseudobulbs and slender, single flowered inflorescence with medium sized flowers with long-lanceolate sepals, small petals and a flat above lip with a concavity at the base into which fits the pelately thickened column foot. The basal node of the pedicel is above the attachment of the floral bract. The column is thick and short with obliquely truncated stelida.
There are 33 species in this section occuring in forests at elevations up to 2900 meters in New Guinea, New Caledonia and the western Pacific Islands
`*SECTION Phreatiopsis Verm & O'Byrne 2011
Characterized by a triangular callus at the base of the lip and the basal node of the pedicel is level with the attachment of the floral bract. There are 4 pollina.
There are 2 species in this section within penninsular Malaysia, Borneo, Sulawesi and New Guinea
SECTION Physometra J.J.Vermeulen, Suksathan & Watthana
A monotypic section characterized by a inflorescence carrying a few flowers with a single sterile flower that becomes a hollow seed-pod like structure]
*SECTION Piestobulbon Schlechter 1923
Epiphytes with patent to ascending rhizomes giving rise to pseudobulbs carrying a single, apical, persistent leaf that blooms on a single flowered inflorescence. The basal node of the pedicel is above the attachment of the floral bracts. The equal in size sepals are free and have 3 veins and the margins are glabrous to ciliate. The petals are single veined and the margins are entire to denticulate, glabrous to ciliate. The lip is mobile, on a thin ligament and is undivided and is adaxially concave at the base, the front of which is bordered by a transverse ridge notched halfway or with a concave crest line. The column foot has a tooth at the apex. The upper margin of the stelida often has a tooth and the lower margin has a tooth. The anterior surface of the anther is not concave and the margin is drawn out. There are 4 pollina.
There are 5 species in this section in forests at unknown elevations in New Guinea and the Pacific Islands
*SECTION Planibulbus Verm, Schuit & De Vogel 2014
This section is similar to many species within SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994 but these plants are larger with long creeping rhizomes that are wiry and not brittle and the have racemose inflorescence carrying resupinate flowers that have the basal node of the pedicel level with the attachment of the floral bracts There are 4 pollina.
The prostrate pseudobulbs on an elongated, wiry rhizome are diagnostic in the field.
There are 2 species in Thailand, penninsular Malaysia, Sumatra and Borneo
~SECTION Pleiophyllus J.J.Sm. 1914 - See SECTION Lemniscata Pfitz 1889
*SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925
Characterized by medium to large sized plants with 2 leaved pseudobulbs and blooms on a many flowered inflorescence carrying flowers with the lateral sepals united into an elliptic to semi-circular synsepal that is bifid or bidentate apically, keeled on the reverse which extend into the ovary and the flower has short stellida. The anther is with or without a rounded protrusion that is shorter than the anterior margin.
There are about 75 species in this section in Madagascar, the Mascarenes and the Comoros occuring in humid lowlands or Montane forests
*SECTION Plumata J J Verm, Schuit, & De Vogel 2015
This section differs from SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. in having erose to denticulate petal margins and the margins of the median sepal are entire to erose. The resupinate flowers are held in a subumbellate raceme and are 1 or 2 to 4 flowered with the basal node of the pedicel above the attachment of the floral bract. The dorsal sepal has 3 to 17 veins and the margins are glabrous to minutely cilolate, the lateral sepals are 3 to 16 times as long as the dorsal and are connate along the upper and usually along the lower margin. They have 5 to 11 veins. The petals are 1 to 3 veined and the apical margin carries 12 to 32 appendages that differ in texture from the petals themselves. The mobile lip is undivided and is on a thin ligament. The column face is longitudinaly furrowed. There are 4 pollina.
There are 4 species in this section from Thailand, penninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Borneo and the Philippines in forests at elevations up to 1400 meters.
~SECTION Polyblepharon Schlechter 1912 - See SECTION Oxysepala [Wight] Rchb.f 1861
*SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
Characterized by having either a creeping or pendant rhizome and a single flowered inflorescence with a mobile, undivided to auriculate lip carrying resupinate flowers with the basal node of the pedicel above the attachment of the floral bract. The anterior margin of the anther is not drawn out. There are usually 4 pollina.
There are about 164 species at this time in this section from India, Thailand, Sumatra, Java, and eastward to the western Pacific Islands in forests at elevations up to 3400 meters
*`SECTION Polyradices G A Fischer, Seider and Cribb 2007
Epiphytes with membraneous, persistent rhizome scales and densely clustered, bilaterally flattened pseudobulbs carrying a single, coriaceous leaf that blooms on a synanthous, peduncle pendent, scattered, few flowered inflorescence with shorter than the resupinate flowers floral bracts. The petals are finely papillose on the margins and the lip is the same on the underside. The anther has a protrusion that is taller than the anterior margin .
This is a monotypic section confined to Madagascar and occuring in lower montane forests at elevations up to 1400 meters.
~ SECTION Polyrhopalon Schlechter 1913 - See SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f.
*`SECTION Pseudopelma J J Vermeullen and Peter O'Byrne 2003
2 Epiphytes formerly within the section Desmosanthes with creeping or straggling rhizomes giving rise to coarsely papillose roots and finely and densely papillose rhizome bracts from which arise single leafed pseudobulbs that have the new growths arise from nodes below the pseudobulbs but not fused to them. The persistent leaves have thin inconspicuous veins. The inflorescence arises from nodes beneath the pseudobulb or from nodes scattered along the rhizome as solitary or few fasiculate, 1 to 5 flowered, elongate racemes, peduncle with 2 to 3 bracts, rachis not thickened, carrying resupinate, simultaneously opening if racemose flowers with the basal node of the pedicel below the attachment of the floral bract. The sepals are free, almost equal, elliptic to triangular, acute to acuminate and have entire margins. The petals are 3 veined with entire, glabrous margins. The proximal edge of the stigma is truncated by a transverse ridge or a triangular tooth. The anterior surface of the anther is not concave nor is it drawn out. There are 4 pollina with the inner ones half the size of the outer ones.
These 2 species were within SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 but were removed as they differ in the coarsely papillose roots and finely and densely papillose rhizome bracts and the proximal edge of the stigma is truncated by a transverse ridge or a triangular tooth
There are 2 species in this section from the lowland forests of Sulawesi.
*SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindley 1862
Characterized by being epiphytes, lithophytes or terrestrials with creeping rhizomes giving rise to pseudobulbs with 1 or 2 leaves that blooms on an elongate to contracted, racemose, 1 to many flowered inflorescence with the rachis not to hardly thickened, usually round in section, sometimes slightly angular. The floral bracts are usually shorter to as long as the flowers [B pandanetorum has floral bracts longer than the flower]. The flowers are spirally to distichously arranged and are resupinate or not and have free sepals that are glabrous abaxially. The lip is mobile and undivided exept in B nigritianum which is trilobed. The margins are glabrous to long ciliate and are thick and solid at least at the base. The anther is without an abaxial protrusion or with a rounded protrusion that may overtop the anterior margin and carries 2 to 4 pollina.
There are thirty species at this time only in Africa occuring in savannah woodlands, mangroves, lowland and montane forests at elevations up to 2400 meters.
*SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr 1883
These are creeping to straggling epiphytes with shoots developing from the nodes beneath the pseudobulb but not fused to them, with pseudobulbs carrying a single, persistent, thick, without conspicuous veined leaf that blooms on a from the nodes beneath the pseudobulb solitary, many flowered inflorescence with contracted to elongate racemes with spirally arranged, simultaneously opening, resupinate flowers. The peduncle with 3 to 7 bracts, the rachis thickened or not, floral bracts amplexicaul and the basal node of the pedicel is level with or less than the diameter of the pedicel above the attachment of the floral bract. The dorsal sepal is free, obovate to elliptic, rounded to acuminate, 3 to 7 veined, margins entire, glabrous, abaxially sometimes verrucate. The laterals are 1.2 to 2.3 times longer than the dorsal, loosely adhering along the lower margin, ovate and subacute to acuminate. The petals are .06 to .18" [1.5 to 4.5 mm] long, ovate to triangular, almost acute to caudate, glabrous, single veined [except B allenkerrii and B bittnerianum which have 3], margins entire to erose to denticulate. There are 4 pollina with the inner ones about half as long as the outer ones.
There are about 38 species in this section from India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Thailand, China, Vietnam, Laos and penninsular Malaysia in forests at elevations up to 1200 meters
~SECTION Recurvae [Garay, Hamer & Siegerist] Vermeulen 2014 - See SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f.
*SECTION Repantia J J Verm. 2001
New shoots develop from beneath the pseudobulb but are not fused to it, the inflorescence arises from beneath the newly developing shoot and carries spirally arranged or imperfectly distichous flowers, the peduncle has 3 to 7 bracts, the rachis is not thickened, the floral bracts are not amplexicaul and the basal node of the pedicel is level with or slightly above the attachment of the floral bract. The sepals are free and 3 to 5 veined, the dorsal is .16 to .44" [4 to 11 mm] long, elliptic to ovate and acute, the laterals are 1 to 1.5 times larger than the dorsal, and elliptic to triangular in shape. There are 4 pollina with the inner ones more than 1/2 as long as the outer ones.
There are 6 species in this section from India, Nepal, Bhutan, Thailand, China, Vietnam, Laos, in forests at elevations up to 2800 meters
*SECTION Rhinanthera J J Verm 2014
New shoots develop from beneath the pseudobulb but are not fused to it, the inflorescence arises from beneath the newly developing shoot and carries spirally arranged flowers. The peduncle has 4 to 10 bracts, the rachis is not thickened, the floral bracts are amplexicaul and the basal node of the pedicel is above the attachment of the floral bract. The sepals are free, with the lateral sepals equally as long or shorter than the dorsal. The mobile, undivided or subtrilobed lip is on a thin ligament and is ovate to oblong, or divided in a wide, ovate, basal part and a drawn out, narrow, oblong to ovate apical part. The column foot is not widened towards the apex but has a dorsal tooth at the apex. The anther abaxially with a low rounded crest the anterior surface is concave and the anterior margin is distinctly drawn out into an elliptic to triangular beak [backwardly curved in B tahanense] and there are 4 pollina with the inner ones shorter than the outer.
There are about 5 species in this section from penninsular Malaysia, Sumatra and Java in forests at elevations up to 2100 meters
~*SECTION Rhytionanthos [Garay, Hamer & Siegerist] J J Verm, Schuit & De Vogel 2014 - See SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
New shoots develop from beneath the pseudobulb but are not fused to it, the solitary inflorescence arise from beneath the pseudobulb and carries 2 to many, spirally arranged flowers. B paraemarginatum and B rheedei both have single flowers. The peduncle has 3 to 5 bracts. The rachis is thickened or not, and carries resupinate, simultaneously opening flowers and the basal node of the pedicel is slightly above the attachment of the floral bracts. The dorsal sepal is free, the laterals are free or adherent or connate along the upper margins and sometimes along the lower margins and 2 to 5 times as long [except B boninense which is only slightly longer]. The stigma is not proximally protruding, The anterior margin of the anther is drawn out into a rounded beak and there are 4 pollina, the inner ones more than 1/2 as long as the outer ones.
This section differs from SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. in having erose to denticulate petal margins and the margins of the median sepal are entire to erose.
This section has 16 species occuring in forests at elevations up to 1500 meters in Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, China, Myanmar. Thailand, penninsular Malaysia, Laos, Vietnam, Sumatra, Java, Borneo and the Philippines
~SECTION Rhizocaulon Schlechter 1913 - See SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
*SECTION Saurocephalum J J Verm 2014
These orchids have creeping, erect to pendent rhizomes with the shoots developing from nodes beneath the pseudobulbs but not fused to them and have glabrous to papillose bracts. They give rise to distinct pseudobulbs carrying a single, persistent, thick, inconspicuously veined leaf that blooms on an erect, arising from the nodes beneath the pseudobulb, peduncle with 3 to 5 bracts, rachis distinctly thickened or not, elongate, racemose, many flowered inflorescence with non amplexicaul floral bracts and the basal node of the pedicel is level with the attachment of the floral bract and carrying spirally arranged, resupinate, simultaneously opening flowers. The sepals are free, the dorsal ovate, obovate to elliptic, deeply hooded towards the apex, rounded to obtuse, [B hastiferum is apiculate], 3 veined, margins entire, glabrous to papillose to ciliate, the abaxial side glabrous to papillose to pubescent, the lateral sepals the same but partially or fully adherent to connate along the lower margins, ovate to triangular, flat towards the apex, obtuse to acute and 3 to 4 veined. The petals are 1 veined. The stelida are 1/2 the length of the column or shorter, elliptic, oblong to wedge shaped to sub-triangular, distinctly sigmoid near the apex, the upper margin with a wing, that is larger than the stelida. There are 4 pollina with the inner ones almost as long as the outer ones.
This section has 16 species occuring in forests at elevations up to 1200 meters Sulawesi and the Philippines
~SECTION Scaphochilus Schlechter 1913 - See SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913
*SECTION Schistopetalum Schlechter 1913
Charcterized by growing on mossless tree trunks with a downward creeping rhizome which give rise to at brief intervals, short, more or less angular pseudobulbs carrying a longer, single leaf. The short inflorescence are single flowered and they resemble flowers within Peltopus but with larger split petals [with one exception B hassalii] into 5 to 9 segments at the top. The basal node of the pedicel is above the attachment of the floral bract. The lip has two rounded auricles at the base and the column has long sublate stelida with a rather long column foot.
There are 10 species in this section occuring in New Guinea and eastward to Samoa
~ SECTION Scyphochilus - See SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913
~SECTION Scyphosepalum Schltr. 1913 - See SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896
There is a single species in this section B wolfei from Queenslandd Australia
*SECTION Sestochilos (Brada) Benth.
Characterized with distinct pseudobulbs giving rise to a single flowered inflorescence with amplexicaul floral bracts that may be tubular at the base only with free, equally long, obtuse to acuminate, margins entire, glabrous, 5 to 14 veined sepals and obtuse to acuminate, margins entire, glabrous, 5 to 12 veined petals with a mobile lip on a thin ligament, usually undivided, elliptic or oblong to obovate to triangular, or with a wide, triangular, hastate to cordate basal part and a narrow drawn out apical part, adaxially more or less concave near the base, sometimes with 2 converging ridges, adaxial surface glabrous, sometimes partly hirsute, abaxial surface glabrous, and has a stigma with 3 inner keels and a tapering towards the apex or not, and without teeth and carries 4 pollina.
SECTION Sestochilos differs from SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889 in the base of the pedicel which is more than 1 times its diameter distant from the floral bract attachment.
There are 28 or so species in this section occuring in forests at elevations up to 2800 meters in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, China, Taiwan, Japan, Thailand, penninsular Malaysia, Vietnam, Laos, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, the Philippines and eastward to the Solomon Islands.
~SECTION Sphaeracron Schlechter 1913 - See SECTION Oxysepala Benthaham & J D Hook.f. 1883
*SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
Characterized by the minute pseudobulbs and the inflorescence arising from beneath the pseudobulb or from the rhizome and carrying resupinate, successive or simultaneously opening, white, yellowish, greenish to orange flowers without the slightest touch of purple [except B odoratum]. The basal node of the pedicel is level with the attachment of the floral bract. There are 2 pollina but, if there are 4, the inner ones are shorter than the outer ones [B ionophyllum and B sopoetanense] and can be with or without a single stipe.
There are about 66 species in this section occuring in forests up to 2500 meters in elevations in India, China, Taiwan, eastward to the western Pacific, Thailand, penninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, the Philippines and Sulawesi.
~SECTION Stathmocaulos Schlechter 1911 - SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
~ SECTION Stenochilus J.J. Sm. 1914 - See SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883
~SECTION Stictosepalum Schlechter 1913 - See SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
~SECTION Sunipia [Lindley] J J Verm, Pridgeon etal 2014 - See SECTION Ione [Lindley] J J Verm Schuit & de Vogel 2014
*`SECTION Tapeinoglossum [Schlechter] J J Sm. 1916
~SECTION Trachychilus Schlechter 1913- See - See SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913
~ SECTION Trachyrachis Schlechter 1913 - See SECTION Lepanthanthe Schlechter 1913
*`SECTION Trias [Lindl.] J J Verm, Schuit & de Vogel 2014
Characterized by the creeping rhizome giving rise to shoots arising from nodes beneath the distinct pseudobulbs, not fused to them, and carrying a single, apical, persistent, thick leaf that blooms on nodes beneath the pseudobulbs, a solitary to few fasciculate, single flowered inflorescence with 2 to 3 bracts and tubular floral bracts. The basal node of the pedicel is level with the attachment of the floral bract or not. The resupinate flowers have free, equal sepals with the dorsal having 3 to 7 veins and the laterals have 5 to 9 veins. The petals have 1 to 3 veins. The undivided to auriculate, mobile lip is on a thin ligament and the column has the rostellum anterior suface receding in betweeen the stelida, which is half the length of the column or shorter, and deltoid to triangular in shape. There are 4 pollina with the innermost more than half as long as the outer ones.
This section has 13 species occuring in forests at elevations up to 650 meters in India, Myanmar and Thailand
~ SECTION Trichopus Schlechter 1924 - See SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindl. 1862
SECTION Tripudianthes Seidenfaden
The dorsal sepal is free and has 7 to 9 veins, the laterals are 1.1 to 1.2 times longer than the dorsal and are connate along the lower margins. The petals have 5 veins and the distal margin is fimbriate, The mobile lip is on a thin ligament and is undivided. The column has the stigma proximally not protruding. The stelida are less than 1/2 the length of the column and the lower margin has an inconspiculous wing. The anterior surface of the anther is hardly concave and is not drawn out. There are 4 pollina.
CAUTION The species in this section are now in another section, as to what one, I await the research
~ SECTION Umbellatae Bentham 1883 - See SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861
*`SECTION Uncifera Schlechter 1913 Characterized by having racemose, several to many flowered inflorescence. The column and lip are fused over a large surface of the fused area which is small, or consists of a thin ligament only. The most characteristic feature of this section is the presence of a transverse ridge near the base of the lip, with its proximal face pressed to the face of the column foot.
There are 8 species in this section occuring in forests at elevations up to 2800 meters in New Guinea, the western Pacific islands and Australia
CAUTION !!!!!!This section is no longer valid but as to what section these species may be within I do not know,,,,, I await more references!
* SECTION Xiphizusa Rchb.f. 1852
This section is made up of epiphytes and lithophtes with membraneous, evanescent floral bracts and pseudobulbs carrying 2, apical, coriaceous leaves that blooms on a synanthous, erect to apically drooping to 145 degrees, racemose inflorescence carrying distichously arranged, resupinate flowers with united sepals forming a synsepal and erect petals, The steliad area bidentate and the anther is without a protrusion overtopping the anterior margin.
There are 23 epiphytic and occasional lithophytic species in forests and secondary vegetation at elevations up to 200 meters in Jamaica, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia and Peru.
SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925
Bulbophyllum abbreviatum (Rchb.f.) Rchb.f. ex Seidenf. 1973 - See Bulbophyllum trigonopus Rchb. f. 1881
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f.
~ Bulbophyllum aberrans Schltr. 1911 - See Bulbophyllum dischidiifolium J.J.Sm. 1909
SECTION Pelma [Finet] Schlechter 1913
TYPE for the section
~Bulbophyllum absconditum subsp. hastula J.J.Verm. 1993 - See Bulbophyllum absconditum J.J. Sm 1905
~Bulbophyllum absconditum var. gautierense J.J.Sm. 1916 - See Bulbophyllum stipulaceum Schltr. 1905
~Bulbophyllum absconditum var. neoguineense J.J.Sm. 1909 - See Bulbophyllum stipulaceum Schltr. 1905
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913
SECTION Papulipetalum Schlechter 1913
~Bulbophyllum acuminatifolium J.J.Sm.1933 - See Bulbophyllum perpendiculare Schltr. 1911
SECTION Ephippium Schlechter 1913
~Bulbophyllum acuminatum Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum andreeae A.D.Hawkes 1956
SECTION Oreonastes G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep
~Bulbophyllum acutebracteatum var. rubrobrunneopapillosum (De Wild.) J.J.Verm. 1986 - See Bulbophyllum acutibracteatum De Wild.1921
~Bulbophyllum acutibrachium J.J.Sm. 1929 - See Bulbophyllum cylindrobulbum Schltr. 1905
SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896
~Bulbophyllum acutisepalum De Wild. 1916 - See Bulbophyllum schimperianum Kraenzl. 1902
~Bulbophyllum acutum J.J.Sm. 1905 - See Bulbophyllum depressum King & Pantl. 1897
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f.
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
SECTION Ephippium Schlechter 1913
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
~Bulbophyllum adenocarpum Schltr. 1910 - See Bulbophyllum lageniforme F.M.Bailey 1904
~Bulbophyllum adenopetalum Lindl. 1842 - See Bulbophyllum flavescens (Blume) Lindl. 1830
~Bulbophyllum adenophorum [Schlechter]J.J.Sm. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum brienianum [Rolfe] J.J.Sm. 1912
SECTION Micranthae Barb Rodr. 1882
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913
~Bulbophyllum adpressiscapum J.J.Sm. 1915 - See Bulbophyllum ochroleucum Schltr. 1905
SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913
SECTION Hymenobractea Schlechter 1913
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
~Bulbophyllum aeolium subs padansense J J Verm, P O'Byrne and Lamb 2015 - See Bulbophyllum aeolium Ames 1914
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883 ~Bulbophyllum affinoides Guillaumin 1958 - See Bulbophyllum psittacoglossum Rchb. f. 1863
~Bulbophyllum africanum A.D.Hawkes 1956 - See Bulbophyllum nigritianum Rendle 1913
SECTION Lichenophylax Schlechter 1924 ~Bulbophyllum afzelii var. microdoron (Schltr.) Bosser 1965 - See Bulbophyllum afzelii Schltr. 1918
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008 SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889 SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 ~Bulbophyllum alabastraceum P.Royen 1979 - See Bulbophyllum citrellum Ridl. 1916
~Bulbophyllum alagense Ames 1907 - See Bulbophyllum nanopetalum Seidenf. 1979
SECTION Minutissima Pfitzer 1888 SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
~Bulbophyllum albidum (Wight) Hook.f. 1890 - See Bulbophyllum acutiflorum A.Rich. 1841
~Bulbophyllum albidum De Wild. 1921 - See Bulbophyllum nigritianum Rendle 1913
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994 SECTION Cirrhopetaloides Garay, Hamer & Siegerist 1994 ~Bulbophyllum albociliatum var. brevipedunculatum [Hsu & Ching] Lin 2014 - See Bulbophyllum albociliatum (Tang S.Liu & H.Y.Su) K.Nakaj 1973
~Bulbophyllum albociliatum var. weiminianum T.P.Lin & Kuo Huang 2005 - See Bulbophyllum albociliatum (Tang S.Liu & H.Y.Su) K.Nakaj 1973
~Bulbophyllum album Jum. & H.Perrier 1912 - See Bulbophyllum humblotii Rolfe 1891
SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
SECTION Kinethrix Schlechter 1910
SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913 SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindl. 1862 SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr 1883 SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008 SECTION Lepidorhiza Schlechter 1911 ~Bulbophyllum alopecurus Rchb.f. 1880 - See Bulbophyllum triste Rchb. f. 1861
SECTION Pedilochilus [Schlechter] J J Verm & O'Byrne 2011 SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889 SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889 SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum altispex Ridl. 1894 - See Bulbophyllum mutabile [Bl.] Lindl. 1830
SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum amanicum Kraenzl. 1914 - See Bulbophyllum josephi (Kuntze) Summerh. 1945
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum amauryae Rendle 1913 - See Bulbophyllum intertextum Lindl. 1862
SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
~Bulbophyllum amblyoglossum Schltr. 1911 - See Bulbophyllum ovalifolium [Bl] Lindl. 1830
~Bulbophyllum ambohitrense H.Perrier 1937 - See Bulbophyllum nutans (Thouars) Thouars 1822
~Bulbophyllum ambongense Schltr. 1924 - See Bulbophyllum rubrum Jum. & H.Perrier 1912
~Bulbophyllum ambreae H.Perrier 1938 - See Bulbophyllum septatum Schltr. 1924
SECTION Leopardinae Bentham 1883 ~Bulbophyllum ambrosia subsp nepalense Wood 1986 - See Bulbophyllum ambrosia[Hance] Schlechter 1919
~Bulbophyllum amesianum [Rolfe]J.J.Sm. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum cummingii [Lindl.]Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Elasmotopus Schlechter 1925 SECTION Lepidorhiza Schlechter 1911 TYPE for the SECTION ~Bulbophyllum amplebracteatum subsp carunculatum [Garay, Hamer & Siegerist] Verm & O'Byrne 2011 - See Bulbophyllum carunculatum Garay, Hamer, & Siegrist 1994
~Bulbophyllum amplebracteatum subsp orthoglossum [H Wendl. & Kraenzl.] Verm & O'Byrne 2011 - See Bulbophyllum orthoglossum H.Wendl. & Krzl. 1896
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861 ~Bulbophyllum amplum (Lindl.) Rchb.f 1861 - See Epigeneium amplum [Lindley]Summerh. 1830
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889 SECTION Saurocephalum J J Verm 2014 SECTION Elasmotopus Schlechter 1925 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883 SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum andersonii Kurz 1870 - See Bulbophyllum lepidum [Bl.]J.J.Sm. 1825
~Bulbophyllum andongense Rchb.f 1865 - See Bulbophyllum cocoinum Bateman ex Lindl. 1837
~Bulbophyllum andrangense H.Perrier 1939 - See Bulbophyllum francoisii H.Perrier 1937
SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897 ~Bulbophyllum andringitranum Schltr. 1924 - See Bulbophyllum nutans (Thouars) Thouars 1822
~Bulbophyllum angiense J.J.Sm. 1916 - See Bulbophyllum cylindrobulbum Schltr. 1905
~Bulbophyllum anguipes Schltr. 1911 - See Bulbophyllum apodum Hook.f. 1890
~Bulbophyllum angulatum J.J.Sm. 1908 - See Bulbophyllum tenuifolium (Blume) Lindl. 1830
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 ~Bulbophyllum angustifolium var. parvum J.J.Sm. 1907 - See Bulbophyllum smithianum Schltr. 1911
SECTION Ione [Lindley] J J Verm Schuit & de Vogel 2014 SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Kinethrix Schlechter 1910 SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 SECTION Minutissima Pfitzer 1888 SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913 SECTION Saurocephalum J J Verm 2014 SECTION Pelma [Finet] Schlechter 1913 SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861 SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861 ~Bulbophyllum annandalei Ridl. 1924 - See Bulbophyllum annandalei Ridl. 1920
~Bulbophyllum annamicum (Finet) T.B.Nguyen & D.H.Duong 1984 - See Bulbophyllum umbellatum Lindley 1830
SECTION Lepanthanthe Schlechter 1913 SECTION Hyalosema Schlechter 1911 ~Bulbophyllum antenniferum (Lindl.) Rchb.f. Ann. Bot. Syst. 6: 250 1861 - See Bulbophyllum geraense Rchb.f. 1864
SECTION Trias [Lindl.] J J Verm, Schuit & de Vogel 2014 SECTION Didactyle [Lindley] Cogn. 1902 SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
~Bulbophyllum apetalum Lindl. 1862 - See Genyorchis apetala [Lindley] Senghas 1989
SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913 SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883 SECTION Brachypus Schlechter 1913 SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008 ~ Bulbophyllum apodum var. lanceolatum Ridl. 1917 - See Bulbophyllum apodum Hook.f. 1890
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Cirrhopetaloides Garay, Hamer & Siegerist 1994 UNPLESANT SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. 1883 SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum arachnidium Ridl. 1916 - See Bulbophyllum longirostre Schltr. 1913
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum arachnoideum Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum linearilabium J.J.Sm. 1912
SECTION Pedilochilus [Schlechter] J J Verm & O'Byrne 2011 ~Bulbophyllum araniferum Ridl. 1914 - See Bulbophyllum stormii J.J. Sm. 1907
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum arcuatum Schltr. 1921 - See Bulbophyllum chloranthum Schltr. 1905
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Hyalosema Schlechter 1911 SECTION Pelma [Finet] Schlechter 1913
SECTION Adelopetalum [Fitz] J.J. Verm. 1993 ~Bulbophyllum ariel Ridl. 1917 - See Bulbophyllum ovalifolium [Bl] Lindl. 1830
SECTION Bulbophyllaria [Rchb.f] Griseb. 1864 SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008 FAINT SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913
~Bulbophyllum arnoldianum (De Wild.) De Wild. 1921 - See Bulbophyllum falcatum [Lindley]Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933
SECTION Papulipetalum Schlechter 1913 SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913 SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896 SECTION Papulipetalum Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum asperulum J.J. Sm. 1909 - See Bulbophyllum trigonopus Rchb. f. 1881
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933
SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
~Bulbophyllum atroviolaceum Schlechter ? - See Bulbophyllum betchei F. Muell. 1888
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897 TYPE for the section SECTION Elasmotopus Schlechter 1925 ~Bulbophyllum aurantiacum F. Muell. 1862 - See Bulbophyllum schillerianum Rchb.f. 1860
~Bulbophyllum aurantiacum var. wattsii F.M.Bailey 1913 - See Bulbophyllum schillerianum Rchb.f. 1860
~Bulbophyllum aurantiacum var. wuttsii F.M.Bailey 1913 - See Bulbophyllum schillerianum Rchb.f. 1860
SECTION Ephippium Schlechter 1913 SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
~ Bulbophyllum aureolabellum T.P. Lin 1975 - See Bulbophyllum drymoglossum Maxim. 1887
SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861
to MID
and Again MID
and LATE
SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
SECTION Ione [Lindley] J J Verm Schuit & de Vogel 2014
~Bulbophyllum autumnale (Fukuy.) S.S. Ying 1974 - See Bulbophyllum macraei (Lindl.) Rchb. f. 1861
~Bulbophyllum avicellum Ridl. 1897 - See Bulbophyllum membranaceum Teijsm. & Binn. 1854
SECTION Drymoda (Lindl.) J.J.Verm., Schuit. & de Vogel 2014
SECTION Pelma [Finet] Schlechter 1913
SECTION Lepanthanthe Schlechter 1913
~Bulbophyllum badium Ridl. 1917 - See Bulbophyllum membranifolium Hook. f. 1896
SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum bakossorum Schltr. 1905 - See Bulbophyllum falcatum [Lindley]Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Balaenoidea Pfitz 1888
TYPE for the section
~Bulbophyllum balapiuense J.J.Sm. 1917 - See Bulbophyllum apodum Hook.f. 1890
~Bulbophyllum balfourianum auct. 1915 - See Bulbophyllum macrobulbum J.J. Sm. 1910
SECTION Pedilochilus [Schlechter] J J Verm & O'Byrne 2011
SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindl. 1862
~Bulbophyllum bambiliense De Wild. 1916 - See Bulbophyllum scaberulum (Rolfe) Bolus 1889
~Bulbophyllum bambusifolium J.J.Sm. 1935 - See Bulbophyllum piestobulbon Schltr. 1923
SECTION Hyalosema Schlechter 1911
SECTION Pedilochilus [Schlechter] J J Verm & O'Byrne 2011
SECTION Schistopetalum Schlechter 1913 >
and again
SECTION Schistopetalum Schlechter 1913
~Bulbophyllum barbellatum Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum toranum J.J.Sm. 1912
SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindl. 1862
TYPE for the section
~Bulbophyllum barbilabium Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum bulliferum J.J.Sm. 1908
SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr 1883
SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925
~Bulbophyllum barrinum Ridl. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum flavescens (Blume) Lindl. 1830
SECTION Lepidorhiza Schlechter 1911
SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883 - See also Bulbophyllum lobbii Lindley 1847
SECTION Alcistachys Schlechter 1924
~Bulbophyllum batukauense J.J.Sm. 1927 - See Bulbophyllum puntjakense J.J.Sm. 1907
~Bulbophyllum baucoense Ames 1915 - See Bulbophyllum weberi Ames 1912
SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindl. 1862
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
TYPE for the section
~Bulbophyllum befaonense Schltr. 1924 - See Bulbophyllum sarcorhachis Schltr. 1918
~Bulbophyllum belliae J.J.Verm. & A.L.Lamb 2008 - See Bulbophyllum tristriatum Carr 1930
SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883
~Bulbophyllum bequaertii De Wildeman 1921 - See Bulbophyllum cochleatum Lindl. 1862
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Hyalosema Schlechter 1911
~Bulbophyllum bibundiense Schltr. 1906 - See Bulbophyllum sandersonii (Hook.f.) Rchb.f. 1878
SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Cirrhopetaloides Garay, Hamer & Siegerist 1994
~Bulbophyllum bicolor var. funingense (Z.H. Tsi et H.C. Chen) Aver 2016 - See Bulbophyllum funingense Z.H.Tsi & H.C.Chen 1981
~Bulbophyllum bicolor [Lindley] Hkr.f 1890 - See Bulbophyllum roseopictum J.J.Verm., Schuit. & de Vogel 2014;
~Bulbophyllum bicolor Jum. & H.Perrier 1912 - See Bulbophyllum bicoloratum Schltr. 1924
SECTION Lupulina G A Fischer in prep
~Bulbophyllum bicornutum Schltr. 1923 - See Bulbophyllum posticum J.J.Sm.1911
SECTION Xiphizusa Rchb.f. 1852
SECTION Bifarium G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep.
~Bulbophyllum bidi Govaerts 1996 - See Bulbophyllum unguiculatum Rchb.f. 1850
SECTION Bifarium G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep.
TYPE for the section
SECTION Biflorae Garay, Hamer, & Siegrist 1994
TYPE for the section
SECTION Ione [Lindley] J J Verm Schuit & de Vogel 2014
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Uncifera Schlechter 1912
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
~Bulbophyllum binnendijkii J.J. Sm. 1905 - See Bulbophyllum ericssonii Kraenzl. 1893
~Bulbophyllum birugatum J.J.Sm. 1917 - See Bulbophyllum myrtillus Schltr. 1913
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
SECTION Biseta J.J.Verm. ex N.Pearce , P.J.Cribb & Renz 2001
SECTION Biseta J.J.Verm. ex N.Pearce , P.J.Cribb & Renz 2001
TYPE for the section
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr 1883
~Bulbophyllum bivalve J.J.Sm. 1926 - See Bulbophyllum linearilabium J.J.Sm. 1912
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum blepharadenium Schltr. 1919 - See Bulbophyllum minutipetalum Schltr 1913
SECTION Blepharistes J.J.Verm. , Schuit. & de Vogel 2014
TYPE for the section
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindl. 1862
SECTION Brachypus Schlechter 1913
~Bulbophyllum blepharosepalum Schltr. 1906 - See Bulbophyllum limbatum Lindl. 1840
SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913
~Bulbophyllum blumei [Lindley]J.J. Sm. 1905 - See Bulbophyllum maxillare [Lindley]Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum blumei var longicaudatum J.J.Sm. 1911 - See Bulbophyllum longicaudatum J.J. Sm. 1914
~Bulbophyllum blumei var pumilum J.J.Sm. 1910 - See Bulbophyllum nasica Schltr. 1913
SECTION Pantoblepharon Schlechter 1925
~Bulbophyllum bokorense Gagnep. 1950 - See Plocoglottis bokorensis (Gagnep.) Seidenf. 1979
~Bulbophyllum bolaninum Schltr. 1919 - See Bulbophyllum savaiense Schltr.1911
~Bulbophyllum bolovense Guill. 1957 - See Bulbophyllum clandestinum Lindl. 1841
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Trias [Lindl.] J J Verm, Schuit & de Vogel 2014
SECTION Cirrhopetaloides Garay, Hamer & Siegerist 1994
~Bulbophyllum boninense Makino 1912 - See Bulbophyllum macraei (Lindl.) Rchb. f. 1861
SECTION Adelopetalum [Fitz] J.J. Verm. 1993
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum bootanoides (Guillaumin) Seidenf. 1974 - See Bulbophyllum frostii Summerh.1928
~Bulbophyllum borneense (Schltr.) J.J. Sm. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum auratum (Lindl.) Ridl. 1861
~Bulbophyllum bosseri K.Lemcke 1999 - See Bulbophyllum reflexiflorum H.Perrier 1937
SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
Faintly Fetid
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum bowringianum Rchb.f. 1881 - See Bulbophyllum khasyanum Griff. 1851
~Bulbophyllum braccatum Rchb.f. 1877 - See Bulbophyllum odoratum (Blume) Lindl. 1830
SECTION Papulipetalum Schlechter 1913 SECTION Brachypus Schlechter 1913? [tentatively put here along with B gunteri, P pterodon and B trutiniferum as these straddle the boundary of this section and section Polymeres] SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913 SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 ~Bulbophyllum brachypodum A.S.Rao & N.P.Balakr.1969 - See Bulbophyllum yoksunense J.J.Sm.1912
~Bulbophyllum brachypodum var. geei Rao & N.P.Balakr. 1969 - See Bulbophyllum emarginatum (Finet) J.J.Sm.1912
~Bulbophyllum brachypodum var. parviflorum Rao & N.P.Balakr. 1969 - See Bulbophyllum yoksunense J.J.Sm.1912
SECTION Pedilochilus [Schlechter] J J Verm & O'Byrne 2011 SECTION Bulbophyllum G A Fischer & J J Vermeullen in prep SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f.
SECTION Adelopetalum [Fitz] J.J. Verm. 1993 SECTION Bulbophyllaria [Rchb.f] Griseb. 1864 ~Bulbophyllum bracteosum C. Schweinf. 1970 - See Bulbophyllum steyermarkii Foldats 1968
~Bulbophyllum bractescens Rolfe ex Kerr 1927 - See Bulbophyllum bittnerianum Schlechter 1910
SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum brastagiense Carr 1933 - See Bulbophyllum crepidiferum J.J.Sm. 1920
SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883 SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Ephippium Schlechter 1913 SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum brevidenticulatum De Wildeman 1916 - See Bulbophyllum cocoinum Bateman ex Lindl. 1837
~Bulbophyllum breviflorum Ridl. 1894 - See Bulbophyllum unguiculatum Rchb.f. 1850
SECTION Papulipetalum Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum brevipedunculatum T.C.Hsu & S.W.Chung 2008 - See Bulbophyllum albociliatum (Tang S.Liu & H.Y.Su) K.Nakaj 1973
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933
~Bulbophyllum breviscapum (Rolfe) Ridl. 1907 - See Bulbophyllum lasiochilum Parish & Rchb.f 1874
~Bulbophyllum breviscapum J.J.Sm. 1910 - See Bulbophyllum desmotrichoides Schltr. 1913
~Bulbophyllum breviscapum H. Jiang & D.P. Ye 2010 - See Bulbophyllum retusum H. Jiang, D.P. Ye & J.D. Ya 2021
SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr.f 1883
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933
SECTION Ephippium Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum brixhei De Wild. 1916 - See Bulbophyllum falcatum [Lindley]Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum brookesii Ridl. 1908 - See Bulbophyllum odoratum (Blume) Lindl. 1830
~Bulbophyllum brookeanum Kraenzl. 1904 - See Bulbophyllum vermiculare Hook.f. 1890
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889 ~Bulbophyllum brunnescens [Ridley] J.J.Sm. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum brienianum [Rolfe] J.J.Sm. 1912
SECTION Pantoblepharon Schlechter 1925 SECTION Lichenophylax Schlechter 1924
~Bulbophyllum buchenauianum (Kraenzl.) De Wild. 1921 - See Bulbophyllum calyptratum Kraenzl. 1895
~Bulbophyllum bufo (Lindl.) Rchb.f. 1861 - See Bulbophyllum falcatum [Lindley]Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Lepanthanthe Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum buntingii Rendle 1913 - See Bulbophyllum oxychilum Schltr. 1905
~Bulbophyllum burfordiense Garay Hamer and Siegerist 1996 _ See Bulbophyllum grandiflorum Blume 1849
~Bulbophyllum burfordiense Rolfe 1901 - See Bulbophyllum grandiflorum Blume 1849
~Bulbophyllum burkillii Gage 1906 - See Bulbophyllum oblongum [Lindley] Rchb.f 1864
SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindl. 1862
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum caeruleolineatum H.Perrier 1951 - See Bulbophyllum oxycalyx Schltr. 1924
~Bulbophyllum caesariatum Ridl. 1924 - See Bulbophyllum lindleyanum Griff. 1851
~Bulbophyllum calabaricum Rolfe 1906 - See Bulbophyllum pumilum (Sw.) Lindl. 1830
~Bulbophyllum calamarioides Schltr. 1924 - See Bulbophyllum erectum Thouars 1822
~Bulbophyllum calamarium Lindl., Edwards's Bot. Reg. 29(Misc.): 70 (1843 - See
~*Bulbophyllum calamarium var. albociliatum. Finet 1911 - See Bulbophyllum saltatorium Lindl. 1837 var albociliatum
SECTION Brachypus Schlechter 1913 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Macrouris Schlechter 1913 SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 ~Bulbophyllum calodictyon Schltr. 1919 - See Bulbophyllum griffithii (Lindl.) Rchb. f. 1864
SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897 SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum calothyrsus Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum callichroma Schltr. 1913
SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913 SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindl. 1862 SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994 SECTION Megaclinium G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep.
~Bulbophyllum calyptratum var. graminifolium (Summerh.) J.J.Verm. 1986 - See Bulbophyllum calyptratum Kraenzl. 1895
~Bulbophyllum calyptratum var. lucifugum (Summerh.) J.J.Verm. 1987- See Bulbophyllum calyptratum Kraenzl. 1895
SECTION Pantoblepharon Schlechter 1925 SECTION Trias [Lindl.] J J Verm, Schuit & de Vogel 2014 SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883 ~Bulbophyllum campanulatum Rolfe 1909 - See Bulbophyllum auratum (Lindl.) Ridl. 1861
~Bulbophyllum campanulatum var. inconspicuum J.J.Sm. 1920 - See Bulbophyllum auratum (Lindl.) Ridl. 1861
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896 SECTION Ione [Lindley] J J Verm Schuit & de Vogel 2014 SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindl. 1862 SECTION Minutissima Pfitzer 1888
SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883 SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindl. 1862 SECTION Trias [Lindl.] J J Verm, Schuit & de Vogel 2014 SECTION Bifalcula Schlechter 1925 SECTION Inversiflora G A Fischer & P J Cribb SECTION Macrouris Schlechter 1913 SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr 1883 TYPE for the section ~Bulbophyllum careyanum auct. 1961 non [Hkr] Spreng - See Bulbophyllum tricorne Seidenf. & Smitin. 1965
~Bulbophyllum careyanum var. crassipes (Hook.f.) Pradhan 1979 - See Bulbophyllum crassipes Hook. f. 1890
~Bulbophyllum careyanum var ochraceum Hkr. 1890 - See Bulbophyllum careyanum (Hook.) Spreng. 1826
~Bulbophyllum carinatum (L.) Náves 1880 - See Dendrobium carinatum (L.) Willd. 1805
~Bulbophyllum carinatum Cogn. 1895 - See Bulbophyllum reticulatum Bateman 1866
~Bulbophyllum carinatum Ames 1912 - See Bulbophyllum mearnsii Ames 1913
~Bulbophyllum carinatum G.Will. 1980 - See Bulbophyllum unifoliatum De Wild. 1921
SECTION Megaclinium G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep. SECTION Carnosisepala G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep.
TYPE for the section SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994 SECTION Lepidorhiza Schlechter 1911 ~Bulbophyllum carunculilabrum Carr 1932 - See Bulbophyllum catenarium Ridl. 1894
~Bulbophyllum caryophyllum J.J. Sm. 1914 - See Bulbophyllum baileyi F Muell. 1875
~Bulbophyllum cassideum J.J.Sm. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum orbiculare J.J.Sm. 1912
SECTION Lichenophylax Schlechter 1924
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Macrouris Schlechter 1913 SECTION Sestochilos [Breda] Benth & Hook.f. 1883
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 > SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008 SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861 ~Bulbophyllum caudatum L.O.Williams 1938 - See Bulbophyllum williamsii A.D.Hawkes 1956
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 ~Bulbophyllum cauliflorum var. sikkimense N.Pearce & P.J.Cribb 2001 - See Bulbophyllum cauliflorum Hook.f. 1890
SECTION Uncifera Schlechter 1912 SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896 ~Bulbophyllum cavistigma J.J.Sm. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum trifilum J.J.Sm. 1908
SECTION Tapeinoglossum [Schlechter] J J Sm. 1916 TYPE for the section SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum ceratostyloides (Schltr.) Schltr. 1925 - See Bulbophyllum mutabile [Bl.] Lindl. 1830
SECTION Ephippium Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum cercoglossum Summerh. 1953 publ. 1954 - See Bulbophyllum renkinianum (Laurent) De Wild. 1921
SECTION Brachypus Schlechter 1913 SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
~Bulbophyllum cernuum var vittata J.J.Sm. 1905 - See Bulbophyllum cernuum [Bl.]Lindl. 1830
~Bulbophyllum chaetopus Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum oreodoxa Schltr. 1913
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum chaunobulbon var. ctenopetalum Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum chaunobulbon Schltr. 1913
SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883 ~Bulbophyllum cheiri var subuliferum [Schltr.] Verm O'Byrne and Lamb 2015 - See Bulbophyllum cheiri Lindl. 1844
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. ~Bulbophyllum chekaense Carr 1932 - See Bulbophyllum puguahaanense Ames 1915
~Bulbophyllum chevalieri De Wild. 1921 - See Bulbophyllum scaberulum (Rolfe) Bolus 1889
SECTION Schistopetalum Schlechter 1913 SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Brachypus Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum chitouense S.S.Ying 1995 - See Bulbophyllum griffithii (Lindl.) Rchb.f. 1861
SECTION Macrouris Schlechter 1913 SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
SECTION Micranthae Barb Rodr. 1882
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Xiphizusa Rchb.f. 1852 TYPE for the section SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. ~Bulbophytlum chlorostachys Schlechter 1912 - See Bulbophyllum propinquum Kraenzl. 1908
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum christophersenii L.O. Wms. 1939 - See Bulbophyllum samoanum Schltr. 1911
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 ~Bulbophyllum chryseum (Kraenzl.) Ames 1911 - See Bulbophyllum tenuifolium (Blume) Lindl. 1830
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr.f 1883 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum chyrmangensis D.Verma, Lavania & Sushil K.Singh 2015 - See Bulbophyllum guttulatum [Hooker]Balakr. 1970
~Bulbophyllum ciliatoides Seidenf. 1975 - See Bulbophyllum membranaceum Teijsm. & Binn. 1854
SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896 ~Bulbophyllum ciliatum Schltr. 1906 - See Bulbophyllum maximum (Lindl.) Rchb. f. 1861
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum ciliisepalum T.C.Hsu & S.W.Chung 2008 - See Bulbophyllum setaceum T.P. Lin 1975
~Bulbophyllum cilioglossum R.S. Rogers & Nicholls 1935 - See Bulbophyllum radicans F.M. Bailey 1883
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. ~Bulbophyllum cincinnatum Ridl. 1903 - See Bulbophyllum hirtulum Ridl. 1900
~Bulbophyllum cirrhatum Hook.f. 1890 - See Bulbophyllum purpureofuscum J.J.Verm. 2014
SECTION Lupulina G A Fischer in prep ~Bulbophyllum cirrhopetaloides Griff. 1851 - See Bulbophyllum bisetum Lindl. 1842
SECTION Bulbophyllaria [Rchb.f] Griseb. 1864 SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
~Bulbophyllum citrellum J.J.Sm. 1927 - See Bulbophyllum citricolor J.J.Sm. 1932
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008 SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883 ~Bulbophyllum citrinum (Ridl.) Ridl. 1907 - See Bulbophyllum purpurascens Teijsm & Binn 1862
SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883 TYPE for the section SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883 ~Bulbophyllum clarkeanum King & Pantl. 1895 - See Bulbophyllum stenobulbon Parish & Rchb. f. 1916
~Bulbophyllum clarkei Rchb.f. 1888 - See Bulbophyllum reptans (Lindl.) Lindl 1829
~Bulbophyllum clarkei Schltr. 1906 - See Bulbophyllum scaberulum (Rolfe) Bolus 1889
SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum clavigerum [Fitz.] F. Mueller 1884 - See Bulbophyllum longiflorum Thouars 1822
~Bulbophyllum clavigerum H.Perrier 1951 - See Bulbophyllum lemurense Bosser & P.J.Cribb 1999
SECTION Ephippium Schlechter 1913
SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897 SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896 SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896 SECTION Inversiflora G A Fischer & P J Cribb
~Bulbophyllum cochinchinense Gagn. 1950 - See Bulbophyllum macranthum Lindley 1844
SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindl. 1862 ~Bulbophyllum cochleatum Schltr. 1910 - See Bulbophyllum macphersonii Rupp 1934
~Bulbophyllum cochleatum var bequaertii [De Wildeman] J.J.Vermeullen 1986 - See Bulbophyllum cochleatum Lindl. 1862
~Bulbophyllum cochleatum var. brachyanthum (Summerh.) J.J.Verm. 1986 - See Bulbophyllum cochleatum Lindl. 1862
~Bulbophyllum cochleatum var. gravidum (Lindl.) J.J.Verm. 1986 - See Bulbophyllum cochleatum Lindl. 1862
~Bulbophyllum cochleatum var. tenuicaule (Lindl.) J.J.Verm. 1986 - See Bulbophyllum cochleatum Lindl. 1862
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum cochlia Garay, Hamer & Siegerist 1994 - See Bulbophyllum salaccense Rchb.f. 1857
SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindl. 1862 SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 TYPE for the section SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
~Bulbophyllum coeruleum H.Perrier 1951 - See Bulbophyllum bicoloratum Schltr. 1924
SECTION Pedilochilus [Schlechter] J J Verm & O'Byrne 2011 ~Bulbophyllum colletii Auct. non Kng. & Pntlg. 1961 - See Bulbophyllum wendlandianum [Kraenzl]Dammer 1912
SECTION Pelma [Finet] Schlechter 1913 SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Leopardinae Bentham 1883 SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883
SECTION Megaclinium G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep. SECTION Comata G A Fischer & J J Verm. in prep ~Bulbophyllum comatum var. inflatum (Rolfe) J.J.Verm. 1986 - See Bulbophyllum comatum Lindl. 1862
SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896 SECTION Hyalosema Schlechter 1911 ~ Bulbophyllum commersonii Thouars 1822 - See Bulbophyllum incurvum Thouars 1822
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913 SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 ~Bulbophyllum comosum H.Perrier 1937 - See Bulbophyllum reflexiflorum H.Perrier 1937
~Bulbophyllum compactum Kraenzl. 1893 - See Bulbophyllum coriophorum Ridl. 1886
SECTION Bifalcula Schlechter 1925 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 SECTION Oreonastes G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum concavum Ames & C.Schweinf. 1920 - See Bulbophyllum cornutum [Blume]Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Pantoblepharon Schlechter 1925 SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883 SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Saurocephalum J J Verm 2014 ~Bulbophyllum confertum Hkr.f. 1890 - See Bulbophyllum scabratum Rchb. f. 1861
~Bulbophyllum congestum Rolfe 1912 - See Bulbophyllum odoratissimum [Sm.]Lindley 1829
~Bulbophyllum congolanum Schltr. 1905 - See Bulbophyllum scaberulum (Rolfe) Bolus 1889
SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008 SECTION Papulipetalum Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum constrictilabre J.J.Sm. 1915 - See Bulbophyllum cylindrobulbum Schltr. 1905
SECTION Lepidorhiza Schlechter 1911 ~Bulbophyllum copelandi Ames 1905 - See Bulbophyllum cheiri Lindl. 1844
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 ~Bulbophyllum cordilabrum P.Royen 1979 - See Bulbophyllum cylindrobulbum Schltr. 1905
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008 SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 TYPE for the section ~Bulbophyllum coriscense Rchb.f. 1881 - See Bulbophyllum cocoinum Bateman ex Lindl. 1837
~Bulbophyllum corneri Carr 1932 - See Bulbophyllum vesiculosum J.J.Sm. 1917
SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889 ~Bulbophyllum cornutum (Lindl.) Rchb. f. 1864 - See Bulbophyllum helenae J.J. Sm. 1912
~Bulbophyllum cornutum var ecornutum J.J. Sm. 1905 - See Bulbophyllum ecornutum J.J. Sm 1914
SECTION Ephippium Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum correae Pabst 1972 - See Bulbophyllum setigerum Lindl. 1838
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. ~Bulbophyllum corticicola Schltr. 1910 - See Bulbophyllum schefferi (Kuntze) Schltr. 1915
SECTION Adelopetalum [Fitz] J.J. Verm. 1993 SECTION Leopardinae Bentham 1883 SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883 SECTION Monomeria [Lindl.] J J Verm., Schuit. & de Vogel 2014
TYPE for the section ~Bulbophyllum craibianum Kerr 1927 - See Bulbophyllum shweliense W.W. Sm. 1921
~Bulbophyllum crassicaudatum Ames & C.Schweinf. 1920 - See Bulbophyllum odoratum (Blume) Lindl. 1830
~Bulbophyllum crassifolioides Aver. 1994 - See Bulbophyllum osyricera Schltr. 1911
SECTION Trias [Lindl.] J J Verm, Schuit & de Vogel 2014 ~Bulbophyllum crassifolium (Blume) J.J.Sm. 1905 - See Bulbophyllum osyricera Schltr. 1911
SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr.f 1883 ~Bulbophyllum crassissimum J.J.Sm. 1917 - See Bulbophyllum hastiferum Schltr. 1911
~Bulbophyllum crassiusculifolium Averyanov 1997 - See Bulbophyllum pauciflorum Ames 1912
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008 SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883 SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897 ~Bulbophyllum crenulatum Rolfe 1905 - See Bulbophyllum coriophorum Ridl. 1886
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum cribbianum Toscano 1992 - See Bulbophyllum micropetaliforme Leite 1946
~Bulbophyllum crispatisepalum P.Royen 1979 - See Bulbophyllum rubipetalum P.Royen 1979
~Bulbophyllum crista-galli Kraenzl. 1905 - See Bulbophyllum membranifolium Hook. f. 1896
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 TYPE for the Section SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897 SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889 SECTION Lepanthanthe Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum cryptanthum Schltr. 1905 - See Bulbophyllum dichilus Schltr.1913
~Bulbophyllum cryptanthum auct. non Schltr.: J.J. Sm., 1909 - See Bulbophyllum cryptanthoides J.J.Sm. 1912
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
~Bulbophyllum cryptophoranthoides Kraenzl. 1874 - See - See Bulbophyllum membranifolium Hook. f. 1896
~Bulbophyllum cryptophoranthoides Garay 1999 - See Bulbophyllum cryptophoranthus Garay 1999
SECTION Lepidorhiza Schlechter 1911
SECTION Lupulina G A Fischer in prep
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum cucullatum Schltr. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum cuniculiforme J.J.Sm. 1911
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Ione [Lindley] J J Verm Schuit & de Vogel 2014 SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum cuneifolium Ames & C.Schweinf. 1920 - See Bulbophyllum caudatisepalum Ames & C.Schweinf. 1920
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum cupreum auct. non Lindl 1862 - See Bulbophyllum careyanum (Hook.) Spreng. 1826
~Bulbophyllum cupreum Hook. non Lindl. 1862 - See Bulbophyllum careyanum (Hook.) Spreng. 1826
SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr 1883 SECTION Aeschynanthoides Carr 1930 ~Bulbophyllum curtisi [Hkr.f] J.J.Sm not Ridley 1912 - See Bulbophyllum corolliferum J.J.Sm. 1917
~Bulbophyllum curtisii Ridl. 1903 [non1911,12] - See Bulbophyllum purpurascens Teijsm & Binn 1862
~Bulbophyllum curtisi var purpureum J.J.Sm. 1933 - See Bulbophyllum corolliferum J.J.Smith 1917
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 SECTION Megaclinium G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep. ~Bulbophyllum cuspidilingue Rchb.f 1861 - See Bulbophyllum maxillare [Lindley]Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889 SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. SECTION Pedilochilus [Schlechter] J J Verm & O'Byrne 2011 SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008 SECTION Minutissima Pfitzer 1888 ~*Bulbophyllum cyclosepalon Carr 1932 - See Bulbophyllum dentiferum Ridl. 1915
SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883 ~Bulbophyllum cylindraceum var. khasianum Hook.f. 1890 - See Bulbophyllum khasyanum Griff 1851
SECTION Uncifera Schlechter 1912 SECTION Kinethrix Schlechter 1910 ~Bulbophyllum cylindrocarpum var. andringitrense Bosser 2000 - See Bulbophyllum jeanbosseri Gamisch & Hermans 2021
~ Bulbophyllum cylindrocarpum var. aurantiacum Frapp. ex Cordem. 1895 - See
Bulbophyllum cylindrocarpum Frapp. ex Cordem. 1895
~Bulbophyllum cylindrocarpum var. olivaceum Frapp. ex Cordem. 1895 - See
Bulbophyllum cylindrocarpum Frapp. ex Cordem. 1895
SECTION Lepidorhiza Schlechter 1911 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
~Bulbophyllum cyrtopetalum Schltr. 1911 - See Bulbophyllum maximum (Lindl.) Rchb. f. 1861
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Didactyle [Lindley] Cogn. 1902
~Bulbophyllum dagamense Ames 1915 - See Bulbophyllum rugosum Ridl. 1896
~Bulbophyllum dahlemense Schltr. 1919 - See Bulbophyllum falcatum [Lindley]Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum dalatense Seidenf. 1973 publ. 1974 - See Bulbophyllum vietnamense Seidenf. 1975
SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindl. 1862 SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum dasyphyllum Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum betchei F. Muell. 1888
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Acrochaene ( Lindl. ) J.J.Verm. , Schuit. & de Vogel 2014 SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883 ~Bulbophyllum dearei H.J.Veitch 1888 - See Bulbophyllum dearei Rchb. f. 1888
SECTION Lichenophylax Schlechter 1924 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. ~Bulbophyllum deceptum Ames 1915 - See Bulbophyllum odoratum (Blume) Lindl. 1830
~Bulbophyllum decipiens Schltr. 1905 - See Bulbophyllum colubrinum (Rchb.f.) Rchb.f. 1861
SECTION Macrouris Schlechter 1913 SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889 SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum deistelianum (Kraenzl.) Schltr. 1905 - See Bulbophyllum falcatum [Lindley]Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896
SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861 SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008> SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum demissum Ridl. 1917 - SeeBulbophyllum smithianum Schltr. 1911
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Macrouris Schlechter 1913 SECTION Hyalosema Schlechter 1911 ~Bulbophyllum densissimum Carr 1935 - See Bulbophyllum farinulentum J.J.Sm. 1920
~Bulbophyllum densiflorum Ridl. 1897 - See Bulbophyllum singaporeanum Schltr. 1911
~Bulbophyllum densiflorum Rolfe 1892 - See Bulbophyllum cariniflorum Rchb. f. 1861
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Bulbophyllum G A Fischer & J J Vermeullen in prep SECTION Denticulata G A Fischer & J J Vermeullen in prep SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896 ~Bulbophyllum derchianum S.S.Ying 1989 - See Bulbophyllum tokioi Fukuy. 1935
SECTION Imitatores J.J.Verm. , Schuit. & de Vogel 2014 SECTION Monosepalum [Schlechter] J J Sm. 1916 ~Bulbophyllum devangiriense N.P.Balakr. 1970 - See Bulbophyllum pteroglossum Schltr. 1919
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889 SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008 SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008 SECTION Biseta J.J.Verm. ex N.Pearce , P.J.Cribb & Renz 2001 SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008 SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
~Bulbophyllum diceras Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum posticum J.J.Sm.1911
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Imitatores J.J.Verm. , Schuit. & de Vogel 2014 SECTION Monomeria [Lindl.] J J Verm., Schuit. & de Vogel 2014 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
SECTION Gongorodes J J Smith 1914 SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897 ~Bulbophyllum digoelense var. septemtrionale J.J.Sm. in ?. - See Bulbophyllum septemtrionale J.J. Sm. 1913
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 ~Bulbophyllum diploncos Schltr. 1911 - See Bulbophyllum ovalifolium [Bl] Lindl. 1830
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
~Bulbophyllum dischidiifolium J.J.Sm. 1909 subsp aberrans Verm. & O'Byrne 2011 - See Bulbophyllum dischidiifolium J.J.Sm. 1909
SECTION Papulipetalum Schlechter 1913 SECTION Trias [Lindl.] J J Verm, Schuit & de Vogel 2014 SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum discolor subsp. cubitale J.J.Verm. 1993 - See Bulbophyllum discolor Schltr. 1913
~Bulbophyllum disjunctibulbum J.J.Sm. 1929 - See Bulbophyllum cylindrobulbum Schltr. 1905
SECTION Altisceptrum J J Smith 1914 ~Bulbophyllum dispersum Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum kaniense Schltr. 1913
~Bulbophyllum dispersum var. roseans Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum kaniense Schltr. 1913
SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr 1883 ~Bulbophyllum distans Lindl. 1862 - See Bulbophyllum saltatorium Lindl. 1837 var albociliatum
SECTION Schistopetalum Schlechter 1913
SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897 SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883 ~Bulbophyllum dixonii Rolfe 1908 - See Bulbophyllum morphologorum Kraenzl. 1908
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum djumaense (De Wild.) De Wild. 1921 - See Bulbophyllum maximum (Lindl.) Rchb. f. 1861
~Bulbophyllum djumaense var. grandifolium De Wild. 1921 - See Bulbophyllum maximum (Lindl.) Rchb. f. 1861
SECTION Megaclinium G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep.
~Bulbophyllum dolichoblepharon (Schltr.) J.J.Sm. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum brevibrachiatum (Schltr.) J.J.Sm. 1912
SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Pedilochilus [Schlechter] J J Verm & O'Byrne 2011 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum dorotheae Rendle 1913 - See Bulbophyllum pumilum (Sw.) Lindl. 1830
~Bulbophyllum drallei Rchb.f. 1885 - See Bulbophyllum pumilum (Sw.) Lindl. 1830
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Aeschynanthoides Carr 1930 TYPE for the section SECTION Drymoda (Lindl.) J.J.Verm., Schuit. & de Vogel 2014 TYPE for the section SECTION Aeschynanthoides Carr 1930 SECTION Papulipetalum Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum dubium J.J.Sm. 1909 - See Bulbophyllum aemulum Schltr. 1905
~Bulbophyllum dulitense Carr 1935 - See Bulbophyllum caudatisepalum Ames & C.Schweinf. 1920
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 SECTION Didactyle [Lindley] Cogn. 1902 SECTION Xiphizusa Rchb.f. 1852 ~Bulbophyllum dyerianum (King & Pantl.) Seidenf. 1973 publ. 1974 - See Bulbophyllum rolfei (Kuntze) Seidenf. 1979
~Bulbophyllum dyphoniae Tixier 1968 - See Bulbophyllum dayanum Rchb. f. 1865
~Bulbophyllum ealaense De Wild. 1916 - See Bulbophyllum scaberulum (Rolfe) Bolus 1889
Bulbophyllum eberhardtii ( Gagnep. ) Seidenf. 1992 - See Bulbophyllum longiflorum Thouars 1822 ~Bulbophyllum eberhardtii [Gagnep] Pham-Hoang 1972 - See Bulbophyllum picturatum [Lodd.] Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum ebracteolatum Kraenzl. 1916 - See Bulbophyllum saurocephalum Rchb. f. 1886
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008 SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum eburneum (Pfitzer) De Wild. 1921 - See Bulbophyllum scaberulum (Rolfe) Bolus 1889
SECTION Lepidorhiza Schlechter 1911 SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889 SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
~Bulbophyllum ecornutum var deliense J. J. Sm. 1932 - See Bulbophyllum ecornutum J.J. Sm 1914
~Bulbophyllum ecornutum var teloense J. J. Sm. 1932 - See Bulbophyllum ecornutum J.J. Sm 1914
~ Bulbophyllum ecornutum var verrucatum Verm & O'Byrne 2015 - See Bulbophyllum ecornutum J.J. Sm 1914
SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896 ~Bulbophyllum ecuadorense Schltr. 1921 - See Bulbophyllum pinelianum (A.Rich.) Ormerod 2016
SECTION Kinethrix Schlechter 1910 SECTION Saurocephalum J J Verm 2014 ~Bulbophyllum effusum Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum fractiflexum J.J. Sm. 1908
~Bulbophyllum efogi [Gardening name] - See Bulbophyllum longilabre Schltr. 1912
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum elachon J.J.Verm. 1982 - See Bulbophyllum pumilum (Sw.) Lindl. 1830
~*Bulbophyllum elaidium Lindl. 1862 - See Stolzia elaidium (Lindl.) Summerh.1964
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008 SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr 1883 ~Bulbophyllum elatius Ridl. 1896 - See Bulbophyllum odoratum (Blume) Lindl. 1830
SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861 ~Bulbophyllum elbertii J.J.Sm. 1914 - See Bulbophyllum antenniferum [Lindley] Rchb. f. 1861
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861 ~Bulbophyllum electrinum var. calvum T.P.Lin & W.M.Lin 2009 - See Bulbophyllum hirundinis [Gagnep.] Seidenf. 1973 publ. 1974
~Bulbophyllum electrinum var. sui T.P.Lin & W.M.Lin 2009 - See Bulbophyllum hirundinis [Gagnep.] Seidenf. 1973 publ. 1974
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum elegans [Teijsm & Binn] J.J.Sm. 1905 - See Bulbophyllum pulchrum (N.E. Br.) J.J. Sm. 1912
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861 SECTION Hyalosema Schlechter 1911
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
SECTION Adelopetalum [Fitz] J.J. Verm. 1993 SECTION Cirrhopetaloides Garay, Hamer & Siegerist 1994
SECTION Lupulina G A Fischer in prep SECTION Papulipetalum Schlechter 1913 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum ellipticum De Wild. 1921 - See Bulbophyllum oxychilum Schltr. 1905
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Altisceptrum J J Smith 1914 TYPE for the section ~Bulbophyllum elongatum (De Wild.) De Wild., 1921 - See Bulbophyllum ivorense P.J.Cribb & Pérez-Vera 1975
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861 SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883 SECTION Biseta J.J.Verm. ex N.Pearce , P.J.Cribb & Renz 2001 SECTION Oreonastes G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883 ~Bulbophyllum ensiculiferum J.J.Sm. 1929 - See Bulbophyllum restrepia Ridl. 1893
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. ~Bulbphyllum epiphippium Rdl. 1921 - See Bulbophyllum maxillare [Lindley]Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Micranthae Barb Rodr. 1882 ~Bulbophyllum equivestigium Gilli 1980 publ. 1983 - See Bulbophyllum cylindrobulbum Schltr. 1905
SECTION Lupulina G A Fischer in prep ~Bulbophyllum erectum Ridl. 1916 - See Bulbophyllum habbemense P.Royen 1979
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
SECTION Lepanthanthe Schlechter 1913 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum errabundum Ridl. 1916 - See Bulbophyllum orbiculare J.J.Sm. 1912
~Bulbophyllum eruciferum J.J.Sm. 1910 publ. 1911 - See Bulbophyllum coniferum Ridl. 1909
~ Bulbophyllum erythrochilum Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum simile Schltr. 1913
SECTION Kinethrix Schlechter 1910 SECTION Pedilochilus [Schlechter] J J Verm & O'Byrne 2011 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Eublepharon J J Verm., Schuit. & de Vogel 2014
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883 SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 SECTION Didactyle [Lindley] Cogn. 1902
TYPE for the section SECTION Lepidorhiza Schlechter 1911 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896 ~Bulbophyllum exiliscapum J.J.Sm. 1927 - See Bulbophyllum flavescens (Blume) Lindl. 1830
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum eximium Ames & C.Schweinf. 1920 - See Bulbophyllum ceratostylis J.J.Sm.1904
SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindl. 1862 SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
~Bulbophyllum extensum Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum kaniense Schltr. 1913
SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Megaclinium G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep. TYPE for the section ~Bulbophyllum falcatum var. bufo (Lindl.) Govaerts 1996 - See Bulbophyllum falcatum [Lindley]Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum falcatum var. velutinum (Lindl.) J.J.Verm. 1992 - See Bulbophyllum falcatum [Lindley]Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Papulipetalum Schlechter 1913 SECTION Megaclinium G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep. SECTION Sestochilos [Breda] Benth & Hook.f. 1883
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Altisceptrum J J Smith 1914 ~Bulbophyllum farinulentum subsp. densissimum (Carr) J.J.Verm. 2002 - See Bulbophyllum farinulentum J.J.Sm. 1920
SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861 SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Cirrhopetaloides Garay, Hamer & Siegerist 1994 ~Bulbophyllum fatuum J.J.Sm. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum trifilum J.J.Sm. 1908
SECTION Megaclinium G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep. > SECTION Xiphizusa Rchb.f. 1852 SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861 ~Bulbophyllum fenghuangshanianum S.S.Ying 1990 - See Bulbophyllum rubrolabellum T.P.Lin 1975
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 ~Bulbophyllum ferruginescens Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum cylindrobulbum Schltr. 1905
SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861 SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913> SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
~Bulbophyllum fibrosum J.J. Sm. 1920 - See Bulbophyllum pileatum Lindl. 1844
SECTION Schistopetalum Schlechter 1913 SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883 ~Bulbophyllum filicaule f. flavescens J.J.Sm. 1916
- See Bulbophyllum filicaule J.J.Sm. 1913
~Bulbophyllum filicoides Ames 1923 - See Bulbophyllum rhizomatosum Ames & C.Schweinf. 1920
SECTION Xiphizusa Rchb.f. 1852 ~*Bulbophyllum filiforme Kraenzl. 1895 - See Bulbophyllum resupinatum Ridley 1887
~Bulbophyllum filisepalum J.J.Sm. 1915 - See Bulbophyllum trifilum J.J.Sm. 1908
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861 ~Bulbophyllum fimbriatum H. Perrier 1941 - See Bulbophyllum peyrotii Bosser 1965
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861 ~Bulbophyllum finetianum Schltr. 1906 - See Bulbophyllum betchei F. Muell. 1888
~Bulbophyllum finetii Szlach. & Olszewski 2001 - See Bulbophyllum saltatorium Lindl. 1837 var albociliatum [Finet] J.J.Vermeulen 1986
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861 SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
SECTION Schistopetalum Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum fissipetalum Kraenzl. 1928 - See Prasophyllum calopterum Rchb.f. 1876
~Bulbophyllum flabellum-veneris (J.König) Aver. 2003 - See Bulbophyllum lepidum [Bl.]J. J. Sm. 1905
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum flavescens var triflorum J.J.Sm. 1905 - See Bulbophyllum flavescens (Blume) Lindl. 1830
~Bulbophyllum flavescens var. temelense J.J.Sm. 1931 - See Bulbophyllum flavescens (Blume) Lindl. 1830
SECTION Minutissima Pfitzer 1888 SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 ~Bulbophyllum flavidum Lindl. 1840 - See Genyorchis apetala [Lindley] Senghas 1989
~Bulbophyllum flavidum var. elongatum De Wild. 1903 - See Bulbophyllum ivorense P.J.Cribb & Pérez-Vera 1975
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861 ~Bulbophyllum flavisepalum Hayata 1912 - See Bulbophyllum retusiusculum Rchb. f. 1869
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. ~Bulbophyllum flavorubellum Verm & O'Byrne 2003 - See Bulbophyllum concinnum Hook.f. 1890
SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883 ~Bulbophyllum flectens P.J.Cribb & P.Taylor 1980 - See Bulbophyllum unifoliatum De Wild. 1921
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889 ~Bulbophyllum fletcherianum Pearson 1914 - See Bulbophyllum fletcherianum J.G. Fowler 1914
~Bulbophyllum flexiliscapum Summerh. 1956 - See Bulbophyllum saltatorium Lindl. 1837 var albociliatum [Finet] J.J.Vermeulen 1986
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994 ~ Bulbophyllum flickingeranum A.D. Hawkes 1966 - See Bulbophyllum peyrotii Bosser 1965
SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883 SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 ~Bulbophyllum foenisecii C.S.P.Parish ex Rchb.f. 1865 - See Bulbophyllum auricomum Lindl. 1830
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889 ~Bulbophyllum foetidum var. grandiflorum J.J.Sm. 1929 - See Bulbophyllum foetidum Schltr. 1913
SECTION Macrouris Schlechter 1913 SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896 SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861 ~Bulbophyllum formosanum (Rolfe) K.Nakaj. 1973 - See Bulbophyllum macraei (Lindl.) Rchb. f. 1861
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861 SECTION Lichenophylax Schlechter 1924 SECTION Pseudopelma Verm & O’Byrne 2011
~Bulbophyllum foveatum Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum savaiense Schltr.1911
~Bulbophyllum fractiflexoides Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum fractiflexum J.J. Sm. 1908
SECTION Pelma [Finet] Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum fractiflexum Kraenzl. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum falcatum [Lindley]Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum fractiflexum Pabst 1956 - See Bulbophyllum plumosum (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. 1902
SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
SECTION Elasmotopus Schlechter 1925 ~Bulbophyllum francoisii var. andrangense (H.Perrier) Bosser 1965 - See Bulbophyllum francoisii H.Perrier 1937
SECTION Saurocephalum J J Verm 2014 SECTION Hyalosema Schlechter 1911
SECTION Hyalosema Schlechter 1911 SECTION Cirrhopetaloides Garay, Hamer & Siegerist 1994
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum fruticola J J Sm 1912 - See Bulbophyllum fruticicola Schlechter 1913
~Bulbophyllum fuerstenbergianum (De Wild.) De Wild, 1921 - See Bulbophyllum scaberulum (Rolfe) Bolus 1889
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
SECTION Altisceptrum J J Smith 1914 SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861 ~Bulbophyllum furciferum J.J.Sm. 1914 - See Bulbophyllum ochroleucum Schltr. 1905
SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896 SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
~Bulbophyllum fuscescens (Griff.) Rchb.f. 1861 - See Epigeneium fuscescens (Griff.) Summerh. 1957
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum fuscoides J.B.Petersen 1952 - See Bulbophyllum acutibracteatum De Wild.1921
TYPE for the section SECTION Oreonastes G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep
~Bulbophyllum fuscum var. melinostachyum (Schltr.) J.J.Verm. 1986 - See Bulbophyllum fuscum Lindl. 1839
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum gabonis Linden & Rchb.f. 1865 - See Bulbophyllum pumilum (Sw.) Lindl. 1830
~Bulbophyllum gabunense Schltr. 1905 - See Bulbophyllum colubrinum (Rchb.f.) Rchb.f. 1861
SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883 ~Bulbophyllum galbinum Ridl. 1897 - See Bulbophyllum uniflorum [Bl.]Hassk. 1844
~Bulbophyllum galeatum Lindl. 1830 - See Polystachya galeata (Sw.) Rchb. f. 1863
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 ~Bulbophyllum gamblei (Hook.f.) J.J.Sm. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum fischeri Seidenf. 1973 publ. 1974
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861 ~Bulbophyllum garupinum Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum infundibuliforme J.J. Sm. 1830-4
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Xiphizusa Rchb.f. 1852 ~Bulbophyllum geminatum Carr 1929 - See Bulbophyllum biflorum Teijsm. & Binn 1854
~Bulbophyllum geminum Schltr.1913 - See Bulbophyllum pachytelos Schltr. 1905
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913
~Bulbophyllum gentilii Rolfe 1904 - See Bulbophyllum schinzianum Kraenzl. ex De Wild. & T. Durand 1862
~Bulbophyllum genybrachium Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum fractiflexum J.J. Sm. 1908
SECTION Didactyle [Lindley] Cogn. 1902
SECTION Sestochilos [Breda] Benth & Hook.f. 1883 ~Bulbophyllum gibbilingue J.J. Sm. 1931 - See Bulbophyllum cernuum [Bl.]Lindl. 1830
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
~Bulbophyllum gibbonianum Schltr. 1921 - See Bulbophyllum membranaceum Teijsm. & Binn. 1855
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008 ~ Bulbophyllum gibbsiae Rolfe 1914 - See Bulbophyllum unguiculatum Rchb.f. 1850
~Bulbophyllum gibsonii Lindl. ex Rchb. f 1878 - See Bulbophyllum khasyanum Griff. 1851
~Bulbophyllum gigas Ridl. 1897 - See Bulbophyllum elongatum (Blume) Hassk. 1844
SECTION Gilgiana G A Fischer & J JU Vewrm. in prep TYPE for the section ~Bulbophyllum gilletii (De Wild.) De Wild. 1921 - See Bulbophyllum imbricatum Lindl. 1841
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008 SECTION Brachypus Schlechter 1913
SECTION Sestochilos [Breda] Benth & Hook.f. 1883 ~Bulbophyllum glabrilabre J.J.Sm. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum orbiculare J.J.Sm. 1912
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Xiphizusa Rchb.f. 1852 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008 SECTION Imitatores J.J.Verm. , Schuit. & de Vogel 2014 SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
~Bulbophyllum globiceps Auct. Thomas & Schuitmann 2002 - See Bulbophyllum atrorubens Schltr. 1906
~Bulbophyllum globiceps var. boloboense Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum globiceps Schltr. 1905
SECTION Minutissima Pfitzer 1888 SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896 SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum godseffianum hort. 1890 - See Bulbophyllum dearei Rchb. f. 1888
~Bulbophyllum godseffianum Weathers 1890 - See Bulbophyllum dearei Rchb. f. 1888
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum gomesii Fraga 1999 - See Bulbophyllum exaltatum Lindl. 1842
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861 ~Bulbophyllum gorumense Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum savaiense Schltr.1911
~Bulbophyllum govidjoae Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum cylindrobulbum Schltr. 1905
~Bulbophyllum gracile C.S.P.Parish & Rchb.f. 1874 - See Bulbophyllum reichenbachii (Kuntze) Schltr. 1915
~Bulbophyllum gracile (Blume) Lindl. 1830 - See Bulbophyllum schefferi (Kuntze) Schltr. 1915
~Bulbophyllum gracilicaule W.Kittr. 1984 publ. 1985 - See Bulbophyllum habbemense P.Royen 1979
SECTION Uncifera Schlechter 1912 SECTION Macrouris Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum graciliscapum Ames & Rolfe 1915 - See Bulbophyllum apoense Schuit. & de Vogel 2003
~Bulbophyllum graciliscapum H.Perrier 1937 - See Bulbophyllum perseverans Hermans 007
~Bulbophyllum graciliscapum Summerh. 1953 publ. 1954 - See Bulbophyllum saltatorium Lindl. 1837 var albociliatum [Finet] J.J.Vermeulen 1986
SECTION Ephippium Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum gracillimum Hayata 1912 - See Bulbophyllum drymoglossum Maxim. 1887
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum graminifolium Summerh. 1957 - See Bulbophyllum calyptratum Kraenzl. 1895
SECTION Macrouris Schlechter 1913 SECTION Hyalosema Schlechter 1911 TYPE for the section ~Bulbophyllum grandiflorum Griff. 1851 - See Bulbophyllum reptans [Lindl.] Lindl. 1829
SECTION Sestochilos [Breda] Benth & Hook.f. 1883 SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008 SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883 SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861 ~Bulbophyllum gravidum Lindl. 1862 - See Bulbophyllum cochleatum Lindl. 1862
~Bulbophyllum griffithianum Parish & Rchb. f. 1874 - See Bulbophyllum lepidum [Bl.]J.J.Sm. 1825
SECTION Leopardinae Bentham 1883 SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896 SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897 SECTION Didactyle [Lindley] Cogn. 1902 SECTION Brachypus Schlechter 1913? [tentatively put here along with B pterodon, P trutiniferum and B brachygnonmon as these straddle the boundary of this section and section Polymeres] SECTION Ephippium Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum gusdorfii var. johorense Holttum 1953 - See Bulbophyllum gusdorfii J.J. Sm. 1917
~Bulbophyllum gustavii Schltr. 1911 - See Bulbophyllum josephi (Kuntze) Summerh. 1945
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889 SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861 SECTION Pelma [Finet] Schlechter 1913 SECTION Altisceptrum J J Smith 1914 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum habropus Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum orbiculare J.J.Sm. 1912
SECTION Ephippium Schlechter 1913 SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
SECTION Sestochilos [Breda] Benth & Hook.f. 1883 SECTION Aeschynanthoides Carr 1930 SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896 SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897 ~Bulbophyllum hamadryas var. orientale Schltr.1913 - See Bulbophyllum hamadryas Schltr. 1913
~Bulbophyllum hamatifolium J.J.Sm. 1914 - See Bulbophyllum prianganense J.J.Sm. 1913
SECTION Sestochilos [Breda] Benth & Hook.f. 1883 SECTION Alcistachys Schlechter 1924
~Bulbophyllum hamelinii Rolfe 1902 nom. illeg - See Bulbophyllum hamelinii W.Watson 1893
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. SECTION Brachypus Schlechter 1913 SECTION Lichenophylax Schlechter 1924 SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum harposepalum Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum obovatifolium J.J.Sm. 1912
~Bulbophyllum hashimotoi Yukawa & Karasawa 1997 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum hastatum Tang & F.T.Wang 1974 - See Bulbophyllum depressum King & Pantl. 1897
SECTION Saurocephalum J J Verm 2014 ~Bulbophyllum hedyothyrsus Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum chloranthum Schltr. 1905
SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861 TYPE for the section UNPLEASANT ~Bulbophyllum heliophilum J.J.Sm. 1929 - See Bulbophyllum linearilabium J.J.Sm. 1912
~Bulbophyllum helix Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum acutilingue J.J.Sm. 1908
SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896 ~Bulbophyllum hemirhachis Pfitzer 1908 - See Bulbophyllum falcatum [Lindley]Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Hemisterantha J J Verm TYPE for the section SECTION Macrouris Schlechter 1913 SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 ~Bulbophyllum henrici var rectangulare Perrier ex Hermans 2007 - See Bulbophyllum henrici Schlechter 1925
~Bulbophyllum henryi (Rolfe) J.J.Sm. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum andersonii (Hook. f.) J.J. Sm. 1912
~Bulbophyllum henshallii Lindley 1852 - See Bulbophyllum lobbii Lindley 1847
~Bulbophyllum herminiostachys (Rchb.f.) Rchb.f. 1861 - See Bulbophyllum pumilum (Sw.) Lindl. 1830
SECTION Pedilochilus [Schlechter] J J Verm & O'Byrne 2011 SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. SECTION Papulipetalum Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum hewittii Ridl. 1909 - See Bulbophyllum uniflorum [Bl.]Hassk. 1844
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Papulipetalum Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum hians var. alticola Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum hians Schltr. 1913
SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883
SECTION Lupulina G A Fischer in prep SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum hirsutissimum Kraenzl. 1914 - See Bulbophyllum comatum Lindl. 1862
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994 TYPE for the section Slight to no SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861 ~Bulbophyllum hirundinis var. electrinum (Seidenf.) S.S.Ying 1990 - See Bulbophyllum electrinum Seidenf. 1973 publ. 1974
~ Bulbophyllum hirundinis var pinlinianum Lin & Wang 2014 - See Bulbophyllum karenkoensis T.P.Lin 2016
~Bulbophyllum hirundinis var. puniceum T.P.Lin & Y.N.Chang 2013 - See Bulbophyllum karenkoensis T.P.Lin 2016
~Bulbophyllum hirundinis var. rubriflorum W.M.Lin & Yi Fu Wang 2014 - See Bulbophyllum karenkoensis T.P.Lin 2016
~Bulbophyllum hispidum Ridl. 1897 - See Bulbophyllum dayanum Rchb. f. 1865
SECTION Pantoblepharon Schlechter 1925
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
SECTION Xiphizusa Rchb.f. 1852
SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883 SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 ~ Bulbophyllum holochilum var. aurantiacum J.J.Sm. 1916 - See Bulbophyllum holochilum J.J.Sm. 1912
~ Bulbophyllum holochilum var. pubescens J.J.Sm. 1916 - See Bulbophyllum holochilum J.J.Sm. 1912
~Bulbophyllum holttumii A.D.Hawkes 1956 - See Bulbophyllum apiferum Carr 1930
~Bulbophyllum hookeri [Duthie]J.J.Sm. 1912 See Bulbophyllum muscicola Rchb.f. 1872
~Bulbophyllum hookerianum Kraenzl. 1893 - See Bulbophyllum oreonastes Rchb.f. 1881
SECTION Kinethrix Schlechter 1910 ~Bulbophyllum hornense Govaerts 1996 - See Bulbophyllum stenophyton (Garay & W.Kittr.) Schuit & de Vogel 2011
SECTION Oreonastes G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep
~Bulbophyllum hortense J.J.Sm. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum odoratum (Blume) Lindl. 1830
SECTION Sestochilos [Breda] Benth & Hook.f. 1883 SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889 SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 ~Bulbophyllum humblotianum Kraenzl. 1902 - See Bulbophyllum leonii Kraenzl. 1900
SECTION Lupulina G A Fischer in prep SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum humiligibbum J.J.Sm. 1927 - See Bulbophyllum apodum Hook.f. 1890
~Bulbophyllum hyacinthiodorum W.W.Sm.1921 - See Bulbophyllum odoratissimum [Sm.]Lindley ex wall 1829
SECTION Pantoblepharon Schlechter 1925 SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum hydrophilum Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum planitiae J.J.Sm. 1910
SECTION Aeschynanthoides Carr 1930 SECTION Hymenobractea Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum hymenobracteum var. giriwoense J.J.Sm. 1916 - See Bulbophyllum hymenobracteum Schltr. 1905
SECTION Biflorae Garay, Hamer, & Siegrist 1994 SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum iboense Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum versteegii J.J.Sm. 1908
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum ichthyostomum Colenso1893 publ. 1894 - See Bulbophyllum pygmaeum (Sm.) Lindl. 1830
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum igneocentrum J.J.Sm 1917 - See Bulbophyllum gibbosum [Blume] Lindl. 1830
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Ikongoense G A Fischer & J J Vermuellen 2014 TYPE for the section SECTION Saurocephalum J J Verm 2014 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum imbricatum Griff. 1851 - See Bulbophyllum cylindraceum Wall. ex Lindl 1830
SECTION Megaclinium G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep. SECTION Kinethrix Schlechter 1910
~Bulbophyllum imitans Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum cylindrobulbum Schltr. 1905
SECTION Imitatores J.J.Verm. , Schuit. & de Vogel 2014 TYPE for the section SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum imogeniae K.Ham. 1917 - See Bulbophyllum pumilum (Sw.) Lindl. 1830
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Bifalcula Schlechter 1925 TYPE for the section ~Bulbophyllum imschootianum (Rolfe) De Wild. 1921 - See Bulbophyllum colubrinum (Rchb.f.) Rchb.f. 1861
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
~Bulbophyllum inaequale Rchb.f. 1886 - See Bulbophyllum colubrinum (Rchb.f.) Rchb.f. 1861
~Bulbophyllum inabai Hayata 1914 - See Bulbophyllum japonicum [Makino] Makino 1910
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
~ Bulbophyllum inauditum Schltr. 1925 - See Bulbophyllum reflexiflorum H.Perrier 1937
SECTION Didactyle [Lindley] Cogn. 1902
SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913 SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889 SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925
~Bulbophyllum inflatum Rolfe 1891 - See Bulbophyllum comatum Lindl. 1862
~Bulbophyllum infracarinatum G.Will. 1981 - See Bulbophyllum unifoliatum De Wild. 1921
SECTION Hymenobractea Schlechter 1913 TYPE for the section ~Bulbophyllum infundibuliforme subsp. hymenobracteum (Schltr.) De Witte & J.J.Verm. 2010 - See Bulbophyllum hymenobracteum Schltr. 1905
~Bulbophyllum infundibuliflorum J.B.Petersen 1952 - See Bulbophyllum oreonastes Rchb.f. 1881
SECTION Megaclinium G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep. ~Bulbophyllum injoloense subsp. pseudoxypterum (J.J.Verm.) J.J.Verm. 1986 - See Bulbophyllum injoloense De Wild. 1916
~Bulbophyllum injoloense var. pseudoxypterum J.J.Verm. 1984 - See Bulbophyllum injoloense De Wild. 1916
~Bulbophyllum inopinatum W.W. Sm. 1915 - See Bulbophyllum penicillium Parish & Rchb. f. 1874
SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindl. 1862 SECTION Lepanthanthe Schlechter 1913 SECTION Micranthae Barb Rodr. 1882 ~Bulbophyllum insigne Ridl. 1896 - See Bulbophyllum membranifolium Hook. f. 1896
SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896 SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 ~Bulbophyllum insulare J.J.Sm. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum pulchrum (N.E. Br.) J.J. Sm. 1912
~Bulbophyllum insulsum (Gagnep.) Seidenf. 1974 - See Bulbophyllum levinei Schltr. 1924
SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr 1883 ~Bulbophyllum intermedium De Wild. 1916 - See Bulbophyllum calyptratum Kraenzl. 1895
SECTION Ione [Lindley] J J Verm Schuit & de Vogel 2014 ~Bulbophyllum intersitum Vermuellen 1993 - See Bulbophyllum triaristella Schltr. 1913
SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindl. 1862 ~Bulbophyllum intertextum var. parvilabium G.Will. 1980 - See Bulbophyllum intertextum Lindl. 1862
~Bulbophyllum intervallatum J.J.Sm. 1927 - See Bulbophyllum macrochilum Rolfe 1896
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr 1883 SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889 SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Didactyle [Lindley] Cogn. 1902
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
SECTION Didactyle [Lindley] Cogn. 1902 ~Bulbophyllum irigaleae P.J.Cribb & Pérez-Vera 1975 - See Bulbophyllum schinzianum Kraenzl. ex De Wild. & T. Durand 1862
SECTION Ephippium Schlechter 1913 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum ischnopus var. majus Ridl. 1916 - See Bulbophyllum majus (Ridl.) P.Royen 1979
~Bulbophyllum ischnopus var rhodoneuron Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum ischnopus Schltr. 1905
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896 ~Bulbophyllum ituriense De Wild. 1921 - See Bulbophyllum lupulinum Lindl. 1862
SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindl. 1862 SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindl. 1862 SECTION Xiphizusa Rchb.f. 1852
SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 ~Bulbophyllum jacobsonii J.J. Sm. 1935 - See Bulbophyllum plumatum Ames 1915
~Bulbophyllum jacquetii Gagnep. 1930 - See Bulbophyllum dichromum Rolfe 1907
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Didactyle [Lindley] Cogn. 1902 SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861 ~Bulbophyllum jarense Ames 1920 - See Bulbophyllum penduliscapum J.J.Sm. 1900
~Bulbophyllum javanicum (Blume) J.J.Sm. 1918 - See Bulbophyllum epicranthes Hook.f. 1890
~Bulbophyllum jayaweerae S.S.Fernando & Ormerod 2008 - See Bulbophyllum elliae Rchb.f. 1861
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994 SECTION Rhinanthera J J Verm, Schuit. & de Vogel 2014
SECTION Kinethrix Schlechter 1910
SECTION Trias [Lindl.] J J Verm, Schuit & de Vogel 2014 ~Bulbophyllum jensenii J.J.Sm. 1926 - See Bulbophyllum alkmaarense J.J.Sm. 1911
~Bulbophyllum jesperseni De Wild. 1916 - See Bulbophyllum scaberulum (Rolfe) Bolus 1889
SECTION Sestochilos [Breda] Benth & Hook.f. 1883 SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. 1883 ~Bulbophyllum jingdongense A.Q.Hu, D.P.Ye & Jian W.Li 2017 - See Bulbophyllum seidenfadenii A.D.Kerr 1973
~Bulbophyllum johannis-winkleri J.J.Sm. 1927 - See Bulbophyllum nematocaulon Ridl.1920
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindl. 1862 ~Bulbophyllum josephi var. mahonii (Rolfe) J.J.Verm. 1986 - See Bulbophyllum josephi (Kuntze) Summerh. 1945
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum jugicola P.Royen 1979 - See Bulbophyllum dekockii J.J.Sm. 1911
SECTION Pantoblepharon Schlechter 1925 ~Bulbophyllum jungwirthianum Schltr. 1922 - See Bulbophyllum macphersonii Rupp 1934
SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861 SECTION Macrouris Schlechter 1913 SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861 ~Bulbophyllum katherinae A.D. Hawkes 1956 SECTION Brachypus Schlechter 1913 SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883 SECTION Minutissima Pfitzer 1888 SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum kempterianum Schltr.1913 - See Bulbophyllum cylindrobulbum Schltr. 1905
SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913 SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
~Bulbophyllum kenejiense W.Kittr. 1984 publ. 1985 - See Bulbophyllum planitiae J.J.Sm. 1910
SECTION Hyalosema Schlechter 1911 SECTION Pedilochilus [Schlechter] J J Verm & O'Byrne 2011 ~Bulbophyllum kerrii Rolfe 1906 - See Bulbophyllum hirtum [Sm.]Lindl. 1828
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
~Bulbophyllum kewense Schltr. 1914 - See Bulbophyllum falcatum [Lindley]Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883 ~Bulbophyllum khasianum Rchb.f. 1874 - See Bulbophyllum repens Griff. 1851
SECTION Saurocephalum J J Verm 2014 ~Bulbophyllum kinabaluense Rolfe 1914 - See Bulbophyllum coriaceum Ridl. ex Stapf 1894
~Bulbophyllum kindtianum De Wild. 1904 - See Bulbophyllum saltatorium Lindl. 1837
SECTION Acrochaene (Lindl.) J.J.Verm., Schuit. & de Vogel 2014 TYPE for the section SECTION Ione [Lindley] J J Verm Schuit & de Vogel 2014 ~Bulbophyllum kirkwoodae P.F. Hunt 1950 - See Bulbophyllum johnsonii P.F.Hunt 1950
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933
SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindl. 1862 SECTION Lepidorhiza Schlechter 1911 ~Bulbophyllum klabatense subsp sulawesii [Garay, Hamer & Siegerist] Verm & O'Byrne 2011 - See Bulbophyllum klabatense Schltr. 1911
~Bulbophyllum klossii Ridl. 1916 - See Bulbophyllum trachyanthum Kraenzl. 1894
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994 SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
~Bulbophyllum kontumense Gagnep. 1950 - See Bulbophyllum umbellatum Lindley 1830
~Bulbopyllum koordersii [Rolfe] J.J.Sm. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum pulchrum (N.E. Br.) J.J. Sm. 1912
SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883 SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum korinchense var grandiflorum Ridl. 1917 - See Bulbophyllum gibbosum [Blume] Lindl. 1830
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum koyanense Carr 1935 - See Bulbophyllum caudatisepalum Ames & C.Schweinf. 1920
~Bulbophyllum kraenzlinianum De Wild. 1921 - See Bulbophyllum comatum Lindl. 1862
SECTION Cirrhopetaloides Garay, Hamer & Siegerist 1994 ~Bulbophyllum kuanwuense var. luchuensis T.P.Lin & W.M.Lin 2009 - See Bulbophyllum kuanwuense S.W.Chung & T.C.Hsu 2006
~Bulbophyllum kuanwuense var. rutilum T.P.Lin & W.M.Lin 2009 - See Bulbophyllum kuanwuense S.W.Chung & T.C.Hsu 2006
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889 ~Bulbophyllum kusukuensis Hayata 1914 - See Bulbophyllum affine Lindley
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 SECTION Xiphizusa Rchb.f. 1852
~Bulbophyllum laciniatum var. janeirense Cogn. 1902 - Bulbophyllum laciniatum (Barb. Rodr.) Cogn. 1902
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994 SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 SECTION Lepanthanthe Schlechter 1913 SECTION Pedilochilus [Schlechter] J J Verm & O'Byrne 2011 SECTION Pedilochilus [Schlechter] J J Verm & O'Byrne 2011 SECTION Adelopetalum [Fitz] J.J. Verm. 1993 ~Bulbophyllum laggiarae Schltr. 1918 - See Bulbophyllum humblotii Rolfe 1891
SECTION Lichenophylax Schlechter 1924 SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994 ~Bulbophyllum lamelluliferum J.J.Sm. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum trichambon Schltr. 1913
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883 ~Bulbophyllum lamprobulbon Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum fractiflexum J.J. Sm. 1908
~Bulbophyllum lamprochlamys Schltr. 1923 - See Bulbophyllum xanthochlamys Schltr. 1913
~Bulbophyllum lanceolatum Ames & C.Schweinf. 1920 - See Bulbophyllum flavescens (Blume) Lindl. 1830
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum langbianense Seidenf. & Smitin. 1965 - See Bulbophyllum retusiusculum Rchb. f. 1869
~Bulbophyllum lanuriense De Wild. 1921 - See Bulbophyllum falcatum [Lindley]Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr 1883 SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889 SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861 SECTION Lasiogaster J J Verm. Schuit. & dr Vogel 2018 TYPE for the section SECTION Brachypus Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum latibrachiatum var. epilosum J.J.Sm. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum latibrachiatum J.J.Sm. 1908
SECTION Pelma [Finet] Schlechter 1913 SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994 ~Bulbophyllum laurentianum Kranzl 1899 - See Bulbophyllum imbricatum Lindl. 1841
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 ~Bulbophyllum laxiflorum var celibicum Schlechter 1911 - See Bulbophyllum laxiflorum [Bl.] Lindl. 1830
~*Bulbophyllum laxiflorum var. talauense J.J.Sm. 1927
- See Bulbophyllum talauense (J.J. Sm.) Carr 1932
SECTION Uncifera Schlechter 1912 SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum layardii [F. Meul. & Krnzl.]J.J.Sm. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum longiflorum Thouars 1822
SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925
SECTION Lupulina G A Fischer in prep SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 ~Bulbophyllum ledermannii (Kraenzl.) De Wild. 1921 - See Bulbophyllum imbricatum Lindl. 1841
SECTION Didactyle [Lindley] Cogn. 1902 SECTION Trias [Lindl.] J J Verm, Schuit & de Vogel 2014
SECTION Minutissima Pfitzer 1888 TYPE for the SECTION ~Bulbophyllum lemniscatum var tumidum Par & Rchb.f 1874 - See Bulbophyllum lemniscatum Par.ex Hook.f. 1872
SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925
SECTION Kinethrix Schlechter 1910
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994 SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Leopardinae Bentham 1883 ~Bulbophyllum leopardinum var. tuberculatum N.P.Balakr. & Sud.Chowdhury 1967 - See Bulbophyllum obrienianum Rolfe, Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 12: 332 (1892
SECTION Lepanthanthe Schlechter 1913 TYPE for the section ~Bulbophyllum lepanthiflorum var. rivulare Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum lepanthiflorum Schltr. 1913
SECTION Ephippium Schlechter 1913 TYPE for the section ~Bulbophyllum lepidum var. angustum Ridl. 1896 - See Bulbophyllum lepidum [Bl.]J.J.Sm. 1825
~Bulbophyllum lepidum var. insigne J.J.Sm. 1920 - See Bulbophyllum lepidum [Bl.]J.J.Sm. 1825
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 ~Bulbophyllum leptanthum var. gamblei Hook.f. 1890 - See Bulbophyllum gamblei Hook. f. 1912
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883
SECTION Pelma [Finet] Schlechter 1913 SECTION Lepanthanthe Schlechter 1913 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum leptorrhachis Schlechter 1905 - See Bulbophyllum falcatum [Lindley]Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
SECTION Pedilochilus [Schlechter] J J Verm & O'Byrne 2011 ~Bulbophyllum leratiae Seidenf. 1973 publ. 1974 - See Bulbophyllum baladeanum J.J.Sm. 1912
~Bulbophyllum leratii (Schltr.) J.J.Sm. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum gracillimum [Rolfe]Rolfe 1907
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum leucopogon Kraenzl. 1912 - See Genyorchis apetala [Lindley] Senghas 1989
SECTION Megaclinium G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep. SECTION Piestobulbon Schlechter 1923 SECTION Pelma [Finet] Schlechter 1913 SECTION Lepidorhiza Schlechter 1911 ~Bulbophyllum levanae var. giganteum Quisumb. & C.Schweinf. 1953 - See Bulbophyllum levanae Ames 1915
SECTION Macrouris Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum levatii subsp. mischanthum J.J.Verm.1993 - See Bulbophyllum levatii Kraenzl.1929
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum levidense J.J.Sm. 1929 - See Bulbophyllum hystricinum Schltr. 1913
SECTION Eublepharon J J Verm., Schuit. & de Vogel 2014
SECTION Lepidorhiza Schlechter 1911 SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883 ~Bulbophyllum leysenianum Burb. 1895 - See Bulbophyllum leysianum Burb. 1894
SECTION Hyalosema Schlechter 1911 SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum lichenastrum Fitz. - See Dendrobium prenticei [ F. Muell.]Nicholls 1938
~*Bulbophyllum lichenastrum F. Mueller 1869 - See Dockrillia lichenastrum (F. Muell.) Brieger 1981
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Lichenophylax Schlechter 1924 TYPE for the section ~Bulbophyllum lichenophylax var. microdoron (Schltr.) H.Perrier 1939 - See Bulbophyllum afzelii Schltr. 1918
SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897 SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr 1883 ~Bulbophyllum lilacinum var. sorocianum M.Ahmed 1994 - See Bulbophyllum lilacinum Ridl. 1896
SECTION Adelopetalum [Fitz] J.J. Verm. 1993 ~Bulbophyllum limbatum Par & Rchb.f 1888 - See Bulbophyllum rufilabrum Parish ex Hook. f. 1890
~Bulbophyllum linchianum S.S.Ying 1977 - See Bulbophyllum melanoglossum Hayata 1914
~Bulbophyllum linderi Summerh. 1935 - See Bulbophyllum leucorhachis (Rolfe) Schltr. 1905
~Bulbophyllum lindleyi (Rolfe) Schltr. 1914 - See Bulbophyllum calyptratum Kraenzl. 1895
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 ~Bulbophyllum linearipetalum J.J. Sm. 1929 - See Bulbophyllum fractiflexum J.J. Sm. 1908
SECTION Ephippium Schlechter 1913 SECTION Brachypus Schlechter 1913 SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897 ~ Bulbophyllum linguiforme P.J.Cribb 1977 - See Bulbophyllum humblotii Rolfe 1891
SECTION Adelopetalum [Fitz] J.J. Verm. 1993 ~Bulbophyllum lingulatum f. microphyton (Guillaumin) N.Hallé 1977 - See Bulbophyllum lingulatum Rendle 1921
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. SECTION Bulbophyllum G A Fischer & J J Vermeullen in prep SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Lasiogaster J J Verm. Schuit. & dr Vogel 2018 SECTION Altisceptrum J J Smith 1914 ~Bulbophyllum listeri King & Pantl. 1895 - See Bulbophyllum tortuosum Lindl. 1830
SECTION Megaclinium G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep. SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883 TYPE for the SECTION ~Bulbophyllum lobbii f. claptonense (Rolfe) O'Brien 1906 - See Bulbophyllum claptonense Rolfe 1905
~Bulbophyllum lobbii subsp. breviflorum (J.J.Sm.) Mangal, F.Velazquez & J.J.Verm. 2015 - See Bulbophyllum sumatranum Garay, Hamer & Siegrist 1996
~Bulbophyllum lobbii var brevifolum J. J. Sm. 1908 - See Bulbophyllum sumatranum Garay, Hamer & Siegrist 1996
~Bulbophyllum lobbii Lindley var henshallii [Lindley]Henfrey 1852 - See Bulbophyllum lobbii Lindley 1847
~Bulbophyllum lobbii Lindley var siamense Rchb.f - See Bulbophyllum lobbii Lindley 1847
~Bulbophyllum lobulatum Schltr. 1924 - See Bulbophyllum erectum Thouars 1822
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861 SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Minutissima Pfitzer 1888
SECTION Ione [Lindley] J J Verm Schuit & de Vogel 2014 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum lonchophyllum Schltr. 1919 - See Bulbophyllum leptophyllum W.Kittr. 1984 publ. 1985
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994 SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861 SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr 1883 ~Bulbophyllum longibulbum Schltr. 1905 - See Bulbophyllum falcatum [Lindley]Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum longidens (Rolfe) Seidenf. 1973 publ. 1974 - See Bulbophyllum boninense (Schltr.) J.J. Sm. 1912
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861 TYPE for the section ~Bulbophyllum longiflorum Ridl. 1897 - See Bulbophyllum inunctum J.J. Sm. 1909
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
SECTION Papulipetalum Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum longipedicellatum var. gjellerupii J.J.Sm. 1911 - see Bulbophyllum longipedicellatum J.J. Sm. 1910
~Bulbophyllum longipiliferum J.J.Sm.1934 - See Bulbophyllum octarrhenipetalum J.J.Sm. 1913
~Bulbophyllum quadrans J.J.Sm. 1915 - See Bulbophyllum octarrhenipetalum J.J.Sm. 1913
SECTION Monomeria [Lindl.] J J Verm., Schuit. & de Vogel 2014 SECTION Xiphizusa Rchb.f. 1852
~Bulbophyllum longerepens Schltr. 1911 - See Bulbophyllum mucronatum (Blume) Lindl. 1830
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897 SECTION Hyalosema Schlechter 1911 ~Bulbophyllum longiserpens Schltr. 1923 - See Bulbophyllum cylindrobulbum Schltr. 1905
~Bulbophyllum longispicatum Cogn. 1893 - See Bulbophyllum exaltatum Lindl. 1842
SECTION Cirrhopetaloides Garay, Hamer & Siegerist 1994 TYPE for the section SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994 SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 SECTION Pachychlamys Schlechter 1924
SECTION Ione [Lindley] J J Verm Schuit & de Vogel 2014 SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913 SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896
SECTION Papulipetalum Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum loroglossum J.J.Verm. 1993 - See Bulbophyllum concavibasalis P.Royen 1979
SECTION Hoplandra Verm 2008 ~ Bulbophyllum loxodiphyllum H.Perrier 1951 - See Bulbophyllum oxycalyx Schltr. 1924
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr 1883 ~Bulbophyllum lubiense De Wild. 1921 - See Bulbophyllum falcatum [Lindley]Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum lucifugum Summerh. 1957 - See Bulbophyllum calyptratum Kraenzl. 1895
~Bulbophyllum luederwaldtii Hoehne & Schltr. 1926 - See Bulbophyllum glutinosum (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. 1902
SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897 ~Bulbophyllum lundianum Rchb.f. & Warm. 1881 - See Bulbophyllum plumosum (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. 1902
SECTION Oreonastes G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep
~Bulbophyllum luteolabium H.Perrier 1951 - See Bulbophyllum humblotii Rolfe 1891
SECTION Lupulina G A Fischer in prep SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum luzonense Ames 1912 - See Bulbophyllum laxiflorum [Bl.] Lindl. 1830
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994 SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
SECTION Lyperocephalum Schlechter 1925 TYPE for the section SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883 SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Didactyle [Lindley] Cogn. 1902
~Bulbophyllum macgregorii Schltr. 1911 - See Bulbophyllum chloranthum Schltr. 1905
~Bulbophyllum macgregorii Ames 1912 - See Bulbophyllum exquisitum Ames 1923
SECTION Pelma [Finet] Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum mackeeanum Guillaumin 1962 - See Bulbophyllum triste Rchb. f. 1861
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
~Bulbophyllum macphersonii var. spathulatum Dockrill & St.Cloud 1957 - See Bulbophyllum macphersonii Rupp 1934
SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861 ~Bulbophyllum macraei var. autumnale (Fukuy.) S.S.Ying 1977 - See Bulbophyllum macraei (Lindl.) Rchb. f. 1861
SECTION Sestochilos [Breda] Benth & Hook.f. 1883
SECTION Sestochilos [Breda] Benth & Hook.f. 1883 ~Bulbophyllum macranthum var albescens J.J.Sm. 1905 - See Bulbophyllum hahlianum Schltr. 1905
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889 SECTION Micranthae Barb Rodr. 1882 SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897< SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr 1883 ~Bulbophyllum macrolepis L.O.Williams 1938 - See Bulbophyllum longiscapum Rolfe 1896
~Bulbophyllum macrophyllum Kraenzl.1904 - See Bulbophyllum penduliscapum J.J.Sm. 1900
SECTION Pedilochilus [Schlechter] J J Verm & O'Byrne 2011 SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. SECTION Macrouris Schlechter 1913 TYPE for the section Bulbophyllum maculatum Jum. & H.Perrier 1912 - See Bulbophyllum hildebrandtii Rchb.f. 1881
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 ~ Bulbophyllum maculosum Ames 1915 - See Bulbophyllum sanguineomaculatum Ridl. 1896
~Bulbophyllum maculosum [Lindley] Rchb.f 1861 - See Bulbophyllum umbellatum Lindley 1830
Bulbophyllum madagascariense Schltr. 1915 - Bulbophyllum hildebrandtii Rchb.f. 1881
SECTION Megaclinium G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep. ~Bulbophyllum magnivaginatum Ames & C.Schweinf. 1920 - See Bulbophyllum gibbosum [Blume] Lindl. 1830
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
SECTION Brachypus Schlechter 1913 SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
~Bulbophyllum mahonii Rolfe 1906 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896 ~Bulbophyllum makakense J.B.Hansen 1959 - See Bulbophyllum colubrinum (Rchb.f.) Rchb.f. 1861
~Bulbophyllum makinoanum [Schlechter] Masam. 1930 - See Bulbophyllum macraei (Lindl.) Rchb. f. 1861
SECTION Ephippium Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum makoyanum var brienaum [Rolfe] Ridley 1907 - See Bulbophyllum brienianum [Rolfe] J.J.Sm. 1912
~Bulbophyllum malayanum J.J. Sm. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum blepharistes Rchb.f 1872
~Bulbophyllum malawiense B.Morris 1968 - See Bulbophyllum elliottii Rolfe 1891
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994 ~Bulbophyllum malipoense Z.J.Liu, S.C.Chen & S.P.Lei 2008 - See Bulbophyllum farreri (W.W.Sm.) Seidenf. 1973 publ. 1974
~Bulbophyllum malipoense Z.J.Liu, L.J.Chen & W.H.Rao 2010 - See Bulbophyllum farreri (W.W.Sm.) Seidenf. 1973 publ. 1974
SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897 SECTION Xiphizusa Rchb.f. 1852 SECTION Lepidorhiza Schlechter 1911 ~Bulbophyllum mandrakanum Schltr. 1924 - See Bulbophyllum coriophorum Ridl. 1886
SECTION Lichenophylax Schlechter 1924
~Bulbophyllum mangoroanum Schltr. 1916 - See Bulbophyllum ophiuchus Ridl. 1912
~Bulbophyllum manifestans J.J.Sm. 1929 - See Bulbophyllum callichroma Schltr. 1913
~Bulbophyllum manipetalum J.J.Sm. 1934 - See Bulbophyllum cheiropetalum Ridl.1926
~Bulbophyllum mannii Hkr 1864 - See Bulbophyllum cochleatum Lindl. 1862
~ Bulbophyllum mannii Rchb.f. 1872 - See Bulbophyllum delitescens Hance 1876
SECTION Uncifera Schlechter 1912 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum marcidum Ames 1923 - See Bulbophyllum schefferi (Kuntze) Schltr. 1915
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896 SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
~ Bulbophyllum masarangicum var. nanodes Schltr. 1911 - See Bulbophyllum masarangicum Schltr. 1911
~Bulbophyllum masdevalliaceum Kraenzl. 1904 - See Bulbophyllum maxillare [Lindley]Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Minutissima Pfitzer 1888 SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Ephippium Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum matitanense H.Perrier 1937 - See Bulbophyllum pentastichum (Pfitzer ex Kraenzl.) Schltr. 1915
~Bulbophyllum matitanense subsp. rostratum H.Perrier 1939 - See Bulbophyllum pentastichum (Pfitzer ex Kraenzl.) Schltr. 1915
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
~Bulbophyllum mauritianum P.F.Hunt 1968 - See Hederorkis scandens Thouars 1822
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Brachypus Schlechter 1913 TYPE for the section SECTION Megaclinium G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep. ~Bulbophyllum maximum [Ridl.] Ridl. 1907 - See Bulbophyllum viridescens J.J. Sm. 1907
~Bulbophyllum maximum var. oxypterum (Lindl.) Pérez-Vera 2003 - See Bulbophyllum maximum (Lindl.) Rchb. f. 1861
~Bulbophyllum mayae A.D. Hawkes 1966 - See Bulbophyllum peyrotii Bosser 1965
~ Bulbophyllum mayombeënse Garay 1999 - See Bulbophyllum schinzianum Kraenzl. ex De Wild. & T. Durand 1862
SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897 SECTION Lepidorhiza Schlechter 1911 SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindl. 1862 SECTION Ione [Lindley] J J Verm Schuit & de Vogel 2014 SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 ~Bulbophyllum medusella Ridl. 1917 - See Bulbophyllum croceum Lindl. 1830
SECTION Sestochilos [Breda] Benth & Hook.f. 1883
SECTION Cirrhopetaloides Garay, Hamer & Siegerist 1994 ~Bulbophyllum melanoglossum var. rubropunctatum (S.S.Ying) S.S.Ying 1990 - See Bulbophyllum melanoglossum Hayata 1914
~Bulbophyllum melanopogon Schltr. 1918 - See Bulbophyllum hildebrandtii Rchb.f. 1881
~Bulbophyllum melanorrhachis (Rchb.f.) Rchb.f. 1875 - See Bulbophyllum falcatum [Lindley]Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum melanoxanthum J.J.Verm. & B.A.Lewis 1991 - See Bulbophyllum bacilliferum J.J.Sm. 1928
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum melinostachyum Schltr. 1899 - See Bulbophyllum fuscum Lindl. 1839
SECTION Papulipetalum Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum meliphagirostrum P.Royen 1979 - See Bulbophyllum neoguineense J.J.Sm. 1908
~Bulbophyllum melleri Rchb.f. 1878 - See Bulbophyllum sandersonii (Hook.f.) Rchb.f. 1878
SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 ~Bulbophyllum melliferum J.J.Sm. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum rugosum Ridl. 1896
SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896 SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
~Bulbophyllum membranifolium subsp. inunctum (J.J.Sm.) J.J.Verm., P.O'Byrne & A.L.Lamb 2015 - See Bulbophyllum inunctum J.J. Sm. 1909
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994 SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896 SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994 SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
SECTION Micranthae Barb Rodr. 1882
~Bulbophyllum merguense C.S.P.Parish & Rchb.f. 1874 - See Bulbophyllum lineatum (Teijsm. & Binn.) J.J.Sm. 1912
SECTION Didactyle [Lindley] Cogn. 1902 SECTION Didactyle [Lindley] Cogn. 1902 SECTION Pelma [Finet] Schlechter 1913 SECTION Trias [Lindl.] J J Verm, Schuit & de Vogel 2014 SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum micholitzii Rolfe 1901 - See Bulbophyllum grandiflorum Blume 1847
~Bulbophyllum micholitzii (Rolfe) J.J.Sm.1912 - See Bulbophyllum retusiusculum Rchb. f. 1869
SECTION Micranthae Barb Rodr. 1882
TYPE for the section ~Bulbophyllum micranthum Hook.f. 1890 - See Bulbophyllum triste Rchb. f. 1861
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum microbulbon (Ridl.) Ridl. 1907 - See Bulbophyllum nanobulbon Seidenfaden 1973 publ. 1974
SECTION Minutissima Pfitzer 1888 ~Bulbophyllum microcharis Schltr. 1905 - See Bulbophyllum cylindrobulbum Schltr. 1905
~Bulbophyllum microcharis Schltr. 1923 - See Bulbophyllum microcala P.F.Hunt 1970
SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883 ~Bulbophyllum microdoron Schltr. 1924 - See Bulbophyllum afzelii Schltr. 1918
SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883 ~ Bulbophyllum microglossum auct. non Ridley Chan etal. 1994 fig 8 - See Bulbophyllum hyalosemoides Verm & O'Byrne 2011
~Bulbophyllum micropetalum Barb.Rodr. 1882 - Bulbophyllum micropetaliforme Leite 1946
~Bulbophyllum microphyton Guillaumin 1957 - See Bulbophyllum lingulatum Rendle 1921
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Minutissima Pfitzer 1888 ~Bulbophyllum microstele Schltr. 1910 - See Bulbophyllum tenuifolium (Blume) Lindl. 1830
~Bulbophyllum microtatanthum Schltr.1913 - See Bulbophyllum savaiense Schltr.1911
SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr 1883 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum mildbraedii Kraenzl. 1909 - See Bulbophyllum saltatorium Lindl. 1837 var albociliatum [Finet] J.J.Vermeulen 1986
~Bulbophyllum milesii Summerh. 1935 - See Bulbophyllum pipio Rchb.f 1876
~Bulbophyllum millenii (Rolfe) Schltr. 1905 - See Bulbophyllum falcatum [Lindley]Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Hyalosema Schlechter 1911 ~Bulbophyllum mindanaense Ames 1912 - See Bulbophyllum odoratum (Blume) Lindl. 1830
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
~Bulbophyllum minor (De Wild.) De Wild. 1921 - See Bulbophyllum sandersonii (Hook.f.) Rchb.f. 1878
~Bulbophyllum minus (De Wild.) De Wild. 1921 - See Bulbophyllum sandersonii (Hook.f.) Rchb.f. 1878
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
~Bulbophyllum minutiflorum Ames & C.Schweinf. 1920 - See Bulbophyllum unguiculatum Rchb.f. 1850
SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913 SECTION Minutissima Pfitzer 1888 TYPE for the section SECTION Ione [Lindley] J J Verm Schuit & de Vogel 2014 SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
SECTION Bifalcula Schlechter 1925 ~Bulbophyllum minutum (Rolfe) Engl. 1908 - See Bulbophyllum falcatum [Lindley]Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum minutum var. purpureum (De Wild.) De Wild. 1921 - See Bulbophyllum falcatum [Lindley]Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum mirandaianum Hoehne 1947 - See Bulbophyllum cantagallense (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. 1902
~Bulbophyllum mirandum Kraenzl. 1904 - See Bulbophyllum macrochilum Rolfe Feb. 1896
SECTION Kinethrix Schlechter 1910 SECTION Plumata J J Verm, Schuit, & De Vogel 2014
SECTION Pelma [Finet] Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum mishmeense Hook.f. 1890 - See Bulbophyllum purpureofuscum J.J.Verm., Schuit. & de Vogel 2014
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. ~Bulbophyllum modestum Hook.f. 1890 - See Bulbophyllum sulcatum (Blume) Lindl. 1830
~Bulbophyllum modicum Summerh. 1957 - See Bulbophyllum josephi (Kuntze) Summerh. 1945
~Bulbophyllum moirianum A.D. Hawkes 1956 - See Bulbophyllum maximum (Lindl.) Rchb. f. 1861
~Bulbophyllum moliwense Schltr. 1906 - See Bulbophyllum pumilum (Sw.) Lindl. 1830
SECTION Saurocephalum J J Verm 2014 SECTION Pachychlamys Schlechter 1924 SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883 ~Bulbophyllum monanthum [Kuntze] J.J. Sm. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum pteroglossum Schltr. 1919
SECTION Minutissima Pfitzer 1888 ~Bulbophyllum moniliforme F Mueller 1878 - See Bulbophyllum minutissimum F. Muell. 1878
~Bulbophyllum monomeria J.J.Verm. in Pridgeon et al. 2014 - See Bulbophyllum crabro (E.C.Parish & Rchb.f.) J.J.Verm., Schuit. & de Vogel 2014
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum monosepalum Barb.Rodr. 1882 - See Bulbophyllum napellii Lindl. 1842
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
~Bulbophyllum monticola Hook.f. 1864 - See Bulbophyllum cochleatum Lindl. 1862
SECTION Pedilochilus [Schlechter] J J Verm & O'Byrne 2011 ~Bulbophyllum montigenum Ridl. 1894 - See Bulbophyllum flavescens (Blume) Lindl. 1830
~Bulbophyllum mooreanum Robyns & Tournay 1955 - See Bulbophyllum sandersonii (Hook.f.) Rchb.f. 1878
SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 SECTION Moratii G A Fischer & J J Vermeullen in prep TYPE for the section ~ Bulbophyllum moroides J.J.Sm. 1917 - See Bulbophyllum coniferum Ridl. 1909
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861 SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr 1883 ~Bulbophyllum moulmeinense Rchb.f 1861 - See Bulbophyllum oblongum Rchb.f 1864
SECTION Minutissima Pfitzer 1888 ~Bulbophyllum mucronatum (Blume) Lindl. 1830 var alagense [Ames] J.J.Verm & O’Byrne 2011 - See Bulbophyllum mucronatum (Blume) Lindl. 1830
SECTION Micranthae Barb Rodr. 1882
SECTION Macrouris Schlechter 1913 SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 ~Bulbophyllum multiflorum (Breda) Kraenzl. 1896 - See Bulbophyllum bakhuizenii Steenis 1972
SECTION Kinethrix Schlechter 1910
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
~Bulbophyllum mundulum [Bull.] J.J.Sm. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum taeniophyllum Parish & Rchb. f. 1874
SECTION Monosepalum [Schlechter] J J Sm. 1916
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861 ~Bulbophyllum muscicola Schltr., Ann. Mus. Colon. Marseille, sér. 3, 1: 179 1913 - See Bulbophyllum bryophilum Hermans 2007
~Bulbophyllum muscicola Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1: 870 1913
- See Bulbophyllum subpatulum J.J.Verm. 2002
~Bulbophyllum musciferum Ridl.1915 - See Bulbophyllum coniferum Ridl. 1909
SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883 SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum mutabile var. ceratostyloides Schltr. 1911 - See Bulbophyllum mutabile Lindl. 1830
~Bulbophyllum mutabile var. mutabile. - See Bulbophyllum mutabile Lindl. 1830
~Bulbophyllum mutabile var. obesum J.J.Sm. 1991 - See Bulbophyllum mutabile Lindl. 1830
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889 SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Macrouris Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum myrianthum Schlechter 1911 - See Bulbophyllum clandestinum Lindl. 1841
SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861 SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum mystrophyllum Schltr. 1919 - See Bulbophyllum lepanthiflorum Schltr. 1913
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
SECTION Furvescens E C Schmidt, Borba & Vandenburg in prep TYPE for the section SECTION Brachypus Schlechter 1913 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. ~Bulbophyllum nanopetalum Seidenf. 1979 - See Bulbophyllum mucronatum (Blume) Lindl. 1830
~Bulbophyllum nanum De Wild. 1903 - See Bulbophyllum pumilum (Sw.) Lindl. 1830
TYPE for the section ~Bulbophyllum napelloides Kraenzl. 1911 - See Bulbophyllum regnellii Rchb. f. 1849
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Lepidorhiza Schlechter 1911 SECTION Trias [Lindl.] J J Verm, Schuit & de Vogel 2014 SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Lichenophylax Schlechter 1924 ~Bulbophyllum neilgherrense Wight 1851 misp. - See Bulbophyllum sterile (Lam.) Suresh 1988
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. 1883 SECTION Minutissima Pfitzer 1888 SECTION Brachypus Schlechter 1913 SECTION Minutissima Pfitzer 1888 SECTION Altisceptrum J J Smith 1914 ~ Bulbophyllum nemorosum (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. 1902 - See Bulbophyllum gladiatum Lindl.1842
~Bulbophyllum nemorosum Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum nubigenum Schltr. 1913
~Bulbophyllum neocaledonicum Schltr. 1906 - See Bulbophyllum absconditum J.J. Sm 1905
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Monosepalum [Schlechter] J J Sm. 1916 ~ Bulbophyllum nephropetalum Schltr. 1919 - Bulbophyllum erinaceum Schltr. 1913
~Bulbophyllum nephropetalum auct Verm 1993
See Bulbophyllum paulianum J J Verm. Schuit. & de Vogel 2014
SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr 1883 SECTION Adelopetalum [Fitz] J.J. Verm. 1993 ~Bulbophyllum nieuwenhuisii J.J.Sm. 1926 - See Bulbophyllum cleistogamum Ridl. 1895
SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindl. 1862
~Bulbophyllum nigrescens Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum rubromaculatum W.Kittr. 1984 publ. 1985
SECTION Ione [Lindley] J J Verm Schuit & de Vogel 2014 SECTION Pantoblepharon Schlechter 1925 SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindl. 1862 ~Bulbophyllum nigromaculatum Holttum 1947 - See Bulbophyllum tenuifolium (Blume) Lindl. 1830
~Bulbophyllum nigropurpureum Carr 1932 - See Bulbophyllum dischidiifolium J.J.Sm. 1909
~Bulbophyllum nigroscapum Ames 1922 - See Bulbophyllum ebulbe Schltr. 1905
~Bulbophyllum nilgherrense Wight 1851 SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 ~Bulbophyllum nitens var. intermedium H.Perrier 1937 - See Bulbophyllum nitens Jum. & H.Perrier 1912
~ Bulbophyllum nitens var. majus H.Perrier 1937 - See Bulbophyllum nitens Jum. & H.Perrier 1912
~Bulbophyllum nitens var. minus H.Perrier 1937 - See Bulbophyllum nitens Jum. & H.Perrier 1912
~Bulbophyllum nitens var. pulverulentum H.Perrier 1937 - See Bulbophyllum nitens Jum. & H.Perrier 1912
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 ~ Bulbophyllum niveosulphureum Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum colliferum J.J.Sm. 1911
~Bulbophyllum niveum (J.J.Sm.) J.J.Sm. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum odoratum (Blume) Lindl. 1830
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861 ~Bulbophyllum noeanum Kerr 1927 - See Bulbophyllum farinulentum J.J.Sm. 1920
SECTION Lepidorhiza Schlechter 1911 SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913 SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum nudiscapum Rolfe 1909 - See Bulbophyllum saltatorium Lindl. 1837
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
~Bulbophyllum nuruanum Schltr. 1905 - See Bulbophyllum membranaceum Teijsm. & Binn. 1854
SECTION Bulbophyllum G A Fischer & J J Vermeullen in prep ~Bulbophyllum nutans var. variifolium (Schltr.) Bosser 1965 - See Bulbophyllum nutans (Thouars) Thouars 1822
~Bulbophyllum nutans (Lindl.) Rchb.f. 1861 - See Bulbophyllum othonis (Kuntze) J.J.Sm. 1912
~Bulbophyllum nyassanum Schltr. 1915 - See Bulbophyllum maximum (Lindl.) Rchb. f. 1861
SECTION Lepidorhiza Schlechter 1911 ~Bulbophyllum obanense Rendle 1913 - See Bulbophyllum fuscum Lindl. 1839
~Bulbophyllum oblanceolatum Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum mattesii Sieder & Kiehn 2009
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
SECTION Trias [Lindl.] J J Verm, Schuit & de Vogel 2014 TYPE for the section SECTION Leopardinae Bentham 1883
SECTION Pantoblepharon Schlechter 1925 ~Bulbophyllum obscurum J.J.Sm.1910 - See Bulbophyllum coniferum Ridl. 1909
SECTION Lupulina G A Fischer in prep SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861 ~Bulbophyllum obtusilabium W Kittr. 1985/86 - See Bulbophyllum macranthoides Kraenzl. 1904
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 ~Bulbophyllum obtusum Jum. & H.Perrier 1912 - See Bulbophyllum obtusatum Schltr. 1924
~Bulbophyllum obtusum var. robustum J.J.Sm. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum flavidiflorum Carr 1933
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
~Bulbophyllum occidentale Spreng 1827 - See Encyclia polybulbon [Sw.]Dressler 1961
SECTION Alcistachys Schlechter 1924 TYPE for the section
SECTION Lupulina G A Fischer in prep TYPE for the section SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum ochraceum (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. 1902 - See Bulbophyllum gladiatum Lindl.1842
~Bulbophyllum ochraceum [Ridley] Ridley 1907 non Cogn. 1907 - See Bulbophyllum serratotruncatum Seidenf. 1974
~Bulbophyllum ochranthum Ridl. 1898 - See Bulbophyllum sulcatum (Blume) Lindl. 1830
~Bulbophyllum ochrochlamys Schltr.1913 - See Bulbophyllum absconditum J.J. Sm 1905
~Bulbophyllum ochrochlamys Schltr. 1924 - See Bulbophyllum vakonae Hermans 2007
SECTION Uncifera Schlechter 1912 TYPE for the section SECTION Pelma [Finet] Schlechter 1913 SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913 SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994 SECTION Lepidorhiza Schlechter 1911 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 ~Bulbophyllum odoratissimum var. racemosum N.P.Balakr. 1978 - See Bulbophyllum odoratissimum [Sm.]Lindley ex Wall 1829
~Bulbophyllum odoratissimum var. rubrolabellum (T.P.Lin) S.S.Ying 1990 - See Bulbophyllum rubrolabellum T.P.Lin 1975
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum odoratum var. grandiflorum J.J.Sm. 1919 - See Bulbophyllum odoratum (Blume) Lindl. 1830
~Bulbophyllum odoratum var. niveum J.J.Sm. 1905 - See Bulbophyllum odoratum (Blume) Lindl. 1830
SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896 SECTION Bulbophyllaria [Rchb.f] Griseb. 1864 SECTION Pelma [Finet] Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum oligoblepharon Schltr. 1911 - See Bulbophyllum apodum Hook.f. 1890
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Macrouris Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum olivinum subsp. linguiferum J.J.Verm. 1993 - See Bulbophyllum olivinum J.J.Sm. 1934
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum ombrophilum Gagnep. 1950 - See Bulbophyllum reptans (Lindl.) Lindl 1829
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861 ~Bulbophyllum oncidiochilum Kraenzl. 1894 - See Dendrobium bifalce Lindl. 1843
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Pantoblepharon Schlechter 1925 SECTION Lepidorhiza Schlechter 1911 SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 ~Bulbophyllum ophiuchus var. ankaizinensis Jum. & H. Perrier 1912 - See Bulbophyllum ankaizinense (Jum. & H. Perrier) Schltr. 1924
~ Bulbophyllum ophiuchus var. baronianum H.Perrier ex Hermans 2007 - See Bulbophyllum ophiuchus Ridl. 1912
SECTION Macrouris Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum orbiculare subsp. cassideum (J.J.Sm.) J.J.Verm 1993 - See Bulbophyllum orbiculare J.J.Sm. 1912
~Bulbophyllum oreas Ridl. 1924 - See Bulbophyllum nematocaulon Ridl.1920
SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883 SECTION Minutissima Pfitzer 1888 SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 SECTION Macrouris Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum oreogenes (W.W.Sm.) Seidenf. 1973 publ. 1974 - See Bulbophyllum retusiusculum Rchb. f. 1869
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Altisceptrum J.J.Sm. 1914 SECTION Pedilochilus [Schlechter] J J Verm & O'Byrne 2011 SECTION Oreonastes G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep TYPE for the Section SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr 1883 SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum ormerodianum Hermans 2007 - See Bulbophyllum abbreviatum Schltr. 1924
SECTION Cirrhopetaloides Garay, Hamer & Siegerist 1994 SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
~Bulbophyllum ornithoglossum Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum zebrinum J.J.Sm. 1911
~ Bulbophyllum ornithorhynchum (J.J.Sm.) Garay, Hamer & Siegerist 1992 - See Bulbophyllum leysianum Burb. 1894
SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913 SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897 SECTION Lepidorhiza Schlechter 1911 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889 SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861 SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
~Bulbophyllum otoglossum Tuyama 1971 - See Bulbophyllum yunnanense Rolfe 1903
~Bulbophyllum ovale Ridl. 1916 - See Bulbophyllum oligochaete Schltr. 1913
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
TYPE for the section ~Bulbophyllum ovalifolium [Wight]Parish 1883 - See Bulbophyllum clandestinum Lindl. 1841
~Bulbophyllum ovalitepalum J.J.Sm. 1917 - See Bulbophyllum nematorhizis Schltr. 1913
~Bulbophyllum ovatilabellum Seidenf. 1979 - See Bulbophyllum ovalifolium [Bl] Lindl. 1830
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Elasmotopus Schlechter 1925 TYPE for the section ~Bulbophyllum oxycalyx var. rubescens (Schltr.) Bosser 1965 - See Bulbophyllum oxycalyx Schltr. 1924
SECTION Oreonastes G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep ~Bulbophyllum oxypterum (Lindl.) Rchb. f. 1861 - See Bulbophyllum maximum (Lindl.) Rchb. f. 1861
~Bulbophyllum oxypterum var. mozambicense (Finet) De Wild. 1921 - See Bulbophyllum maximum (Lindl.) Rchb. f. 1861
~Bulbophyllum pabstii Garay 1973 - See Bulbophyllum plumosum (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. 1902
SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883 SECTION Lepidorhiza Schlechter 1911
~Bulbophyllum pachybulbum [Schlechter] Seidenf. 1973 - See Bulbophyllum graveolens J.J. Sm. 1912
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889 SECTION Hemisterantha J J Verm ~Bulbophyllum pachyphyllum J.J.Sm. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum wrayi Hook.f. 1890
SECTION Pachychlamys Schlechter 1924 TYPE for the section ~Bulbophyllum pachyrachis (A. Rich.) Griseb. 1864
to MID
and again
Singapore cultivation
Singapore cultivation
Northern cultivation
and again
SECTION Pelma [Finet] Schlechter 1913
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883
~ Bulbophyllum paleaceum (Lindl.) Benth. & Hook.f. 1883 - See Bulbophyllum purpureofuscum J.J.Verm., Schuit. & de Vogel 2014
SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925
~Bulbophyllum palilabre J.J.Sm. 1914 - See Bulbophyllum myrtillus Schltr. 1913
~Bulbophyllum pallescens Kraenzl. 1914 - See Bulbophyllum bifarium Hook.f. 1864
SECTION Brachypus Schlechter 1913
~Bulbophyllum pallidiflavum Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum cylindrobulbum Schltr. 1905
SECTION Uncifera Schlechter 1912
~Bulbophyllum paluense Higgins 2008 - See Bulbophyllum vanvuurenii J.J. Sm. 1917
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindl. 1862
SECTION Elasmotopus Schlechter 1925
~Bulbophyllum pangerangi Rchb.f 1857 - See Bulbophyllum gibbosum [Blume] Lindl. 1830
~*Bulbophyllum paniculatum Ridl. 1889 - See Ridleyella paniculata (Ridl.) Schltr. 1913
~Bulbophyllum panigrahianum S. Misra 1986 - See Bulbophyllum sarcophyllum [King & Pantlg.]J.J. Sm. 1912
~Bulbophyllum paniscus Ridl. 1916 - See Bulbophyllum leptopus Schltr. 1905
~Bulbophyllum pantlingii Lucksom 1993 publ. 1994 - See Bulbophyllum cariniflorum Rchb. f. 1861
SECTION Pantoblepharon Schlechter 1925
TYPE for the section
~Bulbophyllum pantoblepharon var. vestitum H.Perrier ex Hermans 2007 - See Bulbophyllum pantoblepharon Schltr. 1924
SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f.
SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum papillosum J.J.Sm. 1905 - See Bulbophyllum papillatum J.J.Sm. 1910
~Bulbophyllum papillosum (Rolfe) Seidenf. & Smitin. 1961 - See Bulbophyllum thaiorum J.J.Smith 1912
~Bulbophyllum papillosum Finet 1903 - See Bulbophyllum pumilum (Sw.) Lindl. 1830
SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883
SECTION Pedilochilus [Schlechter] J J Verm & O'Byrne 2011
TYPE for the section
SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum papulilabium Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum colliferum J.J.Sm. 1911
SECTION Papulipetalum Schlechter 1913
TYPE for the section
SECTION Lepidorhiza Schlechter 1911
SECTION Lepanthanthe Schlechter 1913
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum paramjitii Agrawala, Sharief & B.K.Singh 2016 - See Bulbophyllum moniliforme Par & Rchb.f 1874
SECTION Didactyle [Lindley] Cogn. 1902
~Bulbophyllum paranaense var. pauloense Hoehne & Schltr. 1926 - See Bulbophyllum paranaense Schltr. 1919
SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum parvilabium Schltr. 1911 - See Bulbophyllum obtusum (Blume) Lindl.1830
~Bulbophyllum parvulum Lindl. 1830 - See Bulbophyllum ovalifolium [Bl] Lindl. 1830
~Bulbophyllum parvulum (Hook.f.) J.J.Sm. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum rolfei (Kuntze) Seidenf. 1979
SECTION Megaclinium G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep.
SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913
SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883
~Bulbophyllum patens Auct. no King ex Hkr. Gagn. 1951 - See Bulbophyllum macranthum Lindley 1844
SECTION Xiphizusa Rchb.f. 1852
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
Through EARLY
SECTION Lepanthanthe Schlechter 1913
~Bulbophyllum paullum Ridl. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum sulcatum (Blume) Lindl. 1830
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Biseta J.J.Verm. ex N.Pearce , P.J.Cribb & Renz 2001
~Bulbophyllum pavimentatum Lindl. 1861 - See Bulbophyllum pumilum (Sw.) Lindl. 1830
~Bulbophyllum pechei W.Bull 1891 - See Bulbophyllum cupreum Lindley 1838
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Leopardinae Bentham 1883
~Bulbophyllum pectinatum var. transarisanense (Hayata) S.S. Ying 1996 - See Bulbophyllum transarisanensis Hayata 1916
~Bulbophyllum pedicellatum Ridl. 1896 - See Bulbophyllum laxiflorum [Bl.] Lindl. 1830
SECTION Pedilochilus [Schlechter] J J Verm & O'Byrne 2011
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
~Bulbophyllum pelma J.J.Sm. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum stipulaceum Schltr. 1905
~ Bulbophyllum pelma var. gautierense J.J.Sm. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum stipulaceum Schltr. 1905
SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913
TYPE for the section
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913
SECTION Altisceptrum J J Smith 1914
Bulbophyllum peniculus Schltr. 1924 - See Bulbophyllum rutenbergianum Schltr. 1924
SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr 1883
~Bulbophyllum pensile Schltr.1913 - See Bulbophyllum macrourum Schltr. 1905
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
SECTION Lupulina G A Fischer in prep
~*Bulbophyllum peperomioides Kraenzl. 1909 - See Stolzia peperomioides (Kraenzl.) Summerh 1953
~Bulbophyllum perakense Ridl. 1903 - See Bulbophyllum purpurascens Teijsm & Binn 1862
SECTION Lichenophylax Schlechter 1924
~Bulbophyllum perductum J.J.Sm. 1905 - See Bulbophyllum betchei F. Muell. 1888
~Bulbophyllum perductum var. sebesiense J.J.Sm. 1922 - See Bulbophyllum betchei F. Muell. 1888
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum pergracile Ames & C.Schweinf. 1920 - See Bulbophyllum caudatisepalum Ames & C.Schweinf. 1920
SECTION Didactyle [Lindley] Cogn. 1902
~Bulbophyllum perlongum Schltr.1913 - See Bulbophyllum cylindrobulbum Schltr. 1905
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
SECTION Lichenophylax Schlechter 1924
~Bulbophyllum perpusillum Ridl. 1908 - See Bulbophyllum perparvulum Schltr. 1915
SECTION Pachychlamys Schlechter 1924
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925
~Bulbophyllum pertenue Kraenzl. 1914 - See Bulbophyllum intertextum Lindl. 1862
SECTION Pantoblepharon Schlechter 1925
SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
SECTION Pedilochilus [Schlechter] J J Verm & O'Byrne 2011
SECTION Polyradices G A Fischer, Seider and Cribb 2007
SECTION Pedilochilus [Schlechter] J J Verm & O'Byrne 2011
~Bulbophyllum peyerianum (Kraenzl.) Seidenf. 1973 publ. 1974 - See Bulbophyllum purpurascens Teijsm & Binn 1862
SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925
SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883
SECTION Brachypus Schlechter 1913
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
~ Bulbophyllum phaeopogon Schltr. 1906 - See Bulbophyllum schinzianum Kraenzl. ex De Wild. & T. Durand 1862
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr 1883
SECTION Macrouris Schlechter 1913
SECTION Phreatiopsis J J Verm & Peter O'Byrne 2011
TYPE for the section
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f.
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
SECTION Physometra J.J.Vermeulen, Suksathan & Watthana 2017
~Bulbophyllum pictum Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum crenilabium W. Kittr 1985-6
SECTION Trias [Lindl.] J J Verm, Schuit & de Vogel 2014
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Macrouris Schlechter 1913
SECTION Piestobulbon Schlechter 1923
TYPE for the section
SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883
SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883
~Bulbophyllum pileolatum (Klinge) J.J. Sm. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum elegantulum (Rolfe) J.J.Sm. 1912
SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883
SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
SECTION Bulbophyllaria [Rchb.f] Griseb. 1864
~Bulbophyllum pinelianum (A.Rich.) Ormerod 2016 - See Bulbophyllum pachyrachis (A. Rich.) Griseb. 1864
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindley] Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Cirrhopetaloides Garay, Hamer & Siegerist 1994
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933
*SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindley 1862
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Micranthae Barb Rodr. 1882
SECTION Pedilochilus [Schlechter] J J Verm & O'Byrne 2011
SECTION Alcistachys Schlechter 1924
~Bulbophyllum piundensis P.Royen 1979 - See Bulbophyllum ochroleucum Schltr. 1905
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum planiaxe J.B.Petersen 1952 - See Bulbophyllum oreonastes Rchb.f. 1881
SECTION Planibulbus Verm, Schuit & De Vogel 2014
TYPE for the section
~Bulbophyllum planifolium W.Kittr. 1984 publ. 1985 - See Bulbophyllum desmotrichoides Schltr. 1913
~Bulbophyllum planilabre Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum peltopus Schltr. 1913
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925
~Bulbophyllum platyrhachis (Rolfe) Schltr. 1905 - See Bulbophyllum maximum (Lindl.) Rchb. f. 1861
~Bulbophyllum platyrhachis De Wilid. 1906 - See Bulbophyllum acutibracteatum De Wild.1921
~Bulbophyllum platyrrhachis Ridl. 1917 - See Bulbophyllum janus J.J.Verm. 2002
~Bulbophyllum platysepalum Garay ined. - See Bulbophyllum antenniferum [Lindley] Rchb. f. 1864
SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933
~Bulbophyllum pleurothalloides Schltr. 1924 - See Bulbophyllum conchidioides Ridl.1885
SECTION Pantoblepharon Schlechter 1925
SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913
SECTION Plumata J J Verm, Schuit, & De Vogel 2014
SECTION Xiphizusa Rchb.f. 1852
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
~Bulbophyllum pobeguinii (Finet) De Wild. 1921 - See Bulbophyllum scaberulum (Rolfe) Bolus 1889
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum pogonochilum Summerh. 1951 publ. 1952 - See Bulbophyllum reflexiflorum H.Perrier 1937
~Bulbophyllum poilanei Gagnep.1930 - See Bulbophyllum repens Griff. 1851
~Bulbophyllum pokapindjangense J.J.Sm. 1933 - See Bulbophyllum mutabile [Bl.] Lindl. 1830
SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum polyarachne Ridl. 1917 - See Bulbophyllum odoratum (Blume) Lindl. 1830
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum polypodioides Schltr.1906 - See Bulbophyllum ebulbe Schltr. 1905
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933
SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883
~Bulbophyllum polystictum Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum erythrostictum Ormerod 2005
~Bulbophyllum ponapense Schltr. 1921 - See Bulbophyllum betchei F. Muell. 1888
SECTION Didactyle [Lindley] Cogn. 1902
~Bulbophyllum porphyroglossum Kraenzl. 1895 - See Bulbophyllum pumilum (Sw.) Lindl. 1830
SECTION Lupulina G A Fischer in prep
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f.
SECTION Uncifera Schlechter 1912
~Bulbophyllum praealtum Kraenzl. 1909 - See Bulbophyllum longiscapum Rolfe 1896
~Bulbophyllum praestans Kraenzl. 1904 - See Bulbophyllum cheiri Lindl. 1844
SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883
SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
~*Bulbophyllum prenticei F. Mueller 1881 - See Dockrillia lichenastrum (F. Muell.) Brieger 1981
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925
SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897
SECTION Cirrhopetaloides Garay, Hamer & Siegerist 1994
~Bulbophyllum procerum Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum goliathense J.J.Sm. 1911
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
~Bulbophyllum proencai Leite 1948 - See Bulbophyllum perii Schltr. 1922
~Bulbophyllum profusum Ames 1912 - See Bulbophyllum clandestinum Lindl. 1841
SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr 1883
SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindl. 1862
SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925
~Bulbophyllum proteranthum (Seidenf.) Seidenf. 1995 - See Dendrobium proteranthum Seidenf. 1985
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933
~Bulbophyllum proximum Schltr.1913 - See Bulbophyllum pachytelos Schltr. 1905
SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883
SECTION Chaseela [Summerh.] G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep.
TYPE for the section
~Bulbophyllum pseudonutans H.Perrier 1937 - See Bulbophyllum brachystachyum Schltr. 1924
SECTION Pseudopelma Verm & O’Byrne 2011
TYPE for the section
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f.
SECTION Leopardinae Bentham 1883
~Bulbophyllum psittacoides J.J. Sm. 1905 - See Bulbophyllum gracillimum [Rolfe]Rolfe 1907
SECTION Eublepharon J J Verm., Schuit. & de Vogel 2014
~Bulbophyllum pteriphilum Rolfe 1894 - See Dendrochilum pallidiflavens Blume 1825
SECTION Brachypus Schlechter 1913? [tentatively put here along with B gunteri, P trutiniferum and B brachygnonmon as these straddle the boundary of this section and section Polymeres]
SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883
SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896
SECTION Lupulina G A Fischer in prep
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum puberulum Ridl. 1896 - See Bulbophyllum flavescens (Blume) Lindl. 1830
SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum pugioniforme J.J. Sm. 1911 - See Bulbophyllum attenuatum Rolfe 1896
SECTION Biflorae Garay, Hamer, & Siegrist 1994
~Bulbophyllum pulchellum Ridley 1907 - See Bulbophyllum trigonopus Rchb. f. 1881
~Bulbophyllum pulchellum var. brachysepalum Ridl. 1907 - See Bulbophyllum trigonopus Rchb. f. 1881
~Bulbophyllum pulchellum Ridl. var purpureum Ridley 1907 - See Bulbophyllum trigonopus Rchb. f. 1881
SECTION Ione [Lindley] J J Verm Schuit & de Vogel 2014
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum pulchrum Schltr. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum bulhartii Sieder & Kiehn 2009
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum pumilio Ridley 1908 - See Bulbophyllum unguiculatum Rchb.f. 1850
~Bulbophyllum pumilio Auct. non Par. & Rchb.f - See Bulbophyllum retusiusculum Rchb. f. 1869
SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindl. 1862
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
~Bulbophyllum punctatissimum Ridl. 1924 - See Bulbophyllum taeniophyllum Parish & Rchb. f. 1874
~Bulbophyllum punctatum Fitzg. 1883 - See Bulbophyllum baileyi F Muell. 1875
~Bulbophyllum punctatum Ridl. 1908 - See Bulbophyllum dearei Rchb. f. 1888
SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883
~Bulbophyllum pungens var. pachyphyllum Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum pungens Schltr. 1913
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum purpurascens F.M.Bailey 1884 - See Bulbophyllum macphersonii Rupp 1934
~Bulbophyllum purpuratum [Lindley] Lindley 1862 - See Bulbophyllum maximum (Lindl.) Rchb. f. 1861
~Bulbophyllum purpuratum Schlechter 1906 - See Bulbophyllum maximum (Lindl.) Rchb. f. 1861
~ ~Bulbophyllum purpureifolium Aver.1997 - See Bulbophyllum longibrachiatum Z.H.Tsi 1981
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Ione [Lindley] J J Verm Schuit & de Vogel 2014
SECTION Megaclinium G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep.
SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
~Bulbophyllum purpureum Náves in F.M.Blanco 1880 - See Bulbophyllum macranthum Lindley 1844
SECTION Lupulina G A Fischer in prep
~Bulbophyllum pusillum (Blume) Rchb.f. 1857 - See Bulbophyllum ovalifolium [Bl] Lindl. 1830
~Bulbophyllum pusillum (Rolfe) De Wild. 1921 - See Bulbophyllum sandersonii (Hook.f.) Rchb.f. 1878
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Cirrhopetaloides Garay, Hamer & Siegerist 1994
SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr 1883
SECTION Minutissima Pfitzer 1888
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum quadrangulum Z.H.Tsi 1981 - See Bulbophyllum chondriophorum (Gagnep.) Seidenf. 1973 publ. 1974
~Bulbophyllum quadrans J.J.Sm. 1915 - See Bulbophyllum octarrhenipetalum J.J.Sm. 1913
~Bulbophyllum quadratum Schltr.1913 - See Bulbophyllum savaiense Schltr.1911
SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum quadricolor (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. 1902 - See Bulbophyllum gladiatum Lindl.1842
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Lupulina G A Fischer in prep
SECTION Didactyle [Lindley] Cogn. 1902
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Lepanthanthe Schlechter 1913
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
~Bulbophyllum quinquelobum var. lancilabium Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum quinquelobum Schltr.1913
~Bulbophyllum quintasii Rolfe 1891 - See Bulbophyllum intertextum Lindl. 1862
~Bulbophyllum racemosum Hayata 1911 - See Bulbophyllum insulsoides Seidenf. 1973 publ. 1974
~Bulbophyllum radiatum Lindl. 1830 - See Bulbophyllum laxiflorum [Bl.] Lindl. 1830
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum rajanum J.J.Sm. 1927 - See Bulbophyllum unguiculatum Rchb.f. 1850
~Bulbophyllum ramosii Ames 1912 - See Bulbophyllum flavescens (Blume) Lindl. 1830
~Bulbophyllum ramosum Schltr. 1905 - See Bulbophyllum ochroleucum Schltr. 1905
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913
SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Ione [Lindley] J J Verm Schuit & de Vogel 2014
~Bulbophyllum raui Arora 1969 publ. 1972 - See Bulbophyllum reptans (Lindl.) Lindl 1829
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913
and again
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Lepidorhiza Schlechter 1911
~Bulbophyllum recurvimarginatum J.J.Sm. 1935 - See Bulbophyllum trifilum J.J.Sm. 1908
~Bulbophyllum recurvum Lindl. 1830 - See Bulbophyllum pumilum (Sw.) Lindl. 1830
SECTION Pelma [Finet] Schlechter 1913
SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913
SECTION Kinethrix Schlechter 1910
~Bulbophyllum reflexiflorum subsp. pogonochilum (Summerh.) Bosser 2000 - See Bulbophyllum reflexiflorum H.Perrier 1937
SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum reflexum Ames & C.Schweinf. 1920 - See Bulbophyllum coniferum Ridl. 1909
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
~Bulbophyllum refractoides Seidenf. 1970 - See Bulbophyllum wallichii Rchb.f. 1861
SECTION Didactyle [Lindley] Cogn. 1902
~Bulbophyllum reichenbachianum Kraenzl. 1893 - See Bulbophyllum delitescens Hance 1876
SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925
~Bulbophyllum reilloi Ames 1913 publ. 1914 - See Bulbophyllum unguiculatum Rchb.f. 1850
~Bulbophyllum reinwardtii Rchb.f. 1861 - See Bulbophyllum uniflorum [Bl.]Hassk. 1844
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
~Bulbophyllum remotifolium (Fukuy.) K.Nakaj. 1973 - See Bulbophyllum hirundinis [Gagnep.] Seidenf. 1974
~Bulbophyllum remotum J.J.Sm. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum cylindrobulbum Schltr. 1905
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Megaclinium G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep.
SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
SECTION Repantia J J Verm. 2001
TYPE for the section
~Bulbophyllum reptans var. acuta Malhotra & Balodi 1984 publ. 1985 - See Bulbophyllum reptans (Lindl.) Lindl 1829
~Bulbophyllum reptans var. subracemosa Hook.f. 1890 - See Bulbophyllum reptans (Lindl.) Lindl 1829
TYPE for the section
SECTION Megaclinium G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep.
~ Bulbophyllum resupinatum var. filiforme (Kraenzl.) J.J.Verm. 1986 - See Bulbophyllum resupinatum Ridley 1887
~Bulbophyllum reticosum Ridl. 1896 - See Bulbophyllum dearei Rchb. f. 1888
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum retusiusculum var. oreogenes (W.W.Sm.) Z.H.Tsi 1995 - See Bulbophyllum retusiusculum Rchb. f. 1869
~Bulbophyllum retusiusculum var. tigridum (Hance) Z.H. Tsi 1995 - See Bulbophyllum tigridum Hance 1883
SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum revolutum Dockrill & St Cloud 1957 - See Bulbophyllum lilianae Rendle 1917
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum rhizomatosum Schlechter 1923 SECTION Stenochilus J.J. Sm. 1914 New Guinea - See Bulbophyllum obtusilabium W Kittr. 1985/86
~Bulbophyllum rhizomatosum Schltr. 1924 - See Bulbophyllum reifii Sieder & Kiehn 2009
~Bulbophyllum rhizophorae Lindl. 1861 - See Bulbophyllum falcatum [Lindley]Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum rhizophoreti Ridl. 1924 - See Bulbophyllum purpurascens Teijsm & Binn 1862
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum rhodopetalum Kraenzl. 1905 - See Bulbophyllum sandersonii (Hook.f.) Rchb.f. 1878
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
~ Bulbophyllum rhodostictum Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum arsoanum J.J.Sm. 1912
SECTION Biflorae Garay, Hamer, & Siegrist 1994
SECTION Brachypus Schlechter 1913
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
~Bulbophyllum rhopalochilum Kraenzl. 1914 - See Bulbophyllum oreonastes Rchb.f. 1881
SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum rhynchoglossum Schltr. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum wechsbergii Sieder & Kiehn 2009
~Bulbophyllum ricaldonei Leite 1948 - See Bulbophyllum glutinosum (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. 1902
~Bulbophyllum ridleyanum Garay, Hamer & Siegerist 1994 - See Bulbophyllum viridescens Ridl. 1908
~Bulbophyllum ridleyi Kraenzl. 1896 - See Bulbophyllum multiflorum Ridl. 1885
~Bulbophyllum rigens Rchb. f. 1865 - See Bulbophyllum lindleyanum Griff. 1851
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f.
SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897
SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
SECTION Ione [Lindley] J J Verm Schuit & de Vogel 2014
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum riyanum Fukuy. 1935 - See Bulbophyllum pauciflorum Ames 1912
~Bulbophyllum robustum Rolfe 1905 - See Bulbophyllum coriophorum Ridl. 1886
~Bulbophyllum rolfeanum Seiden. & Smitin. 1961 - See Bulbophyllum lepidum [Bl.]J.J.Sm. 1825
SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Didactyle [Lindley] Cogn. 1902
SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr 1883
SECTION Ione [Lindley] J J Verm Schuit & de Vogel 2014
TYPE for the section
SECTION Papulipetalum Schlechter 1913
SECTION Trias [Lindl.] J J Verm, Schuit & de Vogel 2014
~Bulbophyllum rostratum J.J.Sm.1908 - See Bulbophyllum ochroleucum Schltr. 1905
~ Bulbophyllum rostriferum H.Perrier 1951 - See Bulbophyllum oxycalyx Schltr. 1924
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum rotundatum (Lindl.) Rchb.f. 1861 - See Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh. 1957
SECTION Cirrhopetaloides Garay, Hamer & Siegerist 1994
~ Bulbophyllum rubescens Schltr. 1924 -See Bulbophyllum oxycalyx Schltr. 1924
~Bulbophyllum rubescens var. meizobulbon Schltr. 1925 - See Bulbophyllum oxycalyx Schltr. 1924
SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum rubrobrunneopapillosum De Wild. 1921 - See Bulbophyllum acutibracteatum De Wild.1921
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum rubropunctatum S.S.Ying 1977 - See Bulbophyllum melanoglossum Hayata 1914
SECTION Lupulina G A Fischer in prep
~Bulbophyllum ruficaudatum Ridl. 1910 - See Bulbophyllum gracillimum [Rolfe]Rolfe 1907
SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr 1883
SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr 1883
SECTION Lupulina G A Fischer in prep
SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindl. 1862
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum rupestre J.J.Sm. 1915 - See Bulbophyllum rivulare Schltr. 1913
SECTION Micranthae Barb Rodr. 1882
~Bulbophyllum rupicola Ridl. 1911 - See Bulbophyllum taeniophyllum Parish & Rchb. f. 1874
~Bulbophyllum rupincolum Rchb.f. 1865 - See Bulbophyllum saltatorium Lindl. 1837
SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum saccatum Kraenzl. 1904 - See Bulbophyllum apodum Hook.f. 1890
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897
SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindl. 1862
~Bulbophyllum saltatorium Lindl. 1837 var albociliatum [Finet] J.J.Vermeulen 1986 - See Bulbophyllum saltatorium Lindl. 1837
~Bulbophyllum saltatorium var. calamarium (Lindl.) J.J.Verm. 1986 - See Bulbophyllum saltatorium Lindl. 1837
SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Lupulina G A Fischer in prep
~Bulbophyllum sambiranense var. ankeranense H.Perrier 1937 - See Bulbophyllum sambiranense Jum. & H.Perrier 1912
~Bulbophyllum sambiranense var latibractiatum Perrier ex Hermans 2007 - See Bulbophyllum sambiranense Jum. & H.Perrier 1912
SECTION Brachypus Schlechter 1913
SECTION Didactyle [Lindley] Cogn. 1902
SECTION Megaclinium G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep.
SECTION Pachychlamys Schlechter 1924
SECTION Megaclinium G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep.
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
http://www.orchidsnewguinea.com/Peltopus Schlechter 1913
SECTION Sestochilos [Breda] Benth & Hook.f. 1883
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Pedilochilus [Schlechter] J J Verm & O'Byrne 2011
~Bulbophyllum sarcanthiforme Ridl. 1916 - See Bulbophyllum hystricinum Schltr. 1913
~*Bulbophyllum sarcanthoides Ridl. 1908 - See Biermannia sarcanthoides (Ridl.) Garay 1972
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925
~Bulbophyllum sarcorhachis var. befaonense (Schltr.) H.Perrier 1937 - See Bulbophyllum sarcorhachis Schltr. 1918
~ Bulbophyllum sarcorhachis var. flavomarginatum H.Perrier ex Hermans 2007 - See Bulbophyllum sarcorhachis Schltr. 1918
SECTION Hyalosema Schlechter 1911
~Bulbophyllum saruwatarii Hayata 1916 - See Bulbophyllum umbellatum Lindley 1830
SECTION Ione [Lindley] J J Verm Schuit & de Vogel 2014
SECTION Papulipetalum Schlechter 1913
SECTION Saurocephalum J J Verm 2014
TYPE for the section
SECTION Pelma [Finet] Schlechter 1913
~ Bulbophyllum savaiense subsp. gorumense (Schltr.) J.J.Verm. 1993 - See Bulbophyllum savaiense Schltr.1911
~Bulbophyllum savaiense subsp. subcubicum (J.J.Sm.) J.J.Verm. 1993 - See Bulbophyllum savaiense Schltr.1911
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008>
SECTION Megaclinium G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep.
~Bulbophyllum scaberulum var. album Pérez-Vera 2003 - See Bulbophyllum scaberulum (Rolfe) Bolus 1889
~Bulbophyllum scaberulum var. fuerstenbergianum (De Wild.) J.J.Verm. 1986 - See Bulbophyllum scaberulum (Rolfe) Bolus 1889
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
~Bulbophyllum scandens Rolfe 1922 - See Hederorkis seychellensis Bosser 1976
~Bulbophyllum scandens Kraenzl 1954 - See Bulbophyllum membranifolium Hook. f. 1896
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913
SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindl. 1862
SECTION Macrouris Schlechter 1913
~Bulbophyllum sceptrum Rchb.f. 1861 - See Bulbophyllum elongatum (Blume) Hassk. 1844
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883
SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindl. 1862
SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindl. 1862
~Bulbophyllum schinzianum var. irigaleae (P.J.Cribb & Pérez-Vera) J.J.Verm. 1987 - See Bulbophyllum schinzianum Kraenzl. ex De Wild. & T. Durand 1862
~Bulbophyllum schinzianum var. phaeopogon (Schltr.) J.J.Verm. 1986 - See Bulbophyllum schinzianum Kraenzl. ex De Wild. & T. Durand 1862
SECTION Brachypus Schlechter 1913
SECTION Schistopetalum Schlechter 1913
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Papulipetalum Schlechter 1913
~Bulbophyllum schlechteri De Wild. 1921 - See Bulbophyllum josephi (Kuntze) Summerh. 1945
SECTION Hyalosema Schlechter 1911
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f.
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
~*Bulbophyllum sciadanthum F.Muell. 1882 - See Epiblastus sciadanthus (F.Muell.) Schltr. 1905
SECTION Pantoblepharon Schlechter 1925
SECTION Macrouris Schlechter 1913
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Gongorodes J J Smith 1914
~Bulbophyllum scotiifolium J.J. Sm.1918 - See Bulbophyllum pungens Schltr. 1913
SECTION Plumata J J Verm, Schuit, & De Vogel 2014
SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897
~Bulbophyllum sculptum J.J.Sm. 1929 - See Bulbophyllum cylindrobulbum Schltr. 1905
SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913
~Bulbophyllum scyphochilus var. phaeanthum Schltr. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum scyphochilus Schltr. 1912
SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum selangorense Ridl. 1914 - See Bulbophyllum gibbosum [Blume] Lindl. 1830
SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897
~Bulbophyllum semibifidum [Ridl.] Ridl. 1907 - See Bulbophyllum acuminatum [Ridl.] Ridl. 1907
~Bulbophyllum semipellucidum J.J.Sm. 1928 - See Bulbophyllum mutabile [Bl.] Lindl. 1830
SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
SECTION Lupulina G A Fischer in prep
~Bulbophyllum sennii Chiov. 1940 - See Bulbophyllum josephi (Kuntze) Summerh. 1945
SECTION Pachychlamys Schlechter 1924
SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897
~Bulbophyllum septemtrionale J.J. Sm. 1913 var septemtrionale J.J.Sm. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum septemtrionale J.J. Sm. 1913 1916 - See Bulbophyllum falcatum [Lindley]Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum serpens Lindl. 1830 - See Bulbophyllum nutans (Thouars) Thouars 1822
~Bulbophyllum serpens Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum minutibulbum W.Kittr. 1984 publ. 1985
SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum serratum H.Perrier 1937 - See Bulbophyllum septatum Schltr. 1924
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
~Bulbophyllum sessile [Koen.]J.J.Sm. 1905 - See Bulbophyllum clandestinum Lindl. 1841
~Bulbophyllum sessiliflorum H. Wendl. & Kraenzl. 1896 - See Bulbophyllum molossus Rchb. f. 1888
SECTION Cirrhopetaloides Garay, Hamer & Siegerist 1994
~Bulbophyllum setiferum (Rolfe) J.J.Sm. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum delitescens Hance 1876
SECTION Didactyle [Lindley] Cogn. 1902
~Bulbophyllum setipes Schlechter 1913 - See Bulbophyllum graciliscapum Schlechter 1905
~Bulbophyllum seychellarum Rchb.f. 1876 - See Bulbophyllum intertextum Lindl. 1862
SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933
SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr 1883
SECTION Biflorae Garay, Hamer, & Siegrist 1994
SECTION Acrochaene (Lindl.) J.J.Verm., Schuit. & de Vogel 2014
~Bulbophyllum sigilliforme H.Perrier 1937 - See Bulbophyllum complanatum H.Perrier 1937
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
~Bulbophyllum similare Garay, Hamer & Siegerist 1994 - See Bulbophyllum salaccense Rchb.f. 1857
SECTION Pelma [Finet] Schlechter 1913
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
~Bulbophyllum simillinum Par & Rchb.f 1883 - See Bulbophyllum taeniophyllum Parish & Rchb. f. 1874
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933
~Bulbophyllum simonii Summerh. 1935 - See Bulbophyllum falcatum [Lindley]Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
SECTION Sestochilos [Breda] Benth & Hook.f. 1883
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
SECTION Hyalosema Schlechter 1911
~ Bulbophyllum singuliflorum W.Kittr. 1984 publ. 1985 - See Bulbophyllum nubigenum Schltr. 1913
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum sladeanum A.D.Hawkes 1956 - See Bulbophyllum macphersonii Rupp 1934
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933
SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883
~Bulbophyllum sociale Rolfe 1918 - See Bulbophyllum uniflorum [Bl.]Hassk. 1844
SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Ione [Lindley] J J Verm Schuit & de Vogel 2014
SECTION Xiphizusa Rchb.f. 1852
~Bulbophyllum solheidii De Wild. 1916 - See Bulbophyllum falcatum [Lindley]Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum solutisepalum J.J. Sm. 1911 - See Bulbophyllum chloranthum Schltr. 1905
~Bulbophyllum somai Hayata 1920 - See Bulbophyllum drymoglossum Maxim. 1887
SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr.f 1883
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
SECTION Bulbophyllaria [Rchb.f] Griseb. 1864
SECTION Pedilochilus [Schlechter] J J Verm & O'Byrne 2011
~Bulbophyllum sparsifolium Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum clandestinum Lindl. 1841
~Bulbophyllum spathaceum Rolfe 1893 - See Bulbophyllum apodum Hook.f. 1890
SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897
SECTION Papulipetalum Schlechter 1913
SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum spathulifolium H.Perrier 1951 - See Bulbophyllum rutenbergianum Schltr. 1924
SECTION Didactyle [Lindley] Cogn. 1902
SECTION Hyalosema Schlechter 1911
Bulbophyllum sp 3 SECTION Hyalosema Schlechter 1911
New Guinea
Irian Jaya
elongate, single flowered inflorescence, erect, pale red brown white rimmed, pilose, acute, filiform apex dorsal sepal, dark red brown, longer and wider, descending, pubescent, acute, filiform apex lateral sepals and a pilose, dark red brown, narrow, spine-like lip
SECTION Loxosepalum
Basal, erect, thin, yellow, few flowered inflorescence with large, yellow elliptic, acute dorsal sepal, slighly smaller, yellow, acute lateral sepals , yellow elliptic, obtuse petals and a widely elliptic yellow with some red striped lip
A mini-miniature sized, elongate oblong pseudobulbs carrying 2 apical, elliptic leaves and blooms on an erect, then turning at a right angle rachis with densely many flowered inflorescence with yellow sepals with dark brown red markings
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913
New Guinea
Elongate single flowered inflorescence with a smaller white, 3 violet striped, becoming basally blobbed dorsal sepal, longer and wider white, 3 violet striped becoming basally blobbed lateral sepals and a large convex deep violet lip, Very similar to B stenophyllum but differs in colors
An erect then pendant, red peduncle, a thickening, densely several flowered inflorescence with the small flowers adpressed to the pendant rachis.
New Guinea
Single flowered inflorescence with large white, striped violet flowers with equal becoming filiform sepals, laterals longest with a red wide lip
SECTION Papulipetalum Schlechter 1913
New Guinea
New Guinea
An elongate inflorescence carrying a single green flower, with a larger green, white ciliate margin dorsal sepal, thinner and slightly twisted, green, white ciliate margin lateral sepals, an oblong green, shortly bilobed apically lip
New Guinea
Reminiscent of B frostii in sepal arrangment, oblong, dark brown-green pseudobulb carrying a single leaf giving rise to basal, sessile, single flowered inflorescence, small pale red lip
Found in New Guinea. Sent in as Bulbophyllum auriculatum but differs in the acute, linear leaves and the shape of the lip.
New Guinea
Single flowered, equal sepals, dorsal white-yellow with 3 red stipes, laterals red with white margins, yellow petals that appear column like and a narrow heart-shaped, basally narrowing, yellow and 2 ridged, becoming wider, red, thick, fleshy, acute lip
New Guinea
Close set, adpressed, reddish brown pseudobulbs carrying a single leaf with a basal, erect, single flowered inflorescence with a large erect, red brown elliptic dorsal sepal and much smaller, thin lateral sepals, erect smaller petals and an elliptic, red brown, white ciliate margined lip
Bulbophyllum sp.17 aff sphaeracron
New Guinea
Sheaths becoming fibrous, oblong, adpressed pseudobulb with a single leaf and a basal, sessile single flowered inflorescence with equal sepals terminating in a globose swelling, small triangular red petals, and a small red lip
New Guinea
longer inflorescence, small, yellow, red brown striped, ciliate margin dorsal sepal, with much larger, drooping, red brown, ciliate margin on the lower edge, lateral sepals, with almost hood-forming petals and a basally wide and 2 ridged becoming spine like yellow lip
New Guinea
thin leaves with a longer inflorescence with a single yellow flower with a smaller, red striped, dorsal sepal, larger yellow veined lateral sepals, smaller red striped petals and a concave, descending, smooth equal obtuse lip
New Guinea
Globose to globose elongate pseudobulbs carrying a single leaf with sessile single reddish flowers with a dorsal sepal similar to the synsepal below, Pleurothallis-like, dark red, undulate, glossy and more swollen apically, obtuse lip
New Guinea
Sessile, single cupped dark violet flower with equal dark violet, green edged sepals and dark violet petals, narrow towards the base becoming wider to the midlip, glossy dark violet, narrowing and dropping apically lip
New Guinea
terete pseudobulbs and a single leaf, short inflorescence, 3 white flowered, a spotted smaller dorsal sepal, spotted and striped red lateral sepals, white triangular petals, a wide flat, weakly red striped, obtuse apex lip
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933
New Guinea
1 to 4, sessile flowers, white with orange tips, cf B flammulferum but not
New Guinea
A corymb of non-resupinate, yellow green striped darker green flower becoming red violet towards the center on all segments, unequal sepals, larger petals than many, a large heart-shaped lip with a central channel
New Guinea
A single brown-yellow flower, equal sepals, much smaller petals, an elongate, sloping, convex, basally thicker, red, becoming more slender, yellow midlip, humped and narrowing to a much more terete apex lip
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913
Blooms on a single flowered longer than the leaves, basal inflorescence.
New Guinea
Single white flower, equal, red striped sepals, triangular single striped petals, an elongate red striped, convex midlip, rounded yellow apex, basally becoming two ridged lip
SECTION Sestochilos [Breda] Benth & Hook.f. 1883 Sent in as B stockeri but differs in the lateral sepals, the long winged column and the lip.
Single yellow flower, equal sepals, small yellow, red tipped petals, elongate, convex, yellow lip
New Guinea
Oblong-cylindrical pseudobulbs, a single leaf, a short inflorescence, single flowered, yellow with elongate equal, acute sepals
New Guinea
Dark flower with reflexed sepals, erect, ciliate margin petals and an elongate, concave, warty lip
SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883
New Guinea
Aff B auritum differs in the much shorter blunt labellum and the longer more acute petals
SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883
New Guinea
Small yellow elongate sepal flowers
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
New Guinea
Pale yellow single flower with dark violet, concave lip with ciliate midlobe margins
New Guinea
Very similar to B anguste-ellipticum and B nigrescens
New Guinea
ovoid pseudobulbs carrying a single leaf with basal, sessile, single flowered inflorescence with fairly equal, yellow white, basally red spotted and mottled red sepals and a small triangular, yellow orange lip
New Guinea
Very similar to previous species but wider segments and only red spotting no mottling, lip seems differnt
New Guinea
Shorter single flowered inflorescence with thin, elongate, equal yellow orange sepals, small triangular petals and a basally thin becoming thicker and round apically lip
SECTION Brachypus Schlechter 1913
New Guinea
Single flowered, hooded, smaller green becoming red brown basally dorsal sepal and large elliptical, red brown lateal sepals, dark red, triangular petals and a pink white, descending midlip, acute apex lip
New Guinea
Pseuduobulb with single leaf, basal, short, single flowered inflorescence with a flower with equal yellow sepals, yellow petals and a wide, yellow white, red spotted, 2 ridged, obtuse apex lip
New Guinea
Elongate inflorescence single flowered, small hooded, green-yellow, 5 red striped dorsal sepal, larger, purplish, descending lateral sepals, dark purple narrow elongate, obtuse apically petals, a channeled, pueple spotted, pink, acute lip
New Guinea
Single flowered, erect, elliptic, yellow, 3 dark purple striped dorsal sepal, much narrower, elongate, yellow, 3 dark purple striped, descending, almost touching apically lateral sepals, rounded, black spotted margin petals and a deep purple and warty based, yellow towards the obtuse apex lip
New Guinea
Single flowered inflorescence with equal, yellow, 5 red striped sepals, triangular, 1 red striped, sparsely ciliate margin, apically ciliate tufted petals, large, pink based and 2 ridged becoming bright yellow convex, obtuse lip
SECTION Colelochilus
New Guinea
Elongate, single flowered inflorescence with a yellow, red striped, narrower and longer dorsal sepal, yellow red striped wider and shorter lateral sepals, triangular, small, single red striped petals, an even width, basally red and 2 ridged, becoming yellow convex and obtuse apically lip
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f.
New Guinea
Single flowered inflorescence, equal, pink mottled red sepals, black rope-like petals, dark lip
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
New Guinea
An apical whorl of several flowers with a red inflorescence, very short and hooded, apically thready dorsal sepal, an elongate, acute white red mottled synsepal, small yellow, rounded apically, arched lip
New Guinea
Erect, elongate, arching then pendent, thick, few flowered inflorescence with an erect, somewhat cupped, yellow striped red dorsal sepal, yellow striped red, shortly bilobed apically synsepal, elongate, narrowly triangular red striped petals and a yellow with some red towards bottom and apex, elongate, convex, obtuse lip
New Guinea
Single flowered inflorescence, white, spotted and blotched violet, smaller dorsal sepal, larger, white, red spotted in lines lateral sepals, larger, triangular, violet spot apex petals, channeled, tongue-like whitish lip
New Guinea
Single flowered inflorescence, green, lightly 3 veined, acute dorsal sepal, purple, longer and wider, dark purple, obtuse lateral sepals, triangular, yellow, black apex petals and a white, bright violet blotched, shiny, basally bilobed, convex, obtuse lip
New Guinea
Elongate, single flowered inflorescence, somewhat hooded, smaller, yellow-green, 5 striped red brown dorsal sepal, yellow, larger, 5 red brown striped lateral sepals, triangular yellow petals and a pinky red, arched, rugose to ridged, acute lip
New Guinea
Superposed, single leafed pseudobulbs with an erect, short single flowered inflorescence with fairly equal, clear yellow sepals, 3 veined dorsal sepal, narrowly triangular yellow petals, and a yellow, 2 brown ridged, acute lip
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f.
New Guinea
Single flowered inflorescence with green-white, purple spotted, somewhat hooded, acute dorsal sepal, similar cupped, smaller purple spotted lateral sepals, several, feather-like, cilate petals and a small channeled, red edged, green, acute lip
New Guinea
Elongate, single flowered inflorescence, abruptly reflexed, brown red, white rimmed dorsal sepal, red brown white rimmed, similar, less reflexed lateral sepals, triangular, yellow centered, dark red brown around petals, a very arched, thin column, and a red brown and white basally thinner, becoming globose, shiny yellow apex lip
SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897
New Guinea
An elongate, single flowered inflorescence with similar deep red brown, elongate, acute sepals, very small, triangular petals and a yellow downward curved, apically ascending, concave, red above yellow beneath, obtuse lip
SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897
New Guinea
An elongate, successively single flowered inflorescence with a thinner, basally violet, becoming white towards the acute apex dorsal sepal, wider, basally violet becoming white towards the acute apex lateral sepals, triangular, deep violate, trilobed apically petals and descending, narrow, red brown, somewhat warty, 2 ridged towards the base, acute lip
New Guinea
Superposed, cylindric pseudobulbs carrying a single apical leaf with a short, single flowered inflorescence with violet brown similar sepals the rest hmmm
West Malesia
Basal and from the rhizome, 2 to 5 flowered inflorescence white flowers, a slightly hooded, acute dorsal sepal, longer, acute lateral sepals and an orange lip
Single flowered inflorescence with yellow, somewhat red blotched, dorsal sepal and yellow flushed red, longer lateral sepals, triangular, yellow, cilate tufted apically petals and a white, deeply blotched red-violet wider towards the base, channeled, rounded apically lip
SECTION Megaclinium G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep.
Similar to B calyptratum but differs in the petals and the deeply bilobed dorsal sepal.
Elongate, single flowered inflorescene with yellow, 3 red brown veined, small dorsal sepal, longer, somewhat veined, obtuse lateral sepals, rounded, yellow petals and a green lip with short to long pilose hairs along the lip edge
Single flowered inflorescence with yellow equal sepals and yellow triangular, partially enclosing the column petals and a convex, 2 bumpy, red ridged yellow folded lip
Single flowered inflorescence equal, pale red, 5, deeper pale red striped, acute sepals, rounded, black spotted, somewhat concealing the column petals and a pale pinky orange, shovel like, basally single channeled lip
Elongate, erect, then pendant, single flowered inflorescence with a small, thinner, clear orange tipped, ciliate margin dorsal sepal and elongate, triangular, filiform, orange clear lateral sepals and elliptic, acute, clear-orange tipped, ciliate margin petals that has a dark red, tongue shaped, descending, obtuse, channeled below into the base lip
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
Whorl of 10, small, ciliate, acute dorsal sepal, much larger, held in a shoe shape, basally white becoming pink red towards the obtuse apex
Short single flowered inflorescence with white equal, obtuse sepals, yellow white, triangular petals and a blood red, tongue-like, obtuse apically lip
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f.
Similar to B abrevilabium but differs in the equal, deep yellow spotted red sepals, the red, thinner, rope-like petals, the much slimmer and shorter column and the larger, oblong, convex, medially grooved lip with black beads erraticly interspersed around the margin.
a single flowered inflorescence with a ovate, yellow, erraticly spotted black, acute dorsal sepal,longer, narrower and folded, twisted so as to hang down and almost touching below, acute lateral sepals, triangular, clear green petals partially shading the column and a yellow, basally deeply 2 ridged becoming convex and erratically speckled and pitted brown, obtuse lip
SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897
Similar to B cymbidioides but differs in the all yellow petals with the basal bump on the dorsal side, wide yellow 2 humped towards the base lip, the downwardly winged column and the lip that does not reflex backward towards the apex.
Sheath covered rhizome with the inflorescence arising from the rhizome and sheath with a few flowered inflorescence held close to the rhizome and carrying yellow-white flowers with equal segments and a blunt orange lip
cf quadrangulare
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
Extremely similar and may be an almost all yellow variety of B quadrangulare but seems to differ in the shape of the petals and the inrolled edges of the dorsal sepal as well as the basically all yellow color of the flower. The lip itself though smaller here has almost exactly the same as the dangling penis and scrotum-like lip in the side view photos of B quadrangulare. This happens in humans as well and we are still the same species.
SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897
Successively single flowered inflorescence with almost equal red, narrowly acute sepals with triangular trilobed petals with the central lobe being a filament the others are triangular and has a odd yellow callousity towards the base and gradually tapers downward red to an acute, yellow apex.
SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897
Single flowered inflorescence with a smaller, yellow, lightly veined, acute dorsal sepal, longer, downturned, yellow, lightly veined, acute, triangular, black ball-shaped apex and a wider an 2 ridged towards the base, downturn and narrowing to obtuse apex lip
Elongate, single flowered inflorescence with a thinner and shorter, cream pink spotted, lanceolate, acute dorsal sepal, longer, somewhat wider, downturned, cream to cream yellow apically, pink spotted and blotched, acute lateral sepals, narrowly linear with a dark red apical widening petals and an elongate, cream blotched pink, basally concave becoming, convex and obtuse apically lip.
New Guinea
An elongate, single flowered inflorescence with somewhat equal, yellow lightly veined sepals and larger, spathulate, clear yellow, rounded apically petals and a yellow, cleft, 2 ridged, 2 lobed, wider, basally becoming bright violet towards the obtuse apex lip
Erect, single flowered inflorescence with a small, acute, 3 veined dorsal sepal, larger, obtuse, clear orange lateral sepals, small, whiter, rounded petals and a basally thickened gradually narrowing towards the acute yellow apex lip.
Bulbophyllum sp. 83 aff spathulata
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
Basal, Short, few flowered inflorescence, yellow sepals, yellow petals and a bulbous yellow lip
SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
A thick rachis with alternate, yellow green striped brown, pubescent margin dorsal sepal a yellow green, striped brown downward facing lateral sepals and very small green petals and a elliptic, pubescent margin lip.
Single flowered inflorescence with fairly equal clear yellow sepals, white oblong, rounded apically petals, a yellow column, and a shovel-shaped cream with purple stained above lip.
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
A corymb of small, hooded, apically ciliate dorsal sepal with deep yellow, basally becoming red, shoe-shaped synsepal and a yellow glossy, acute convex lip
Short, basal, single flowered inflorescence with a nonresupinate flower and a yellow elliptic, acute dorsal sepal, similar but wider, yellow acute synsepal, yellow narrowly oblong acute petals and an orange, rounded apically lip
A corymb of several flowers at the apex of the inflorescence with a small pale, hooded, apically filiform dorsal sepal and an elongate, pale cream synsepal
An erect, few flowered inflorescence with a smaller, hooded, cream blotched red, ovate, terminating in a threadlike apex dorsal sepal, cream blotched red, reflexed, elongate, downward and curved, acute lateral sepals, linear, rounded,apically long pilose margin petals and a oblong, cream yellow finely spotted, humped, rounded apically lip
An erect, several flowered inflorescence with a smaller, hooded, yellow blotched red dorsal sepal, a elongate, cream irregularily large red blotched, finely pilose margin synsepal, small, triangular, back swept, long pilose margin petals and a glossy yellow, basally widest, deeply cleft, two horned, apically rounded lip
Short inflorescence with a few flowers with similar orange, acute sepals and ovate, acute, orange petals
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
A whorl of yellow flowers with a small hooded, avate, apically rounded dorsal sepal and elongate, elliptic, obbtuse synsepal with ovate, cupped, larger than the dorsal sepal petals and a tongue like, deeply centrally cleft, obtuse lip
Do not think this one is even a Bulbophyllum. Short single flowered inflorescence with a white, ovate, obtuse dorsal sepal, white, ovate, obtuse lateral sepals, white, smaller, elliptic, obtuse petals and an orange, triangular, basally widest, apically rounded lip
African, red, triangular, acute, dorsal sepal, similar, red, triangular, acute lateral sepals, smaller, dark violet, acute petals and an elongate, long pilose toards the apex, narrowly triangular, acute, deeper red lip.
Basally round, narrowing to a folded, elongate, acute apex, cream with minute red spots dorsal sepal, narrower, elongate, cream with small red spotted, acute synsepal, very small, thin, green, acute petals and a small lip.
Densely many flowered inflorescence, cupped, cream, 3 red striped, acuminate dorsal sepal, cream, red bordered, connate below synsepal, triangular, single red striped petals, basally flanged, red brown, centrally grooved, obtuse lip.
SECTION Lepidorhiza Schlechter 1911
Similar to B vanvuureenii but differs in the reflexed, lateral sepals, the shorter, more erect, bi-cornute petals and the more elongate, downward bent, black acute knobbed, glossy red, obtuse lip, otherwise they are exactly the same.
Bulbophyllum sp. 103 TaiwanSECTION Ione [Lindley] J J Verm Schuit & de Vogel 2014
Bulbophyllum sp. 104 SECTION Ione [Lindley] J J Verm Schuit & de Vogel 2014
Bulbophyllum sp. 105SECTION Ione [Lindley] J J Verm Schuit & de Vogel 2014
Bulbophyllum sp 106 SECTION Pedilochilus
Bulbophyllum sp 107 SECTION Pedilochilus
Bulbophyllum sp 108 SECTION Pedilochilus
Bulbophyllum sp 109 SECTION Pedilochilus
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913
SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883
SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
~Bulbophyllum spinulipes J.J.Sm. 1927 - See Bulbophyllum obtusipetalum J.J.Sm. 1905
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f.
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum squamiferum J.J. Sm. 1929 - See Bulbophyllum chloranthum Schltr. 1905
~Bulbophyllum squamipetalum Schltr. 1919 - See Bulbophyllum minutipetalum Schltr 1913
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum stella Ridl. May 1895 - See Bulbophyllum macrochilum Rolfe 1896
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. 1883
~Bulbophyllum stenopetalum Kraenzl. 1895 - See Bulbophyllum sandersonii (Hook.f.) Rchb.f. 1878
~Bulbophyllum stenophyllum Ridl. 1907 - See Bulbophyllum acuminatum [Ridl.] Ridl. 1907
~Bulbophyllum stenophyllum Schltr. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum stenophyton (Garay & W.Kittr.) Schuit & de Vogel 2011
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913
~Bulbophyllum stenorhachis Kraenzl. 1895 - See Bulbophyllum imbricatum Lindl. 1841
SECTION Saurocephalum J J Verm 2014
SECTION Saurocephalum J J Verm 2014
SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr 1883
< SECTION Didactyle [Lindley] Cogn. 1902
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
SECTION Pelma [Finet] Schlechter 1913
SECTION Sestochilos [Breda] Benth & Hook.f. 1883
SECTION Trias [Lindl.] J J Verm, Schuit & de Vogel 2014
SECTION Brachypus Schlechter 1913
SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindley 1862
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
~Bulbophyllum stormii J.J.Sm. var pengadangense J.J.Sm. 1917 - See Bulbophyllum stormii J.J. Sm. 1907
~Bulbophyllum straminenum Ames 1915 - See Bulbophyllum cummingii [Lindl.]Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861 >
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
~Bulbophyllum streptosepalum Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum contortisepalum J.J. Sm. 1912
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f.
SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896
~Bulbophyllum striatitepalum Seidenf. 1982 - See Bulbophyllum striatum (Griff.) Rchb.f. 1861
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr 1883
~Bulbophyllum striatum (Tang S.Liu & H.Y.Su) Nakai 1973 - See Bulbophyllum melanoglossum Hayata 1914
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum strobilliferum Kranzl 1889- See Bulbophyllum imbricatum Lindl. 1841
~Bulbophyllum sturmhoefelii Hoehne 1950 - See Bulbophyllum regnellii Rchb. f. 1849
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum suave Griff. 1851 - See Bulbophyllum hirtum [Sm.]Lindl. 1828
~Bulbophyllum subalpinum P.Royen 1979 - See Bulbophyllum cylindrobulbum Schltr. 1905
SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913
SECTION Ephippium Schlechter 1913
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925
~Bulbophyllum subcoriaceum De Wild. 1921 - See Bulbophyllum maximum (Lindl.) Rchb. f. 1861
SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925
~Bulbophyllum subcubicum J.J.Sm. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum savaiense Schltr.1911
~Bulbophyllum subcubicum var. coccineum J.J.Sm. 1916 - See Bulbophyllum savaiense Schltr.1911
~Bulbophyllum subebulbum Gagnep 1950 - See Bulbophyllum apodum Hook.f. 1890
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindley 1862
SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
SECTION Macrouris Schlechter 1913
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883
~Bulbophyllum subuliferum Schltr. 1911 - See Bulbophyllum cheiri Lindl. 1844
~Bulbophyllum subulifolium Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum pungens Schltr. 1913
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
~Bulbophyllum subverticillatum Ridl. 1925 - See Bulbophyllum odoratum (Blume) Lindl. 1830
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum sulawesii Garay, Hamer & Siegrist 1996 - See Bulbophyllum klabatense Schltr. 1911
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933
SECTION Alcistachys Schlechter 1924
SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883
~Bulbophyllum summerhayesii A.D. Hawkes 1956 - See Bulbophyllum scaberulum (Rolfe) Bolus 1889
Bulbophyllum sundaicum J.J.Verm. & Schuit. 2008 - See Bulbophyllum depressum King & Pantl. 1897
SECTION Ione [Lindley] J J Verm Schuit & de Vogel 2014
~Bulbophyllum supervacaneum Kraenzl. 1929 - See Bulbophyllum odoratum (Blume) Lindl. 1830
SECTION Cirrhopetaloides Garay, Hamer & Siegerist 1994
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933
~Bulbophyllum syllectum Kraenzl. 1921 - See Bulbophyllum laxiflorum [Bl.] Lindl. 1830
~Bulbophyllum systenochilum J.J.Verm. 1993 - See Bulbophyllum algidum Ridl. 1916
~Bulbophyllum tacitum Carr 1935 - See Bulbophyllum trifolium Ridl. 1897
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
SECTION Rhinanthera J J Verm, Schuit. & de Vogel 2014
~Bulbophyllum taichungianum S.S.Ying 1978 - See Bulbophyllum albociliatum (Tang S.Liu & H.Y.Su) K.Nakaj 1973
~Bulbophyllum taitungianum S.S.Ying 1990 - See Bulbophyllum setaceum T.P. Lin 1975
SECTION Cirrhopetaloides Garay, Hamer & Siegerist 1994
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933
~Bulbophyllum talbotii Rendle 1913 - See Bulbophyllum macphersonii Rupp 1934
~Bulbophyllum tanegasimense Masasum. 1968 - See - See Bulbophyllum macraei (Lindl.) Rchb. f. 1861
SECTION Pelma [Finet] Schlechter 1913
SECTION Pedilochilus [Schlechter] J J Verm & O'Byrne 2011
~Bulbophyllum tapirus J.J.Sm. 1928 - See Bulbophyllum longistelidium Ridl. 1924
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f.
SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897
~*Bulbophyllum taylori F. Meuller 1874 - See Cadetia taylori [F. Mueller]Schlechter 1912
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum tectipetalum var. longisepalum J.J.Sm. 1929 - See Bulbophyllum tectipetalum J.J.Sm. 1929
~Bulbophyllum tectipetalum var. maximum J.J.Sm. 1929 - See Bulbophyllum tectipetalum J.J.Sm. 1929
SECTION Xiphizusa Rchb.f. 1852
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
SECTION Pedilochilus [Schlechter] J J Verm & O'Byrne 2011
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
~Bulbophyllum tenasserimense J.J. Sm. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum purpurascens Teijsm & Binn 1862
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
~Bulbophyllum tenerum Ridl. 1898 - See Bulbophyllum planibulbe (Ridl.) Ridl.1907
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933
~Bulbophyllum tenompokense J.J.Sm.1934 - See Bulbophyllum ceratostylis J.J.Sm.1904
SECTION Ephippium Schlechter 1913
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
~Bulbophyllum tentaculigerum Rchb.f. 1878 - See Bulbophyllum sandersonii (Hook.f.) Rchb.f. 1878
SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883
~Bulbophyllum tenuicaule Lindl. 1861 - See Bulbophyllum cochleatum Lindl. 1862
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
TYPE for the section
SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum teresense Ruschi 1946 - See Bulbophyllum meridense Rchb.f.1850
SECTION Oreonastes G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep
SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897
~Bulbophyllum ternatense J.J.Sm. 1932 - See Bulbophyllum infundibuliforme J.J. Sm. 1830-4
SECTION Pedilochilus [Schlechter] J J Verm & O'Byrne 2011
SECTION Lupulina G A Fischer in prep
SECTION Brachypus Schlechter 1913
~Bulbophyllum teysmannii J.J.Sm. 1905 - See Bulbophyllum clandestinum Lindl. 1841
~Bulbophyllum thailandicum Seidenf. & Smitin. 1965 - See Bulbophyllum thaiorum J.J.Smith 1912
SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Sestochilus [Breda]Benth & Hkr.f 1883
SECTION Pedilochilus [Schlechter] J J Verm & O'Byrne 2011
~Bulbophyllum theiochlamys Schltr. 1924 - See Bulbophyllum bicoloratum Schltr. 1924
SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883
SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913
SECTION Lepanthanthe Schlechter 1913
SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897
SECTION Plumata J J Verm, Schuit, & De Vogel 2014
~Bulbophyllum thomense Summerh. 1937 - See Bulbophyllum cochleatum Lindl. 1862
~Bulbophyllum thompsonii Ridley 1885 - See Bulbophyllum incurvum Thouars 1822
~Bulbophyllum thomsonii J.J. Sm 1912 - See Bulbophyllum fischeri Seidenf. 1973 publ. 1974
~Bulbophyllum thouarsii Steud. 1840 - See Bulbophyllum gracile Thouars 1822
SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897
SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897
SECTION Cirrhopetaloides Garay, Hamer & Siegerist 1994
SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994
~Bulbophyllum tiagii A.S.Chauhan 1984 - See Bulbophyllum pteroglossum Schltr. 1919
SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum tibeticum Rolfe 1913 - See Bulbophyllum umbellatum Lindley 1830
SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861 SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f.
~Bulbophyllum tinea Ridl. 1909 - See Bulbophyllum ovalifolium [Bl] Lindl. 1830
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. ~Bulbophyllum tingabarinum Garay, Hamer & Siegrist 1994 - See Bulbophyllum pecten-veneris (Gagnep.) Seidenf. 1974
~Bulbophyllum tingabarinum f. flavum O.Gruss 2006 - See Bulbophyllum pecten-veneris (Gagnep.) Seidenf. 1974
SECTION Biseta J.J.Verm. ex N.Pearce , P.J.Cribb & Renz 2001 SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994 SECTION Pantoblepharon Schlechter 1925 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008 SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925 ~Bulbophyllum tokioi f. alboviride Fukuy. 1938 - See Bulbophyllum tokioi Fukuy. 1935
SECTION Sestochilos [Breda] Benth & Hook.f. 1883 SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994 SECTION Lepanthanthe Schlechter 1913 ~*Bulbophyllum toressae F.M. Bailey 1889 - See Dockrillia toressae (F.M.Bailey) Brieger 1981
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum tortisepalum Guillaumin 1954 - See Bulbophyllum umbellatum Lindley 1830
SECTION Sestochilos [Breda] Benth & Hook.f. 1883 SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
TYPE for the section SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
~Bulbophyllum touranense Gagnep. 1931 - See Bulbophyllum skeatianum Ridl. 1915
SECTION Hyalosema Schlechter 1911 SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Lepanthanthe Schlechter 1913 SECTION Leopardinae Bentham 1883
SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindl. 1862 SECTION Plumata ~Bulbophyllum triandrum Schltr.1913 - See Bulbophyllum dischidiifolium J.J.Sm. 1909
SECTION Peltopus Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum triaristellum Kraenzelin & Schlechter 1908 - See Bulbophyllum intertextum Lindl. 1862
SECTION Hyalosema Schlechter 1911 SECTION Minutissima Pfitzer 1888
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 ~Bulbophyllum trichoglottis Ridl. 1909 - See Bulbophyllum hirtulum Ridl. 1900
~Bulbophyllum trichoglottis var. sumatranum J.J.Sm. 1920 - See Bulbophyllum hirtulum Ridl. 1900
~Bulbophyllum trichopus Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum laxum Schltr. 1905
SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883 SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883 SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr 1883 SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr 1883
SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr 1883 ~Bulbophyllum tridentatum Rolfe 1907 - See Bulbophyllum tristelidium W.Kittr. 1984 publ. 1985
SECTION Lupulina G A Fischer in prep SECTION Macrouris Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum trifilum subsp. filisepalum (J.J.Sm.) J.J.Verm. 2002 - See Bulbophyllum trifilum J.J.Sm. 1908
~Bulbophyllum trifilum subsp. trifilum - See Bulbophyllum trifilum J.J.Sm. 1908
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
SECTION Schistopetalum Schlechter 1913 SECTION Saurocephalum J J Verm 2014
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Lepidorhiza Schlechter 1911 SECTION Bulbophyllum G A Fischer & J J Vermeullen in prep ~Bulbophyllum trilobum Schltr. 1910 - See Bulbophyllum newportii Rolfe 1909
SECTION Cirrhopetaloides Garay, Hamer & Siegerist 1994 SECTION Minutissima Pfitzer 1888 ~Bulbophyllum tripetaloides (Roxb.) Schltr. 1914 - See Bulbophyllum auricomum Lindl. 1830
SECTION Didactyle [Lindley] Cogn. 1902
~Bulbophyllum tripudians var. pumilum Seidenf. & Smitinand 1965 - See Bulbophyllum khaoyaiense Seidenf. 1970
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. ~Bulbophyllum trisetorum Griff 1851 - See Bulbophyllum clandestinum Lindl. 1841
~Bulbophyllum trisetum Ames 1912 - See Bulbophyllum longiflorum Thouars 1822
Bulbophyllum triste (Rolfe) Schltr. 1904 - See Bulbophyllum imbricatum Lindl. 1841
SECTION Lepidorhiza Schlechter 1911 SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994 ~Bulbophyllum triurum Kraenzl. 1904 - See Bulbophyllum biflorum Teijsm. & Binn. 1854
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr.f 1883
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum truncatisepalum J.J.Sm. 1928 - See Bulbophyllum orbiculare J.J.Sm. 1912
SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896 SECTION Sestochilos [Breda] Benth & Hook.f. 1883 SECTION Brachypus Schlechter 1913? [tentatively put here along with B gunteri, P pterodon and B brachygnonmon as these straddle the boundary of this section and section Polymeres] SECTION Monanthaparva Ridl. 1896 SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861 ~Bulbophyllum tsinjoarivense H.Perrier 1937 - See Bulbophyllum nutans (Thouars) Thouars 1822
SECTION Adelopetalum [Fitz] J.J. Verm. 1993 SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994 SECTION Brachypus Schlechter 1913 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Brachypus Schlechter 1913 SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925
SECTION Rhinanthera J J Verm, Schuit. & de Vogel 2014
~ Bulbophyllum tylophorum Schltr. 1911 - See Bulbophyllum odoratum (Blume) Lindl. 1830
~Bulbophyllum uduense Schltr.1913 - See Bulbophyllum cylindrobulbum Schltr. 1905
~Bulbophyllum ugandae (Rolfe) De Wild. 1921 - See Bulbophyllum falcatum [Lindley]Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Micranthae Barb Rodr. 1882
~Bulbophyllum ulcerosum J.J.Sm. 1910 - See Bulbophyllum tortuosum (Blume) Lindl. 1830
~Bulbophyllum umbellatum J.J.Sm. 1905 - See Bulbophyllum longiflorum Thouars 1822
SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861 TYPE for the section ~Bulbophyllum umbonatum Kraenzl. 1916 - See Bulbophyllum apodum Hook.f 1890
~Bulbophyllum umbraticola Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum samoanum Schltr. 1911
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994 SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008 SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883 SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
~Bulbophyllum unicaudatum var. xanthosphaerum Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum unicaudatum Schltr.1913
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
~Bulbophyllum uniflorum Griff. 1851 - See Bulbophyllum pteroglossum Schltr. 1919
~Bulbophyllum uniflorum var. rubrum [Ridley] Carr 1932 - See Bulbophyllum variabile Ridl 1903
~Bulbophyllum uniflorum var. variabile (Ridl.) Carr 1932 - See Bulbophyllum variabile Ridl 1903
SECTION Oreonastes G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep ~Bulbophyllum unifoliatum subsp. flectens (P.J.Cribb & P.Taylor) J.J.Verm. 1987 - See Bulbophyllum unifoliatum De Wild. 1921
~Bulbophyllum unifoliatum subsp. infracarinatum (G.Will.}j.j.Verm. 1987 - See Bulbophyllum unifoliatum De Wild. 1921
~Bulbophyllum unigibbum J.J.Sm. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum xanthochlamys Schltr. 1913
SECTION Hyalosema Schlechter 1911 SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. ~Bulbophyllum urainse Hayata 1914 - See Bulbophyllum macraei (Lindl.) Rchb. f. 1861
~Bulbophyllum urbanianum Kraenzl. 1899 - See Bulbophyllum lupulinum Lindl. 1862
SECTION Inversiflora G A Fischer & P J Cribb
SECTION Ephippium Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum usambarae Kraenzl. 1904 - See Bulbophyllum intertextum Lindl. 1862
SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
SECTION Saurocephalum J J Verm 2014 SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum vagans var. angustum Ames 1907 - See Bulbophyllum vagans Ames & Rolfe 1907
SECTION Ephippium Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum vaginulosum Carr 1930 - See Bulbophyllum apodum Hook.f. 1890
SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum vanessa King & Pantl. 1897 - See Bulbophyllum macrochilum Rolfe Feb. 1896
~Bulbophyllum vanoverberghii Ames 1912 - See Bulbophyllum dasypetalum Rolfe ex Ames 1905
SECTION Pedilochilus [Schlechter] J J Verm & O'Byrne 2011 SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindl. 1862 SECTION Lepidorhiza Schlechter 1911 SECTION Xiphizusa Rchb.f. 1852 SECTION Sestochilos [Breda] Benth & Hook.f. 1883 SECTION Brachypus Schlechter 1913
~Bulbophyllum variifolium Schltr. 1924 - See Bulbophyllum nutans (Thouars) Thouars 1822
~Bulbophyllum vaughanii Brade 1951 - See Bulbophyllum warmingianum Cogn. 1902
SECTION Sestochilos [Breda] Bentham & Hkr. 1883 SECTION Lepidorhiza Schlechter 1911 ~Bulbophyllum velutinum (Lindl.) Rchb.f. 1861 - See Bulbophyllum falcatum [Lindley]Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Ephippium Schlechter 1913 ~Bulbophyllum venustum Ames & C.Schweinf. 1920 - See Bulbophyllum coriaceum Ridl. ex Stapf 1894
SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925
~Bulbophyllum verecundum Summerh. 1953 publ. 1954 - See Bulbophyllum pumilum (Sw.) Lindl. 1830
SECTION Stachysanthes (Bl.) J.J. Verm. & P. O’Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum verrucibracteum J.J.Sm. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum bulliferum J.J.Sm. 1908
SECTION Intervallatae Ridley 1897 Bulbophyllum verruciferum var. carinatisepalum Schltr. 1913 - See Bulbophyllum verruciferum Schltr. 1913
~Bulbophyllum verrucirhachis Schltr 1913 - See Bulbophyllum orbiculare J.J.Sm. 1912
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Brachypus Schlechter 1913 SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. SECTION Macrocaulia (Bl.) Aver 1994 SECTION Pachychlamys Schlechter 1924 ~Bulbophyllum vestitum var. meridionale Bosser 1971 - See Bulbophyllum vestitum Bosser 1971
SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883 ~Bulbophyllum vidalii Tixier 1966 - See Bulbophyllum apodum Hook.f. 1890
SECTION Eublepharon J J Verm., Schuit. & de Vogel 2014
SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889
SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883 ~Bulbophyllum vinculibulbum Ames & C. Schweinf. 1920 - See Bulbophyllum montense Ridl. 1894
~Bulbophyllum vinosum Schltr. 1918 - See Bulbophyllum oerstedii (Rchb.f.) Hemsl. 1884
SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum violaceum (Blume) Rchb.f. 1861 - See Bulbophyllum cochlia Garay, Hamer & Siegerist 1994
~Bulbophyllum virescens J.J. Sm. 1900 - See Bulbophyllum ericssonii Kraenzl. 1893
~Bulbophyllum viride Rolfe 1893 - See Bulbophyllum intertextum Lindl. 1862
~Bulbophyllum viridiflorum Hayata 1912 - See Bulbophyllum transarisanensis Hayata 1916
~Bulbophyllum viscidum J.J. Sm. 1920 - See Bulbophyllum lepidum [Bl.]J.J.Sm. 1825
~Bulbophyllum vitiense Rolfe 1893 - See Bulbophyllum cocoinum Bateman ex Lindl. 1837
~Bulbophyllum vittatum Rchb.f. & Warm. 1881 - See Bulbophyllum warmingianum Cogn. 1902
~Bulbophyllum volkensii Schltr. 1914 - See Bulbophyllum clandestinum Lindl. 1841
SECTION Ptiloglossum Lindl. 1862 SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925
SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883 SECTION Beccariana Pfitz. 1889 ~Bulbophyllum wallichii (Lindl.) Merr. & F.P.Metcalf 1945 - See Bulbophyllum muscicola Rchb.f. 1872
SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr 1883 SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Didactyle [Lindley] Cogn. 1902
~Bulbophyllum watsonianum Rchb.f 1888 - See Bulbophyllum ambrosia [Hance] Schlechter 1919
~Bulbophyllum waughense Rupp 1951 - See Bulbophyllum bowkettiae F.M.Bailey1884
SECTION Didactyle [Lindley] Cogn. 1902
~Bulbophyllum weberbauerianum var. angustius C.Schweinf. 1944 - See Bulbophyllum weberbauerianum Kraenzl. 1905
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861 SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Xiphizusa Rchb.f. 1852 SECTION Adelopetalum [Fitz] J.J. Verm. 1993 ~Bulbophyllum weinthalii subsp. striatum D.L.Jones 2001 - See Bulbophyllum weinthalii Rogers 1933
SECTION Cirrhopetaloides Garay, Hamer & Siegerist 1994 SECTION Sestochilos [Breda] Benth & Hook.f. 1883 ~Bulbophyllum whiteanum (Rolfe) J.J. Sm. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum vaginatum [Lindley]Rchb.f 1861
~Bulbophyllum whitei P.F. Hunt & Rupp 1950 - See Bulbophyllum johnsonii P.F.Hunt 1950
~Bulbophyllum whitfordii Rolfe 1905 - See Bulbophyllum cheiri Lindl. 1844
SECTION Cirrhopetaloides Garay, Hamer & Siegerist 1994 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum winckelii J.J.Sm. 1918 - See Bulbophyllum hamatipes J.J. Sm. 1918
SECTION Oxysepala Bentham & J D Hook.f. 1883
~Bulbophyllum winkleri Schltr. 1906 - See Bulbophyllum pumilum (Sw.) Lindl. 1830
~Bulbophyllum winkleri Schltr. 1914 - See Bulbophyllum josephi (Kuntze) Summerh. 1945
SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Brachypus Schlechter 1913 SECTION Rhinanthera J J Verm, Schuit. & de Vogel 2014 TYPE for the section ~Bulbophyllum wrightii Summerh 1962 - See Bulbophyllum tetragonum Lindl. 1830
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Ploiarium Schlechter 1925
SECTION Pelma [Finet] Schlechter 1913 SECTION Ione [Lindley] J J Verm Schuit & de Vogel 2014 ~Bulbophyllum xanthoglossum Schltr. 1906 - See Bulbophyllum schimperianum Kraenzl., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 33: 71 (1902
SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f.
SECTION Codonosiphon Schlechter 1913 SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Monanthes [Bl] Avery. 1994
SECTION Racemosae Benth & Hkr 1883 SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
~Bulbophyllum xylocarpi J.J.Sm. 1927 - See Bulbophyllum ovalifolium [Bl] Lindl. 1830
SECTION Brachystachyae Benth. & Hook. f. 1883
SECTION Sestochilos [Breda] Benth & Hook.f. 1883 ~Bulbophyllum yangambiense Louis & Mullend. ex Geerinck 1976 - See Bulbophyllum pumilum (Sw.) Lindl. 1830
SECTION Desmosanthes [Bl.] J.J. Sm. 1933
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindley] Rchb.f 1861
SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861 ~Bulbophyllum yoksunense var. geei (Rao & N.P.Balakr.) Bennet 1983 - See Bulbophyllum emarginatum (Finet) J.J.Sm.1912
~ Bulbophyllum yoksunense var. parviflorum (Rao & N.P.Balakr.) Bennet 1983 - See Bulbophyllum yoksunense J.J.Sm.1912
~Bulbophyllum youngsayeanum S.Y. Hu & Barretto 1976 - See Bulbophyllum stenobulbon Parish & Rchb. f. 1916
~Bulbophyllum yuanyangense Z.H.Tsi 1995 - See Bulbophyllum eublepharum Rchb.f. 1861
SECTION Brachypus Schlechter 1913 SECTION Leopardinae Bentham 1883 ROTTING SECTION Cirrhopetaloides Garay, Hamer & Siegerist 1994 SECTION Cirrhopetalum [Lindl.] Rchb.f 1861 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008 ~Bulbophyllum zenkerianum Kraenzl. 1912 - See Bulbophyllum oreonastes Rchb.f. 1881
~Bulbophyllum zobiaense De Wild. 1916 - See Bulbophyllum scaberulum (Rolfe) Bolus 1889
SECTION Pedilochilus [Schlechter] J J Verm & O'Byrne 2011 SECTION Polymeres Verm & O'Byrne 2008
and again
and Again
`Bulleyia Schltr. 1912 SUBFAMILY Epidendroideae, TRIBE Podochileae, SUBTRIBE Coelogyninae.
This is a monotypic genus confined to the Himalayas and is closely related to Pholidota but Bulleyia differs in having a spur at the base of the lip. Characterized by the pseudobulbs of a single internode carrying 2, apical leaves and blooms on a terminal, zigzag, simple, few to many flowered inflorescence carrying medium szied flowers that do not open well with subsimilar sepals, a simple, deeply constricted centrally lip witha porrect, curved in, cylindric spur. There are 4 waxy, ovoid, oblique, compressed, pollina without appendages.
Common Name or Meaning Bulley's Orchid [English nurseryman and patron of plant collectors late 1800's/early 1900's]
Type Species = ! = Bulleyia yunnanensis Schltr. 1912
~Bunochilus D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. 2002 - See Pterostylis R. Brown 1810 SUBFAMILY Orchidoideae, TRIBE Cranichideae SUBTRIBE Pterostylidinae
~Bunochilus chlorogrammus (D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem.) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. 2002 - See Pterostylis chlorogramma D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. 1993
~*Bunochilus chocolatinus D.L.Jones 2006 - See Pterostylis chocolatina (D.L.Jones) G.N.Backh. 2010
~*Bunochilus crassus D.L.Jones 2006 - See Pterostylis crassa (D.L.Jones) G.N.Backh. 2007
~*Bunochilus diminutus D.L.Jones 2006 - See Pterostylis diminuta ( D.L.Jones ) G.N.Backh. 2007
~*Bunochilus flavovirens D.L.Jones 2006 - See Pterostylis flavovirens (D.L.Jones) R.J.Bates 2008
~*Bunochilus lineatus D.L.Jones 2006 - See Pterostylis lineata (D.L.Jones) G.N.Backh. 2010
~*Bunochilus littoralis D.L.Jones 2006 - See Pterostylis littoralis (D.L.Jones) R.J.Bates 2008
~*Bunochilus loganii D.L.Jones 2006 - See Pterostylis loganii (D.L.Jones) G.N.Backh. 2007
~Bunochilus longifolius (R.Br.) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. 2002 - See Pterostylis longifolia R.Br. 1810
~*Bunochilus macilentus D.L.Jones 2006 - See Pterostylis macilenta ( D.L.Jones ) G.N.Backh. 2007
~*Bunochilus macrosepalus D.L.Jones 2006 - See Pterostylis macrosepala (D.L.Jones) G.N.Backh. 2010
~*Bunochilus major D.L.Jones 2006 - See Pterostylis major (D.L.Jones) G.N.Backh. 2010
~Bunochilus melagrammus ( D.L.Jones ) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. 2002 - See Pterostylis melagramma D.L.Jones 1998
~*Bunochilus montanus D.L.Jones 2006 - See Pterostylis jonesii G.N.Backh. 2007
~*Bunochilus parcus D.L.Jones 2006 - See Pterostylis parca (D.L.Jones) G.N.Backh. 2010
~*Bunochilus prasinus D.L.Jones 2006 - See Pterostylis prasina (D.L.Jones) G.N.Backh. 2007
~Bunochilus smaragdynus ( D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. ) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. 2002 - See Pterostylis smaragdyna D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. 1993
~Bunochilus stenochilus (D.L.Jones) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. 2002 - See Pterostylis stenochila D.L.Jones 1998
~*Bunochilus stenosepalus D.L.Jones 2006 - See Pterostylis stenosepala (D.L.Jones) G.N.Backh. 2010
~*Bunochilus tenuis D.L.Jones 2006 - See Pterostylis tenuis (D.L.Jones) G.N.Backh. 2010
~Bunochilus tunstallii (D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem.) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. 2002 - See Pterostylis tunstallii D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. 1989
~*Bunochilus umbrinus D.L.Jones 2006 - See Pterostylis umbrina (D.L.Jones) G.N.Backh. 2010
~*Bunochilus viriosus D.L.Jones 2006 - See Pterostylis viriosa (D.L.Jones) R.J.Bates 2008
~*Bunochilus vitreus D.L.Jones 2006 - See Pterostylis vitrea (D.L.Jones) Bostock 2008
~Bunochilus williamsonii (D.L.Jones) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. 2002 - See Pterostylis williamsonii D.L.Jones 1998
~Burlingtonia Lindley 1837 - See Rodriguezia R & P 1794 SUBFAMILY Epidendroideae, TRIBE Cymbidieae SUBTRIBE Oncidiinae
This genus has been thrown out and it's members moved to Rodriguezia.
~Burlingtonia amoena Planch. 1852 - See Rodriguezia decora (Lem.) Rchb. f. 1852
~Burlingtonia batemani Linden 1881 - See Rodriguezia batemanii Poepp. & Endl. 1836
~Burlingtonia batemannii [Poepp. & Endl.] Cogn. 1904 - See Rodriguezia batemanii Poepp. & Endl. 1836
~*Burlingtonia candida Lindl. 1837 - See Rodriguezia candida Bateman ex Lindl. 1837
~Burlingtonia carnea Lindl. ex Linden 1881 - See Rodriguezia carnea Lindl. 1843
~Burlingtonia decora Lem. 1852 - See Rodriguezia decora (Lem.) Rchb. f. 1852
~Burlingtonia farmeri B.S.Williams 1894 - See Rodriguezia candida Bateman ex Lindl. 1837
~Burlingtonia fragrans Lindl. 1837 - See Rodriguezia venusta Rchb. f. 1852
~*Burlingtonia granadensis Lindl. 1846 - See Rodriguezia granadensis (Lindl.) Rchb. f. 1852
~Burlingtonia knowlesii B.S.Williams 1894 - See Rodriguezia venusta Rchb. f. 1852
~Burlingtonia leeana (Rchb. f.) B.S. Williams 1894 - See Rodriguezia leeana Rchb. f. 1883
~Burlingtonia maculata Lindl. 1839 - See Leochilus oncidioides Knowles & Westc. 1838
~Burlingtonia maculata Lindl. 1839 - See Rodriguezia sticta M.W.Chase 1987
~Burlingtonia negrensis Barb. Rodr. 1891 - See Rodriguezia batemanii Poepp. & Endl. 1836
~*Burlingtonia obtusifolia Lindl. 1840 - See Rodriguezia obtusifolia (Lindl.) Rchb. f. 1952
~ Burlingtonia perpusilla Kraenzl. 1903 - See Capanemia carinata Barb.Rodr. 1882
~Rodriguezia pubescens (Lindl.) Rchb.f.1852 - See Rodriguezia pubescens (Lindl.) Rchb.f.1852
~*Burlingtonia refracta Lindl. 1853 - See Rodriguezia refracta (Lindl.) Rchb. f. 1853
~*Burlingtonia rigida Lindl. 1837 - See Rodriguezia rigida (Lindl.) Rchb.f. 1852
~Burlingtonia rosea hort. ex Rand 1894 - See Rodriguezia lanceolata Ruiz and Pavon 1798
~Burlingtonia rubescens Lindley 1837 - See Rodriguezia batemanii Poepp. & Endl. 1836
~Burlingtonia venusta (Rchb. f.) Lindl. 1858 - See Rodriguezia venusta Rchb. f. 1852
`Burnettia Lindl. 1840 SUBFAMILY Orchidoideae, TRIBE Diurideae, SUBTRIBE Thelymitrinae
This is a monotypic, mycoheterotrophic, leafless when flowering, single flowered terrestrial genus found in Australia and Tasmania where blooming is induced by fires.
Common Name or Meaning Burnett's Orchid
Type Species = ! = Burnettia cuneata Lindl. 1840
~`Burnsbaloghia Szlach. 1991 publ. 1992 - See Deiregyne Schlechter 1920 SUBFAMILY Orchidoideae, TRIBE Cranichideae SUBTRIBE Spiranthinae
~Burnsbaloghia diaphana (Lindl.) Szlach. 1991 publ. 1992 - See Deiregyne diaphana (Lindl.) Garay 1980 publ 1982
~Byrsella Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia Ruiz and Pavon 1794 SUBFAMILY Epidendroideae, TRIBE Epidendreae, SUBTRIBE Pleurothallidinae
~Byrsella angulata (Rchb.f.) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia angulata Rchb.f 1878
~Byrsella anomala (Luer & Sijm) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia anomala Luer & Sijm 2003
~Byrsella atahualpa (Luer) Luer2006 - See Masdevallia atahualpa Luer 1982
~Byrsella belua (Königer & D'Aless.) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia belua Königer & D'Aless. 1993
~Byrsella bonplandii (Rchb.f.) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia bonplandi Reichb.f 1855
~Byrsella bourdetteana (Luer) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia bourdetteana Luer 1994
~Byrsella cacodes (Luer & R.Escobar) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia cacodes Luer & R.Escobar 1982
~Byrsella caesia (Roezl) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia caesia Roezl 1881
~Byrsella campyloglossa (Rchb.f.) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia campyloglossa Rchb. f. 1878
~Byrsella civilis (Rchb.f. & Warsz.) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia civilis Rchb. f. & Warsz. 1854
~Byrsella colossus (Luer) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia colossus Luer 1978
~Byrsella coriacea (Lindl.) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia coriacea Lindl. 1845
~Byrsella elephanticeps (Rchb.f. & Warsz.) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia elephanticeps Rchb.f. & Warsz. 1854
~Byrsella foetens (Luer & R.Escobar) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia foetens Luer & R. Escobar 1979
~Byrsella fractiflexa (Lehm. & Kraenzl.) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia fractiflexa F. Lehm. & Kraenzl. 1894
~Byrsella fragrans (Woolward) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia fragrans Woodward 1893
~Byrsella gargantua (Rchb.f.) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia gargantua Rchb.f. 1876
~Byrsella hylodes (Luer & R.Escobar) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia hylodes Luer & R.Escobar 1979
~Byrsella hystrix (Luer & Hirtz) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia hystrix Luer & Hirtz 1986
~Byrsella lappifera (Luer & Hirtz) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia lappifera Luer & Hirtz 2002
~Byrsella leontoglossa (Rchb.f.) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia leontoglossa Rchb.f. 1855
~Byrsella lilianae (Luer) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia lilianae Luer 1991
~Byrsella macroglossa (Rchb.f.) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia macroglossa Rchb.f. 1878
~Byrsella maloi (Luer) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia maloi Luer 1978
~Byrsella misasii (Braas) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia misasii Braas 1982
~Byrsella mooreana (Rchb.f.) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia mooreana Rchb.f. 1884
~Byrsella murex (Luer) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia murex Luer 1982
~Byrsella oscarii (Luer & R.Escobar) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia oscarii Luer & R.Escobar 1979
~Byrsella pachyantha (Rchb.f.) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia pachyantha Rchb. f. 1884
~Byrsella pachysepala (Rchb.f.) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia pachysepala (Rchb.f.) Luer 1994
~Byrsella pardina (Rchb.f.) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia pardina Rchb.f.1878
~Byrsella peristeria (Rchb.f.) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia peristeria Rchb.f. 1874
~Byrsella picea (Luer) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia picea Luer 1979
~Byrsella platyglossa (Rchb.f.) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia platyglossa Rchb.f. 1882
~Byrsella rigens (Luer) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia rigens Luer 1979
~Byrsella sanctae-rosae (Kraenzl.) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia sanctae-rosae Kraenzl. 1925
~Byrsella semiteres (Luer & R.Escobar) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia semiteres Luer & R.Escobar 1979
~Byrsella spilantha (Königer) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia spilantha Königer 1985
~Byrsella sumapazensis (P.Ortiz) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia sumapazensis P.Ortiz 1981
~Byrsella torta (Rchb.f.) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia torta Rchb.f. 1883
~Byrsella velella (Luer) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia velella Luer 2002
~Byrsella velifera (Rchb.f.) Luer 2006 - See Masdevallia velifera Rchb.f 1874
If you have questions as to the taxonomy of these species please e-mail me with thoughts,synonyms or criticisms.
Jay PfahlBelow are other orchid sites that I find useful.
Orchid Mall A great site to link up to other orchid sites, includes vendors, societies, and book sites.
Orchid Discussion List's A list of links to orchid related newsgroups, online discussion groups, and mailing listsThe Stanhopea Page A list of all the Stanhopea species and photos of many of the species.